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World Diabetes or collapse of climate change infrastructures
Diabetes is good comparison for gow climate change influence their life, also because the collapse of the infrastructures of climate balances, mosr probably allready there, is a personal sickness for each and everyon. If the result is a dead ocean not producing oxygen, - we all needs to breathe. The extinction of a persons's family is a risk from what we now know. Usually one died when hit by diabetes, but then insulin was made available, but still one must relate to diabetes in daily routines, what one eats, how one do excercise etc. and all the time in order to try staying healthy and becomming without the sickness, just as with climate change we have to adapt to it in everything we do, and the climate fund opportunity represents the insulin. A cooler world by cooling world ocean by the climate change straegy, may easy the imbalance and give us time, as it is the cooling ocean and all the ice, keeping meassured temperature down, while the thermostate of greenhouse gass accumulation, represents higher temperatures, higher sea level, say 30m allready andthe acctual destruction of mother nature infrastructures. This is the most likely and do not need to be verified by science, if a plain before takeoff shows sign of not being ok, with risks of falling down, the scientific or expert verification must state that the plane is ok. No sucj verification exist, but the try to give a false verification talking about one - two degrees C pluss, as something to avoid, while it most certanly is much hotter allready by common sense and mastery of the art of deductional reasoning, everyone can see that the false proofs are terrorism against humanity, risking what is not acceptable. We suggest stop adding CO2 imbalances and removing 90% of the perhaps 500 billion ton CO2 allready accumulated by producing forest, farming and utilizing algea growth, as well as pgysically removing CO2. Accumulation during many decades, think how many cars every day and so fort and see a lot must be done. removing CO2, plastic, pollution etc.
It is a great joy hoewever by the plan to build 100 000 to 8 million huge climateships, one may accomplish both cooling the ocean also by producing clouds and rain and at the same time produce all the energy the world needs by the most inexpensive technology. However, to save time, we suggest all countries accept to order energy only from climateships, the world allready have collapsed, we are happy if we can restore balance and integrity of mother nature, directly conected to your personal integrity.  Carbon footprint, that an action results in pollution of CO2 is important to adjust to and spending money by world economy, probably result in footprints also as the profit of your spending is used again and again. Integrated growth and for food standard naturally try to start producing and find and register what products is bad to bay, acctually Global Bank even have a currency, the green currency only possible to spend on environmental friendly products or service without pollution.  Diabetes means adjustment to eating less sugger and sugger in world diabetes problem is non vegan food, anything transportet giving a lot of pollution, Being aware of the problem and knowing how to adjust is not enough, one must join in our common world and climate defence also to realize the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity as a safety net, making societies selfsufficient as first goal, later by a free vegan meal to all, food from arounf the world transported without pollution, as by flying cubes of climateships.
Statistic of poverty may be related to killing animals for food or anyhow is a shame, practically not needed, and those to areas of violence may be the reason for 3 world wars now with collapse of the infrastructure s of mother nature we depend on. Vegan food by statistic and more practical values are seen as important by statistic of CO2, metan and more too. Also here when 50 000 children or something is dying every day due to poverty, spending money on luxery seems like a shame, yes as taking the risk of collapse of the whole world , spending on not needed things may be said to be terrorism against humanity.
Our approach is to remove the shame and make a list of more sage products to use and to produce integrated growth by the common interest of all or to remove world diabetes in order to be able to enjoy a healthy life and healthy food, too. So reasoning as Sherlock Holmes comes to real crimes and it affects your health when you violate the laws of nature.
Somehow this seems to be well understood as hollywood movies most popular once tells about  how you pay for fishing, by the action and terror of the story. It is religion of course, those not vegetarians must pay in hell, however becomming a vegetarian and inspiring others to do the same, may pay the depth, says an expert for 5000 years ago. Jews by religion allowed some meat eating and known from the violation of Jesus, met a vegetarian, Hitler in the history well known. But we are not dealing with religion, even though we do not want to take the risks o violance so clearly experienced wrong, but comming to world diabetes it is the climatehealth of the world and your personal health we consider, what must be done not to be a criminal by deductinal reasoning as Holmes is known for, or Sir Arthur connan Doyle.
In all cases probably it directly effects your personal health as well, violation and statistic of how early people is dying i probably related to collectiv depth here, if you are not staying out, not participating in the crime.
As CO2 accumulation is  part of the problem, we point this out as one of the most important sides of the world diabetes problem and all steps of action suggested makes sense from many pints of view and should be done anyhow in order to realize the infrastructure of world peace and Global integrity.
3-9-27... everyone inspire 3 others within an hour to reach around the world within a week, 3 in own family or close well known friends as the Climate Change Consultation CCC,.
You may save the world by joining in and follow up by advanced consultations with questions of our global voice of conscience by World Constitution of Global Integrity and non political world democracy by our common world and climate defence founded by Rajan Anandam, founder of Universitas Enterprise uphold in 40 years with developments of all the aspects of the minimum which  must be done to ensure our common best interests is realized or the collapse of the world allready there, more like chess mate in few moves unless... 2 hours a day  universal cooperation or even for some times full time studies, worlk, celebrations, cruises etc. as all sides of life must be adapted to the diabetes situation.
How Germany and USA produced and met challenges of World War 2 tells about the mass production and systematic responce to WW#, World War Now, ungoing against the fundamentals of living. If our defence was realized as integrated in world society 10 or 20 years ago, the situation of fulfilment of world society and world economy could now have been enjoyed in stead of the risk of extinction of most families in the world.
We can defend all aspects of the above reasoning by pure logic and common sense, and welcomes the discussion by the consultation of 1-3-9...., but find it ekstremly important to inform all about the situation of armagedon, just as dinasours, human race may be extinct, knowing how all problems can accumulate in atomic wars as well
We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly, please be free to read the above to 3 others and inspire them to do the same, a subscription is important in order to avoid loss of momentum of the progress needed and please be free to share the expenditure of 108 NOK with up to aout 60, as 2 school classes. But decent organisation, not expecting anything else from those welcommed to cooperation is important and a list with everyones contribution and emailadress, should be administrated and made available for all in your team and to us, sending the newsletter by email to one, forwarding it to the others.
This is a practical approach by the resourches we  dispose today shared on more than 1008 projects. We shall be grateful to receive your donation or ordering of a newsletter, eSubscriptionfee 108 NOK and with + ordinary letters by the 4 quaterly newsletters around the first year + perhaps welcomming mail with last quaterly magazine including dvd book, fee NOK 1008.
General temperature is known to be + 1 degree Celsius against the normal balance by nature, without CO2 as greenhouse gas accumulated polution. But the general temperature in Norway is about 12 degrees higher than normal for geographical location, the ocean by the Gulf stream keeps temperaure abouve normal. Global warming may likewise be 12 degrees above normal by the thermosthat of the atmosphere, but meassured to be only 1, owing to the ocean and all the ice keeps meassured temperature down, it takes time to heat the 3000 m deep ocean and all the ice covering most of the plannet. It is therefore a crime to talk about perhaps we must expect 2 degrees +, not 1,5 as UN, governments and those interested to share the coruption. It simply is not true, by what known it is more likely 12+ allready, as all the scientists says climate change comes faster than expected, year after year, decade after decade, and we presented same warning in year 2000, the year Oxford scientist and experts says, the risks was allready known and action should have beeb taken, 20 years ago, not as UN says, we wait another 10 year. Our more than 20 years old risk analyze and strategy to combat the  ungoing world war, WW3, may be said to be scientifically prooven and perhaps the world ocean is 30m higher, too, it just take some time vefore the ice melt, but by extreme weather combinations it may happen fast, perhaps not in a week, but enough for world economy to collapse withing a frw months. Then how to rescue the world, everyone seeking just to take care of themself.  Do not be a desserter by not fulfilling you duty by our common world and climate defence, do not be a terrorist by taking the unacceptable risk og armagedon, not even a friend of own family.
Rajan Anandam, 7400 Trondheim, Norway
account  0532 1667 831, IBAN NO24 0532 1667 831 BIC (Swift adress) DNB ANOKKXXX
rajananandam1008@gmail.com ,
We shall be grateful to receive your application for a Newsletter by sending the newsletterfee to the above account by Anandam and then a mail referingf to the payment by the emailadress you have given together with name and adress by payment and amount the sent; eSubscription 4 quaterly reports around the year by mail; NOK 108 or ordinary which is the same but DVD books, posters and ordinary letters also sent quaterly 4- or 5 times; aSubscription fee NOK 1008. Please, be free to to add a donation sharing the expenditure of publications and or Universitas library, Times of Global Integrity.

I confess, I have been doing wrong as by plastic pollution and by the risk analyze of our common world and climate defence, Please, do the same, state your wrong doing and ask people to do the same, seeing that joining our common defence is a must. Tell what you did wrong and why, what wrong risk you did not see etc.
https://cosmic1008.webs.com/, velkommen til å å besøke denne siden

Ovenstående plakat kan gjengies i sin helhet uendret i mail, på hjemmesider, i aviser osv fritt.
Når vi foreslår å slutte skolen og delta i undervisning ved klimabiblioteket mm. så er dette som et utgangspunkt for frihet og uavhengighet og vi konkurerer ikke med familiers valg av skoler og utdanning, men tilbyr noe på toppen, som også kan være selvstendig om man er privatist eller team orientert ved studier. Valgfrihet er her akseptert, mens viktigere er det at barnas frihet er med på å bygge den grønne verdens transformasjonen i forsvar av alles framtid og vi innbyr alle til å bruke minst 2 timer på det daglig og bygge opp AS som kan samle en milliard i fulltidsarbeide verden rundt ved klimaskip og land utenfor nasjonale økonomier ellers. Det haster verden har alt kollapset, det tar tid å varme opp havet og all isen, så vi har fortsatt litt tid og denne kan forlenges med å avkjøle havet, faktisk om man med kontroll av rent intet politisk demokrati som eier 50% av alle klimaskip AS med inntekt til folk, samles om å overlate energiproduksjonen i verden til klimaskip, kan vi få folk nok til en milliard lønnede fulltidsjobber, dvs halve året til sjøs. Dette er riktig fordi det gjør at produksjonen samtidig avkjøler verdens havet og klimaskpene begynner å jobbe med CO2 problemet også, bl.a. ved å produsere både energi og rent vann med transport til land. Omfattende, klimafondets opplegg kan det skrives bøker om, her nevner vi at global oppvarming kan sies å være bra, fordi oppvarmingen kan taes ut i vann og energi og gi alle i verden et fritt vegan måltid og garantert minsteinntekt ved profit fra over 100 millioner nye AS er planen. Velkommen med og vi har ide at land, bedrifter og rike, kan nyte spesielt bra profitt potensiale på investeringer i oppstartsfasen, f.eks. har vi antydet at oljefondet kan dobbles.
World War 3, WWnoW is proclaimed, the terrorism against the possibilities for normal living, held ransom by such things as climate change and statistic of poverty, but as the infrastructures of mother nature related to climate change is allreaddy damaged, most possibly collaosed, so when UN and others does not nmeet the challenge or cooperating with the one and only comon climate and world defence, also world society may collaose, or have collaosed, just held up by the fct that the ocean, balances the change by cooling of the fact it takes time to heat the large world ocean and all the ice, but sudden changes may come fast, phase transition comes if one follow UNs false risk analyzes and fooling of the world with the idea that they acctually are doing something, what is done is an excuse, not do to what must be done.
UN Secretary in General on TV said that they have the technology by their ideas of the risk and action needed, but the governments they represents, would not follow them. But UN could have supported our common world defence and joined the solution, as no they not only by the governments they represent is the reason for the problem, they are the most important problems. In the eigthies I visited the UNs Secretary in General, my letter to him resulted in a letter from their secretariate for the International Year of pPeace, appreciating our efforts, which no is so well developed that the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity, if most people in the world joins in, may easily remove the problem, unfortunatedly if it is not to late, society is to much corrupted or a sudden change not possible to repair is comming, as next weeks a sealevel rise of 50 meter. Unforytuatedly perhaps even a wounder why no\t happened allready, by  mastery of deductional reasoning by the spirit of Sherlock Holmes and the balance of known facts of climate change. This we informed UN about when their conference was in Copenhagen, if they had used the meeting to consider this, the solution may have been realized the next 2-3 years. During the next 2-3 year both mother natures collapse may be manfisted, resulting in collpase of world economy and food production. Wars may start everywhere resulting in a nucluar holocaust etc. So the whole world considering the one and only common world and climate defence is important. So we told the primeminister of Norway to tell; In Norway Rajan Anandam have presented a risk analyze making the 2 degrees debate terrorism against humanity by his clear analyzes and he can say, he is logical and is the founder of the strategy to save the world by our one and only common world and climate defence, including the technology to cool the ocean as a start, in order to stop the collapse of the world, otherwise allready here, most probably. An as no one knows better, can say that it is prooven false or something, we must avoid being terrorist against humanity by not doing ours, as non political world democracy is welcome to take charge and uphold democratic controll by the infrastructure.
We can and will win this war, but it means everyone must do their part, we can do it, win WW3 and fulfil world civilization, but we must do it together and now, before the infrastructures collapses more or before the collapse allready here is no longer hold back by the cooling of ice and world ocean. But tomorrow it may be to late because you did not yours today or because it no longer is possible to increase the oceans ability to keep the heating in balance, no more. Sudden changes or phase transitions may happen as sudden sealevel rise 12m, collapse of world economy, wars and cathatrophes everywhere, no food and difficult to do anything to repair. Så please join our network building today in order to study the opportunity and to allow others to do the same while building network also of nonpolitical world democracy to govern the infrastructure of world peace and global democracy we have to realize as integrated in the world by most people. No corruption, thrre are no many people and organisations there to exploiut it, only mild foundation to assist peoples universal cooperation by the greatest interests of one and all and Rajan Anandam as leader into integrated, as the world most formost expert on Universitas Enterprise, he founded in 1980.
The primeminister of Norway on TV from Spain says Norway rather protects peoples bad work than the the people from the risks of climate change, meaning she rather want to invest money in foreign companies by the "oil fund" than protecting and supporting the health of people, as also by people working for health in Norway than for pumping oil by companies allready having damaged the world with 12 000 billion ton CO2 they say.
All cars, planes, ships, railways etc. could change their engines running on Hydrogen by climatefund findings, not tested technology so we are only 99,99% certain, but the idea is surprisingly simply, for jetplanes 2 patents must be combined to just change the engine and more like putting another engine, but for oil based motors in cars, busses, trains, planes etc. otherways, we see no reason why not and ig Norway by law demanded change, perhaps a cost of 10 000 NOK for each car and if teams and robots are good, all cars and planes mat be changed next year, not another decade after a lot of damage of the infrastructure of the climate, as now, every day means more and more damage, not going down at all, more and more.

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We welcomes others to apply to publish from our homepage or edit it on their homepage / Vi ønsker velkommen søknad for å publisere fra vår hjemmeside eller for å redigere hele vår side på deres. (Mange sider for ikke bare en side med reklame / many pages for not only one homepage with adds, whic is not ours. Thanks to those assisting us with a free page, we even seek to establish the new internet, Integritynet by Universitas Library or cooperation with Times of Global Integrity and hopefully most people in the world as editors.)


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The Greatest News in
the World is by the greatest
common interest of one and all.
Global Bank combines the 2 currencies, the
green world transformation currency and the
currency of a minimum income to one and all by New Fundamental Economical World Order of World Constitution of Global Integrity, the freedom and independence of all by a safetynet  of the nfrastructure of world peace for all. it is a great joy, if most people in the world accept receiving free money to be used on a free vegan meal every day, a free flying car and mobil home and clothes by vacuum cubes insulating and air between them gives flexibility, is the greatest. news in the world,, hopefullt saving the world. Global Voting by non-political
world democracy of The Global Voice of Conscience or
World Constitution of Global Integrity,you and all are
welcome to join by ordering Grestest News Newsletter.
Freatest News in the World ever, people may fulfil world civilization by saying yes to the new currency and free money. New Fuundamental Global Order har 4 main focuses and the currency should also cover free internet, by the new Integritynet and celebrations combined with voting to uphold democratic controll with the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity, The greatest opportunity for world society ever, the greatest hope for mankind, stop being a terrorist against humanity, enjoy the greatest hope for the future, the greatest news every in the whole world.

Verdens beste nyhett noensinne, vær med å fullbyrde verdens samfunnet ved å takke ja til frie penger ved Global Valutta som kombinerer sine 2 valuttaer, den for den grønne verdens transformasjonen og den for garantert minstelønn til alle. Valuttaen skal kunne nyttes til et fritt vegan måltid om dagen, en fri flygende bil og mobilt hjem som del av infrastrukturen for verdens fred og global integritet som sikkerhetsnett for alle og frie klær laget av kuber isolert ved at det er vakuum inne i og luft mellomdem for fleksibilitet og bevegelighet. Dette er ved Verdens Grunnlov av Global Integritet, Verdens Samvittighets Stemme er også rent intet politisk demokrati kalt ved funksjon å gi retning ved oponion til verdens utviklingen i tillegg til å være demokratisk kontroll for det nye vi ønsker å tillegge verden integrert over alt, Ny Fundamental Global Ordning her med Ny Fundamental Økonomisk Verdeens Orden formulert på 80 tallet som et minimum av mat klær og bolig til alle fritt for økonomisk uavhengighet og frihet. Vær med å fullbyrde verdens sivilisasjonen, vå håper det ikke er for sent ved kollapsen av den grønne infrastrukturen vi er avhengig av og presenterer svar til ved vårt felles vrdens og klimaforsvar og venner av verden. Ny Fundamental Informasjons, Kommunikasjons, Utdannelses og Bibliotek orden ved bl.a. projekt for nytt internet i folks beste interesser ikke næringer og isolerte løkonomiske interesser, sexklubber, mafiaer etc. skal dekkes av lønnen også og folk ved neste spørsmål i globalt demokrati er om vi skal nytte endergi som den nye guld standeren. Feiringer, festivaler cruise og kongresser i noen grad også og dekningen er ved at folk støtter opp og nytter tjenestene og tildels deltar i organiseringen for demokratrisk kontroll med at infrastruktuuren av global integritet ikke misbrukes, inklusive den grønne ved klimainfrastrukturene bl.a. Grunnlegger Rajan Anandam het Stein Roar Andersen ved etablering av Universitas foretagende i Trondheim Januar 1980.
Verdens samfunnet ved verdens økonomien ødelegger verden så å bruke mindre penger er fornuftig, eller investere pengene i integrert vekst, ved å veksle dem inn i Global Bank's grønne valutta. Verdens samfunnets grønne transformering ved integrert vekst er høyst påkrevd fordi om kreft og røyking som årsak, sammenlignes med CO2 og klimaendringer, så har vi kreft og vi røyker i Norge faktisk mer enn året før. Så å bygge verden meget bedre og rimeligere med masseproduksjon som ikke ødelegger verden, er svaret, ikke mindre økonomi, bedre økonomisk vekst på alle områder.

Welcome to my homepage   / Velkommen til min hjemmeside     -Rajan Anandam
Universitas Yantra LOGO by protective pyramid architecture,optimal conomy of materials: Beskyttende pyramide arkitektur ved Universitas Yantra, optimaløkonomi av mayerialer.
MILJØ OG KLIMA STREIK, mest på norsk
Welcome to my homepage   / Velkommen til min hjemmeside     -Rajan Anandam
Integrert vekst, er bregrepet bedre enn "vitenskap og teknologi", bærekraftig utvikling" og "innovasjon" gjerne assosiert med isolert vekst, hvis sukksess er basert på stor profitt for isolerte interesser, mens omman tjener meget på olje, er samfunnsøkonimien at om vindenergi kan produsereres til under halvparten av utgiftene ved vanlige vindmøller, så er fortjenesten at den som nytter energi, alle i dsamfunnet slipper billig unna. Bærekraftig utvikling, er at de etablerte skal ha sin monopol inntekter, mens Norge kan tjene mere profitt neste tiår på klimafond AS enn på olje og skape jobber til alle i oljenæringen også. Ibsen Prisen En Folkefiende for å være ekstraordinært storkjefte klimahai i perspektiv av Spielberg's film Jaws er for å poengtere problemet og fremme at folk retter sine feil. Filmen, forprosjekt på å lage, Hvirdan Vi Erobret Verden er basert på at alle vinner over seg elv i retning selvrealisasjon og gjør sitt i vårt felles verdens og klimaforsvar og eller Venner av Verden, motsatt terrorist mot mennekeheten og det at alle ved deltagelse føler de vinner verden men egentlig taper seg selv. Det er et ordtak også, stiftelsen opprettholder detnne pros ved en egen stiftelse i samspill med Times og times of global Integrity. Imidlertid er det redaktør som er ansvaret for å tilse respekt for yttringsfriheten, og vi oppfordrer til å søke om å bli redaktør av prisen innen områder vi ikke kjenner, andre land, universiteterog skoler f.els. Hovedredaksjonen kan vurdere å ta med andre redaktørers bidrag og i noen tilfelle kanskje også for globalt demokrati, valg ved verdens dårlige samvittighet så å si, fokusering på hvor vi trenger å bli bedre.
Integrated Growth is the concept of ScandinavianClimate Fund,better than innovation, sustainable development and science and technology, as concepts. Isolated developments is often not good economy and the idea of suvccsess measured in profit by isolated interests is no good, as oil profit for Norway, best in the world, energy by øless than half the costs of usual wind energy production, may remoce the oil profitt, but for everyone using energy, much less energycosts, and at the same time oilincome may be less than the profitt for Norway by climatefund companies also providing all the new jobs needed by integrated growth. The Ibsen Award An Enemy of the People in perspective of the Spielberg film Jaws, extraordinary big millieu jaws is to inspire that all is figthing their own indifference and part of terrorism against humanity, as our film project How We Won the World is ment to be too, everyone winning themeselves and we win the world, rather than each and everyone by terrorism feels they are winning the world but are loosing themselves.

Klimastreik bevegelsens ekte utgangspunkt, ikke å overlate ansvaret til andre, fremme selv å bygge den verden vi trenger, er omfattende og verdt å studere, allmen-kunnskap viktig å kjenne, mine sider her. Det er sagt at når de brøler i august 19 i klimastreik, har de intet program og samles om,men det er feil Norway Student Samfunn, tidligere nsd ved NTNU, studentorganisasjon for Norge, har et komplett program for gutter og piker og vi håper på alles samspill, med et program for feiring uten sosialkontroll med rusmidler og organiseringer hvor ledere vilmisbruke posisjon til å vinne i konkuransen på " deres sosiale marked" som russefeiringen synes å være, der skal være intet slik og når vi søker de peneste og kjekkeste til blogging, er det som når man søker musikere, helst med litt musikalitet, sant. Et par skoleklasser kangå ilag og etablere et AS og delta i noen flere klimafond AS og samspille omåbygge husbåt, boliger og klimaskip samt realisere et av 1008 klimaskip AS med orginal forretningside. Feiringene og medlemskap i vårt globale samfunn ved Global Student Union.... Mange elever kan lære å bygge sitt eget klima fond AS og bygge egen arbeidsplass og formue og ved samspill med egen familie, oppstart profitt potensiale er godt for de somsøker å bygge egen bolig, millioner kan tkenes ved bare nettverksbyggingen og betjening av denne med bøker, kurs, konsultasjoner etc.
Fractal material by cubes or cubic frames is called so because thepillars have the cube structure too, and when a cube 2% ogf
 the largest cube is forming the pillars, also these may be built by 2% cubes and sopossible downto nano size, say carbon nano tube cubic frames and or hexagon bricks.

Please, photo the above by your phone and send to as many as possible.
A new industrial revolution by the optimum economy and mathematical perfection this above logo og ours by the green transformation of the world fulfilling world economy by integrated growth og global integrity is possible, because it is a must by our common world and climate defence, the world have collapsed but we may restore balances before the manifestationof the collapse is hitting us, as with collapse of world economy and food production,possible even production of oxygen. The collapse of the climate infrastructure is allready here,only explaination why experts year after year decade after decade in spite of our warning, comes faster than expected, the collapse is much bigger than the 1 degree C+, more not messured owing to the cooling ocean, it takes time to heat it, but materialization of the collapse may come as a phasetransition, a sudden collapse of balances stillin function. Therefor the one and only common world and climate defence by the greentransformation of the world is most important, a must and most urgent, it iy your duty to join the defence or friends of the world,not an enemy of the people or a terrorist againt humanity. One and All Together for Peace and Global Integrity by our royal principle of world peace.
En ny industriel revolusjon er mulig ved den matematiske perfekte kube over fordi det er absolutt påtrengt med integrert vekst av den grønne verdems transformasjonen da klimainfrastrukturene har kollapset og det kanvære mulig ved vårt felles verdens og klimaforsvar å gjenskape balanser før manifesteringene av kolapsen av økoinfrastrukturer slår verden ut ikollaps som av verdens økonomien,matproduksjonen og endatiloksygen produksjonen. Det vil si alles plikt å støøtte og fremme samspillet for å redde verden.

Om noen ønsker å gjøre noe medmljøet, så er de t etvanskelig og omfattende problem, men vi har funnet hva somkangjøres, hvordan du kan gå fram, uten å overlate ansvaret til andre eller gjøre småting her og der somikke fjerner problemet,somvokser seg større hver dag. Der er 2 problem, det ene plast, CO2, metan etc. de fysiske ubalansene og det andre er at folk og ledere stort sett gjør somTrump, viser at de i praktisk ikke satser på å redde verden, som alt har kollapset. Alene kan man ikke oppnå meget så nettverkbygging ved de rette tingene å gjøre,prioriteres ved det opplegg vi har funnet, det eneste felles verdens og klima forsvar. Studer vår side og takk jatil en klimakonultasjon.

If somebody want to do anything to save the world from the collapse of the world, allready here, it is a difficult problem not to leave the responsibiulity to others. There are 2 challenges, it is the CO2, plast and other damages to the environment and it is also that everyone seems to do as Trump, realy not doing anything, the small things suggested here and there, does nothing with the problem. So organising a network building to do what is needed as every day the damage to our world increases is what our common world and climate defence, the one and only, is about. Study these 2 challenges by our homepage, join some networlbuilding, order some books, magazines or newsletters by Anandam who my find time to a climate congress or consultation...

Quating is allowed if one just present some aspect ofour enterprise, if critisism is wanted one must apply for more systematic quating, so we may comment at the same time.
All quating should include weather a magazine,newspaper, your homepage, in a mail, on TV etc. the following:
Rajan Ananand founded Universitas Enterprise in 1980 to establish the infrastructure of world peace by universal cooperation between citizens of the world and a few years later the universal lawof cooperation by the best integrest or greatest good of one and all, the global voice of conscience and nonpolitical world democracy to govern the safetynet for all, the infrastructure by World Peace Constitution of Global Integrity. He thenoperated by his name as citizen of Norway, Stein Roar Anddersen.
Many foundations are established to promote the different aspects as________ and World Peace Constitution Fund where he is President.These days focusing on the physical infrastructure needed as the Capital City f the World by cities both floating and flying which can meet forming the preliminary capital city and in such a way not to damage the infrastructure of mother nature and the climate balances, but as these infrastructures we all depend on most probably have collapsed, and it is urgent, the world depends on collective immidiate responds by the infrastructure in order to survive. Climateships may do,by cooling the ocean, holding the collaps back,as it takes time to heat the ocean and all the ice, we can extent this holding backinorder to remove the problem. On the other side the new heating balance may be good,balanced by producing fresh water , billlions of ton and inexpensive energy.
We quote from his homepage and explains: "----" aaaa "...."
If drawings is wanted used, an applicationmst be sent, paying for our assistance, as using our logo is not ok, it is our logo and flag, just associated with universal and common values. However ship and building drawings may be copied by skilled drawrrs in 3D and presented if that drawing afterwords belongs tooyr foundations, but may be reprinted by say the newspaper when presenting our common news.An long distance interview may be presented by quating and discussing, perhaps by critisism of the quoate, and send me as mail to comment.

(The more than thausen mild foundations in Norway was established before the new law of foundations by a law that allowed no registration and no 100 000 NOK as by the new law. When the Constitution of Norway states that our resourches should be used for our purposes by the constitution, demand for registration costing sevaral hundred thausen for all foundations of the enterprise, all independent, including those for each country of the world as Sweden with a swdish president, the constitutions can not be demanded for registration, even though government and offices are informed and presentations published. The constitution also says that new laws are not going back questioning the establishment of the foundations as usual understanding according to our lawyer, the one we discussed it with. Extremly well established wit supreme economy, do least to accomplishmost.)

If a donation is sent one may send a mail refering to the payment and suggest what one wants to promote if for instance one project is wanted supported, in this way thanks with a newsletter is easy to send soonest. One may even when sending a donation says it is to promotion of one project or aspect of Universitas Enterprise. We shall be grateful to receive donations and do our best to help you helping the world.

Siden omhandler protestenmot at vår verden ødelegges og prpblemets kjerne når detkommer til at vi forurenser fortsatt mer og mer, i Norge 4% mer, og utsette problemet et tiår er terrorisme. Dereter forkuserer vi påå bygge nettverket for vårt felles verdens ogklimaforsvar ved å realisere strategien for hva praktisk må gjøre forå redde verden som å gi verden et kjøligere hav, sombalanserer oppvarmingen pr i dag. Mer enn 100 000 klimaskip kanskje 10ganger så store som det presentert her ca 300mx300m:

one flying cube to be part of global defence may be a project of the local ship in Trondheim, here with preliminary calculation as a easy job if resourches and funding are found, as robots to to the same job over and over again. 

Det første skipet somseiler sammen med ovenstående skipet,lokale avdelinger av Global Student Society kan bygge ved sløknad og koordinerende team somkangå påoppgaven, erkun 108mx108m. Det flølgende presenterer en versjon og som for tekst og tegninger, vi beklager at kvaliteten er liten, men se på omfanget våre presentasjoner dekker, presentasjonene ville kanskje være kun 10% om vi skulle rentegne og renskrive det hele. Vi innbyr alle til å ta å være med å bygge nye presentasjoner gjerne med oversettelser til svensk eller andre språk som gir enlokal mulighet for å etablere et byggeprosjekt.


VVi søker koordinatorer for lignende byggeprosjekt i alle byer og kommuner i Norge og skandinavia, men GLONAL STUDENT SOCIETY har samme
planer for alle byer i verden og delvis som transportløsnng fra og til klimaskip 3kmx3km ca i stede for 300mx300m som ovenstående.
Klimaskipet som fest og kongresssentrum for alle studenter og elever i Trondheim, kan ha en triumfbue i Trondheim sentrum eller havn, f.eks. på torget:

En ballongpåtoppen med diameter 1008m somkule kan løfte røroppfor høyere pipe i forlengelse av updraft tower og flytte heleskipet eller transportere all energin som hydrogen komprimert eller i stde for vakumet og vann produsert, si 100 000 tonn av gangen til folk, gårdsbruk, skogbruk og skogbranner eller strbranner. 4 raketmotoreri hjørnene utenforkuben samtoppsuging oh utblåsing vedluftmotstand...

A flying ball to keep the updraft tower up and enjoy a city in the 40m tick surface of the ball my be a good idea and a diameter 1512m may be good.

En flygende ball med diameter 1512m og vakuum inne i er mulig om skallet er ca 10 cm tykt alluminium, Imidlertid vil tykkelsen for å holde atmosfærisktrykk ute være mindre nor rammen ved vår logo støtøtter kulen fra innsiden, iallefall stor løftekraft og for skiop med diameter 324m kanskje hele skipet kanløftes når helikopterringene med blader som går rundt utenfor kuben, tillegger løftestyrke også, dvs vi kanprkere på enøy med 16 ben hvis høyde kanreguleres, ved pillarene til kuben, de kan draes ut av denmed motorer.Kuben gir samtidig updraft tower høyde over 2 km kanskje ved skip og piper somløftes oppover også ved pillarene somer 28mx28m. Kuben hvis ramme stikker ut av kulen kan gimotorer, boliger haller og byområde ogsåog i mellomrommet til kulen vindmøller,hjulsomsettes med seilduk som også dekker halve hjulet for vinden

A real global news, we hope to be on front page of all newspapers and magazines, another adaptation of the pyramid architecture found. There are several applications here, but logical giving ligth to rooms around the dome, getting its ligth from the top, less stones is good economy by the outer pyramid in stones.

Viinnbyr til deltagelse i teamnettverkbygging i Trondheim for folkeavstemning om lokalisering av triumfbuen og
kanskje parkering av klimaskipet utenfor Munkholmen ved det nyskapte land der. Skipet med flygendekuber parkert blir verdens høyeste hus, neten 1200m høyt med pillarer 6mx6m som sammenhengende høyhus, 36 av dem. Man finne forankring ellers også å ha 2 km høye vindmøller i mellomrommet mellom de tre ballongne, som skroget. Skroget har 6 vinger, kuisk ramme mellom åpningene i skroget. Missisipie stående hjul med seilduk kansettes inn i mellomrømmene mellomballongene og betydlg energi og vann produksjon....

Den som ikke forstår hva Ibsen advarte om med En Folkefiende i perpektiv av Spielberg filmen
Haisommer / Jaws, den som ikke forsår begrepet Storkjefta Miljø Hai, bør ikke delta i skolestreik,
som er infiltrert av partienes barne organisasjoner, indktrinering av barn i seg selv er galt, og miljøorganisasjoner
som trolig er styrt av åp+roblemet, er problemet i seg selv. De kan mistenkes for å være interesert i miljøet på alkoholiserte fester de har medlemskaps organisasjon for, mer enn miljøet i havet og atmosfæren. Det kan antaes at interessen av å robbe folk for deres frihet og uavhengighet ved økonomisk og sexkuell utbytting, er en biting,
men desverre, det at de ønsker å organisere for å kunne gjøre så, det er trolig problemet.
Filmen haisommer viser en småby som lever av sommersessongen på badestranda, turismen, og bystyret vedtar å holde hemmelig at der er en farlig hi rundt stranda og vedtaket diskuteres, bruken av kjeven under debatt, Jaws betyr kjever, leder til at de blir årsaken til at jaws eller haien får bruke sine kjever på folk langs stranda. Dette som Ibsen i en folkefiende, antyder både økonomisk utbytting av turismen og at de gamle skal kunne ha en sessong til i miljøet på badestranda for sexuell utbytting og kommunestyre representant sees på strande i filmen hvor han biter i lufta, Spielberg poengterer temaet. Ibsen var ført ut med en svømmehall som var farlig urenslig i en småby i Norge og på slutten av 1800 tallet hadde partiene begynt å blande seg inn i politikken for meget, slik at fiendene av folket, blir knyttet til partiveldets utbytting av demokratiet og Ibsen var født på 1800 tallet. Han endatil gjør den som blir beskyldt for å være folkefienden, ham og ikke de mange virkelige fiendene får skylden så å si,
han som får skylden for de andres feil, blir den som sitter igjen med svømmehallen, badeanstalten, som sin eiendom, akkurat som det er foklket som eier Norge, ikke partiene. Ibsen påviste et historisk faktum og fenomen, hvordan de mange gjør galt for å tjene penger og utbytte et samligssted for unge, friske mennesker til å være kreftssvulst på miljøet av friske folk. Antydet av Ibsen, påpekt av Spielberg i filmen som også antyder seriemorder tendenser. WW3, tredje verdens krig er reellt sett verre en andre verdens krig og de som streiker, må vite ikke å ble en del av problemet, ikke selv bli Storkjefta Miljøhaier og dele de unnaluringstaktikker som partiene og miljøorganisasjnene bruker, støtte opp om unnaluringen. Det er også farlig hvordan hordene ab folkefiender faktisk systematisk bl.a, ved TV, Internet og aviser, skole og politikk, systematisk prøver å ødelegge unge menneskers naturlige frihet og verdighet og å trekke barn og ungdom inn i skittent spill. Partiene virkelig er fiender av det norske folk, trolig så i Svergie også der demonstrasjonene var på fredager utenfor deres Storting. I Norge må man gå i 17 mai tog mded sexpress hvor kongen sitter å ser på nattklubbdansing i barnetoget og politiet gjør affære av at de har våpen på dagen, det er systematisk påvirkning, ikke tilfeldig debatt og hendelser. Så vær forsiktige, miljøstreik skolemessig bør være ved togene 17 mai syns vi og demonstrasjn av hva som er naturlig å gjøre, Vårt Felles Verdens og Klimaforsvar må også forståes for å kunne streike, fordi det setter perspektiv på alt som gjøres for å dekke over problenmmet, både risiko for at miljøet slutter å virke og tjene folk med hva vi er avhengig av og alt som gjøres for å dekke over at man som ved filmen og Ibsen forsatt vil tjene penger og utbytte folk seksuelt, eller tjene penger på at andre slutter opp om ens partie om man tillater slikt. Det er 2 sider av et ganske vanskelig problem som filmen og Ibsen har gjort lettere å forstå. Miljøstreik er å demonstrere at man vil delta å bygge opp global integritet, også ved de balanser i havet og atmosfæren som er ødelagt og som de fortsetter å ødelegger bl.a. ved miljøministeren som poengterer internasjonalt samarbeide som tilsier at verden ødelegges mer og mer hver dag som for 20 år siden trolig verre og på toppen av de ødeleggelser som alt er der.
Informasjonsnettverks medlemskap koster 20 eller 10 kr bare og for de som finner dette dyrt, verve 3 og få medlemskapet gratis. Medlemskapet innebærer også sjeklking og administrasjon for å tilse at det ikke misbrukes og regler for hva man ikke gjør, sjekke damer er ikke noe man gjør ved å verve i kampanjen. Inspirer andre til å være med, f.eks. Norge rundt og verden rundt.

Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth of Comparative Research Study by World Peace Constitution Fund  and World Constitution of Global Integrity is by Universitas Enterprise and here Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth with the climate library, complete strategy including the nonpolitical world democracy
to controll our common world and climate defence and a practical solution to the need of a cooler world by a cooler world ocean to balance the effect og heating most probably by a collapsed allready climate balance as it takes time to heat the ocean and ice misleading as meassures of +1 degree C probably is wrong, heating corresponding to perhaps +10 degrees,  but ocean and ice is cooling the effect, as in Scandinavia ocean or the golf stream is giving 12 degrees higher temperature all year around.

We shall be grateful to receive your cooperation by joining in the network buiding and perhaps a donation covering costs  also of informing you and offering opportunities, confereces , congresses and festivals to build the networkd here we hopemost people is joining in. After all it isa must,
the greatest good or best interest of one and all and all familie. Many think that childrenmust suffermost from thecollapse, but its manifestation may come next week or year, noone knows for sure, most important no scientific research can proove that we can go on damaging the infrastructures of
climate, without the collapse of the climate by the damage allready there, is hitting us, stop damaging our world is both a demand and a must because it is terrorism against humanity
to take the risk, what side of World War 3 do you want to be on, a terrorist against us all or a person who may be a friend of someone, his own family and patriot of his own country.
The good thng of the combinations of the climate fund is that you can benefit and even enjoy better profit and income from cooperation than fromother work  or buisness,
if people is start joining in by the best personal and global interests. Rajan Anandam is founder of Universitas Enterprise and president of the mentioned 2 foundations.
It is a great joy to give you the opportunity, giv the world the opportunity by our vission of fulfillment og world civilization including world economy and need of global integrity,
which is a aspect of your own pesonal health and integrity, as well as your family. Everything is intimatedly connected to all, the unatural idea of independence by money, not natural duty,
does not keep you free of the lawsof nature as as you show... and as all needs to breath and if CO2 and plastic or other pollutions kills the ocean, producng oxygen.Just a hint possible
 to write books about, but discussions is welcome but action applauded as the immidiate need is most people doinf what must be done within the responsibility and duty
of one and all, as well as benefits where the economic system, politcs of governments of nations,
 universities and other have not only failed, they are responsible for the collapse.Our common world
defece represents only the universal interests, and have routines for not involving corrupsion,
but is accepting business with profit for taking risks of investing time and money, but in the long
run incomes go to our common defence, the safetynet for one and all, infrastructure of world peace and global integrity. MORE PAGES IN ENGLISH ON THIS PAGE. WW3 DDAY BY GLOBAL STUDENT SOCIETY

Kopier og del ovenstående med andre innen en time for å prøve å reise nasjonal bevegelse 17 Mai med liste over ekstraordinært storkjefta miljøhaier på plakatene. Russetoget kan sette En Folkefiende og Jaws, Haisommer temaet forklart på plakater og så f.eks. plakat med bilde av alle på tinget og i regjering, med kommentar hvorfor de er ekstraordinært storkjefte miljøhaier. Barnetoget og studentene kan streikw og stille i borgertoget i stedet, samt være rundt om når toget går med klimastrik arrangement og morro, man kan gå i toget også, hver enkelt klasse og skole bør finne ut av det, .eks. dele ut streike melding i stede for russekort, til alle. Kan noen begynne å sende rundt til alle i Norge som bør høre om muligheten til å forsvare grunnloven ved det angrep klimarisiko og faren for at oksygenb produksjon i havet opphører?  Vær forsiktig med begrepet "ekstraordinært storkjefte miløhai", f.eks. ikke sett jævla  som Siv gjordeeller noe forran, det skal motvirke en rolle i klimaproblemene ved Spielberg og Ibsens påvisning av hva et bystyre eller en regjering kan gjøre, som å drepe barn på strandaved å dekke over problemet. Jeg kan ikke sttreike for hver skole osv, det er skolene selv som må organisere streik, kanskje ved hver klasse og ved å få med seg så mange andre skoler som mulig. Vi har ikke ressuser til å lede an, men kan bygge opp for hver 17 Mai endatil med russefest opplegg, redd for russen er jo Erna ogforsvarsministeren så å si...

Vårt Felles Verdens og Klima Forsvar samspiller med Trondheim Student Samfunn for alle elever og studenter i Trondheim. Vi ønsker velkommen med og er best organisert i verden. for å samle alle som vil redde vår framtid og jorda fra den kollaps alt påbegynt.
D dagen vår er basert på forventning om at alle slutter å ødelegge vår verden og deltar i det felles verdens og klima forsvar mot WW# World War 3, ttredje verdens krig mot folks livsgrunnlag med ødeleggelse av klimabalansene, spesielt barna men risikoen er at kollapsen blir reell alt neste år iallefall fortere enn de falske beregninger som viser at vi kan vente. Alle må ta selvkritikk og være glade for den assistanse vi kan gi ved strategiens standardiserte rutiner for forretninsmessig samspill-

Dette er for hele Skandinavia og alle byer og skoler kan søke om egen avdeling og project, kopiere Trondheim prosjektet så å si.

Vi gratulerer barn og unge med klimastreik mentalitet og innsats, men det er trist at når man demonstrerer mot partiene i Norge, at disse infiltrerer organiseringen med utpressing og uheldig fordi streik tyder på at man vil overlate ansvaret til disse som ikke bare har ansvaret for at klimaødeleggelsene er så store, men også for at hver dag er de med å ødeølegger klimabalansene, ekstremt. At man med oss sier, stop å ødelegge vår verden, er bra, men man bør støtte en utvikling som ved vårt felles verdens og klimaforsvar, syns vi. Miljøorganisasjoner, pariene og vitenskaps fagforeninger er de sm narrer folk til å tro at der er balanser uten at folk gjør annet enn å samle litt plast her og der, mens klimaskip løsningen for å fjerne millioner av tonn av gangen, ignoreres. Om disse svikerne er mest interesert i klimaet på nackspielets miljø, tyder meget på, at problemet man demonsttrerer mot er at de fleste vil utbytte situasjonen, holde verden kidnappet med utpressing sexuelt og økonomisk, det er det man protesterer mot, at da miljøorganisasjoner, partier og fagfolk og personer som vil utbytte at mange står for noe, at det er mulig er hva pariiene selger også, så å si, er groteskt, spesielt når det streiken nå dreier seg om er litt til og fra det som brukes som unskyøldning for ille å gjøre det som gjøres må.
Trondheim Student Union for skoleelever og studenter i alle aldre, med spesielt  opplegg for de inntil 17 år, vi innbyr til samspill om klimastreik i form av sultestreik, men også sund faste, 1 dag i uka, lørdag. Spesielt er bygging av Trondheim Student Samfunn klimaskip med 108 departement i byregjeringen, flytende by og 1008 AS hvor unge i samspill med egen familie og klasse og Skandinavisk Klimafond av Integrert Vekst kan bygge skipet og bidra til at også Stockhom, Oslo og Finnland kan etablere et klimaskip prosjekt, 100 000 større skip en det med diameter 324m vi ønsker å bygge i Trondheims fjorden, synes det minste som må til for å avkjøle havet og samtidig bidra til mange aspekt av strategien for å løse problemet, som er at vi har Plannet C, vår strategi Plan A, innebærer Plannet A, gjenskaping av miljøets integritet såvel som global integritet med infrastrukturen for verdens fred.
Medlemskap koster 20 kr, ved epostadresse for stadfestelse og kan sendes . Rajan Anandam  postboks  22, 7400 Trondheim Norway konto 0532.16.67831 IBAN NO24 0532 1667 831   https://pyramidisland.page.tl gir også en del informasjon og om 20 -60 søker medlemskap for hver enkelt og en sender liste og fordeler velkomst svar, koster det kun 10 kr. RAJAN ANANDAM rajananandam1008@gmail.com
Vi innbyr også til å fremme ulike tiltak for å bedre miljøet, f.eks. vel å bra å plukke plast for hånden rundt om, men å bygge et stort klimaskip 3 km bredt, med innsamling av plast forran i nett og kanskje resirkulere dette som betong i ny betongvegg eller på annet vis, er bedre og med på å løse problemet, mens plastinnsamling hindrer ikke engang at det blir mere plast i naturen hver dag, som CO2 forurensning, klamaskip tar utfordringens mens FN og andre har som mål å sminke ny skade og CO2 forurensnng, samlingen av CO2 i atmosfæren og havet, skrekkelig øker hver dag med FNs klimamål som ignorerer risikoen ved å forholde seg til falske beregninger. Det første klimaskipet for vår organisasjon er det nye samfunnet, er et klimaskip ca 300mx200, større enn de største cruisskip som er kanskje litt lengere, men langt fra så bredt og med festival og kongress senter, stortorg og boliger, internatskole om man vil skippe skolen ellers et år, kan legges ditr også. Byregjeringen har 108 departement og alle bør være med i et eller flere, syns vi, først til mølle for å være minister, i utviklingsperioden og løpetid periode på 2 år. Viktigere er de 1009 aksjeselskap og vi foreslår at en skoleklasse tar ansvaret for et hvor klimafondet som bidrar med forretningskonsept av integrert vekst, klimavennlig opplegg og målsetting, skal ha 50% AV AKSJEKAPITALEN. ARTIG UTFORDRING Å SKAPE EGEN DELTIDSARBEIDSPLASS I LAG MED FORELDRE OG FAMILIE OG GJERNE LÆRERE. dELTID MENS. mEGET TID VIL GÅ TIL Å BYGGESKIPET OG DET AT MAN KAN BYGGE SIN EGN HYBEL FOR FEST OG KONGRESS UTLEIE OL. NÅR IKKE I BRUK, ER JO OGSÅ EN UTFORDRING SOM PASSER BRA FOR UNGE SOM I TENÅRENE BLIR KASTET UT I DÅRLIGE VALGMULIGHTER UTENN BOLIG, POSISJON OG ARBEIDE.Når et skip e fullt opp av deltagere, halvparten av hyblene kan eies, etablerer vi et nytt skip og organiserer timeshare ordninger så man kan bytte til seg å bo på hybel i cruise verden rundt med skole f.eks. eller for en festival i skipet i Oslo eller London, vi er med i Global Student Samfunn og medlemskaps avgiften er 20 kr, kan sendes RAJAN ANANDAM  med mail til rajananandam1008@gmail.com  som, stadfester innmeldelsen.
 Opplegg for eldre studenter som lærere, arkitekter og fagfkyndige gjerne i samspill med professorer, finnes også. Arkitektiren vises her men om grønt skrog også som luftputefartøt nyttes, er usikkert, om det koster for meget...

(om vanskelig å se, kopier inn hvor du kan forstørre bildet) Alternativ til luftputeskipp med smultring form i grønt kan være tre skrog, slik:

Skipet inngår i strategien for å avkjøle verdens havet for å bremse global oppvarmingen før vi får fjernet CO2 ogved fellesforsvaret, Plan An, er plannet A, idag har vi Plannet C. Et slik skip kan ha flygende limusiner parkert i pillarene og disse kan fly rundt og hente plast langs strender, 324m bredt, kand det også samle plast overalt der det kjører og 108 000 skip med diameter 3024m er noe av det minste som trengs for å avkjøle havet før ubalansene resulteter i kollaps medfølgende kollaps av verdens økonomien. Et slik skip blir utgangspunkt for neste prosjekt når skipet er bygd.
Fredag holder vi som D dagen mot tredje verdenskrig, krigen mot livsgrunnlaget for folk ved å ta risiko som er terrorisme mot menneskheten, å gjøre hele atmosfæren til et gas kammer er ekstremt, det er som å sende barna ut på usikker is om våren tiltross for at det er kjent at den trolig ikke er sikker, det som i filmemm Haisommer, Jaws på engelsk, om kjevene til en hai men også til de i bystyret som ville ha en ny sessong på badestranda uten at det er kjent at der er farlg hai i området, som at de de sa med sine kjever, er årsaken til at barn og andre blir spist og også Ibsenms en folkefiende antyder dette, som kopiert i filmen og ikke bare i forhold til at all isen kan smelte på et år, men også i forhold til det miljøet som streiken har,
IKKE OVERLAT ANSVARET TIL ANDRE, TA SELV ANSVAR. OG DELT I VERDENS SAMVITTIGHETS STEMME, GLOBALY INTET POLITISK DEMOKRATI. dER ER KURS FOR Å SETTE SEG INN I ANSVARET MED Å REISE RENT GLOBALT OG INTET POLITISK DEMOKRATI VED vERDENS gRUNNLOV AV gLOBAL iNTEGRITET, MEN FOR d DAGEN ER SPØRSMÅLET c=2 TAKST VED SPØRSMÅL VIKTIG FOR nORGE. vIL DU AKSEPTERE EN co2 TAKST MOTSVARENDE DET DET KOSTER Å FJERNE TILSVARENDE co2 X2 FOR DEN co2 SKADE ET PRODUKT PÅFØRER VERDEN, INKLUSIVE OLJE PRODUKSJONEN. sPØRSMÅLET INNEBÆRER AT MAN FÅR AKSJER I ET KLIMSKIP as SOM UTFØRER JOBBEN OG OGSÅ MED TILSVARENDE PLAST AVGIFT. Aksjene skal ha profit potensiale ved noen av de 1008 klimaskip AS som etableres og kan være verdt å kjøpe selv uten globalt intet politisk demokrati ved vårt felles verdens forsvar og innebærer deltagelse i netverket for å registrere avstemningen, hvor man kan betale for kun et minimum av registrerings aktivitet. Det er kjent at oljenæringen har desinformasjons organisasjoner med store budsjett, så personlig registrering kun ved familiemedlemmer man godt kjenner er påkrevd og trolig klassekamerater. Andre spørsmål er om ikke oljefondet kan fi alle i Norge 1 million kr i et klimafond AS og om ASet disponerte leilighet med 4 soverom, er det mulig å oppnå egen bolig, et rom med timeshare i fellesareal både i leilighet, i treningsrom, bad, storstuer etc. Vi øker flere redaktører med hjemmeside som kan føre de mange debatter som er naturlig å føre ikke minst for utvikling av strategi og taktikk og integrering av det beste av teknologi ogkunnskap- Demokratiet ble fpormulert på 80 tallet, fikk konstitusjon noen år senere og alt på 90 tallet hadde vi "folkeavstemning om CO2 på programmet, mener jeg å huske. FN program kopier vår innstoilling og om det er ment som støtte er det vel og bra, men man burde ha mot til å stå opp for vårt felles verdens og klimaforsvar. Pga utdanning og politikk, er ddet uvanlig at noen har en ekte jobb, derav janteloven, ingen skal være bedre enn å selge sin arbeidskraft. Derav mang som heller vil "stjele" av vårt initiativ, er tiårig erfaring i møte med folk, men å samle verden med verdens hovedstatd er kun et initiativ, om de prøver å kopiere noe, blir det ikke ekte, entil verst klmaterrorisme eller det motsatte av vi gjør, men vi åpner for at alle lan delta og få en ekte posisjon i vår verden

Ps D dagen sikter til andre verdens krig sin ekstremt storee avslutningsdag, så å si og som WW" har vi fredag som D Dag om ingen protesterer. Tyskland, England, Russland, Japan, USA osv under WW2 , andre verdens krig, viste utmerket innsats og produktivitet for oholde samfunnet fritt, vårt felles verdens forsvar viser til at slik innsats er påkrevd om vi skal fjerne risikoen for kollaps av verdens samfunnet som vi kjenner det.
Alternativ skips oppbygging:

TRONDHEIM STUDENT SAMFUNN klimaskip med diaeter 324m har stort potensiale for sport, festivaler, kongresser mm med 2 haller ca 200mx100m hver, 72 m høyre med rom i veggene med utsyn til hallene. Ved konsert kanen være for dans og enfor tilhørere f.eks. og utmerket som byens nye torg, Nidaroshallen.

It is wonderful.It is Marvelous. The pure magic of mathematical perfection
of Universitas Yantra, our logo. The oldest known 9 triangels like this may be
the David star from year 1008 or the yantra drawing thausen years old from
India, but not with the perfection of optimum ecobomy found by Rajan and
expected to be probably 50 000 years old or more and as such a good but
not perfect memory of the 2oldest knowndrawing without all the combinations
of holy numbers, pyramid architecture and physical human health values.
The ancient world wide pyramid society isoldand as the expert in Egyot says it, known
pyramid is probably a question of how they forgot the tradition and knowledge
of extremly tall building with optimumprotection of health and people, even military
protection of the people. We shall be grateful to requested for opportunities to reprinting
by magazines and newspapers, TV and internet pages. Please, be free to offer a som of money covering reprinting and works to assist and register the deal and perhaps even following up a climate strategy debate
or discussion of the practical tactiicsof the building systems by the logo principles.
*Please,be free to copy and forward the following b email, sms, letters etc.

Alternativ kan være med 3 skrog, ikke grønn smultring med luftpute og da i midten 72m bred og ytterst på sidene 35m brede, alle 300m lange.
Fra siste kvartalsrapport:
Global Voice of Conscience was established with Universitas Enterprise in 1980 and concept formation developed since as with World Constitution of Global Integrity and non political democracy to control the infrastructure of world peace known asNew funadamental Global Order, akso a safty network for one and all by the greatest and universal interests of the whole world, each and evryone. It may also advice the world in general questions as the climate and includes a world citizen duty of our common world and climate defence. We welcome one and all to join in building th infrastructure of global integrity, by the idea of fulfilling the development of world civilization, and since 1980 when founded by Rajan Anandam, then registered in Norway as Stein Roar Andersen and from about 2004 Rajananand(a) Dhanajaya, simplified 10 years later about to present registration. We shall be grateful to receive your interest in joining in and many questions for lobal voting is natural. Most question in the world is such that most people may easily understand and be able to vote, no experts of science or politics should as they usually do together with TV and newspaper, school and university, give the impression that thy know better, where a lot of isolated knowledge often gives limmited ability to respond to the big questions of life or society. Related to the climate therefor it is natural to vote about the risk aspect, which is much higher than UN  says from perspective of duty. If there is seen only 1% possibility of the world collapsing, then that is a risk noone should be allowed to take, and 1% may be only from isolated expert knowledge, so big that you need a microscope to see it, as our world is much bigger. it is as in Jaws, the movie, if the citygovernment sees it only a 1% chance or beach boys to be eaten, they wan to save the holiday season from attention of the jaws problem found real. They are responsible for the eating of people while the beach season is protected  by not doing
their duty. Voting; Do you think it is your and everyone's duty to react to the risks of todays world by joining the one and only and world defence, our common climate defence? We welcome even one and all to join in discussing and educate themselves by this above perspective, but do not have resourches to pay for everyones education ad research, even just a few hundred mail, would be difficult to respond to, as good question would need writing an encyclopedia of of articles of the themes debated. So we need editors, network builders, material of presentation etc. and people may join in voluntary free work to enjoy optimum service in order to respond by global voting. The question is discussed by Ibsen and his book or play of art, An Enemy of the People, Jaws and classic works of great artists, philosphers, religion, practical application of science, military understanding of not doing ones duty and so fort  and  alsoour study of new fundamental human rigth and duty of the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity, including the integrity of plannet A, we now have Plannet C with desintegrated climate balance infrastructure of mother earth, everyday damaged more and more and Plan A, which is Plannet A by our common defence. We hope most people joins in. So to cover your own expenses so to say there are several opportunities for joining in building the global infrastructure needed for voting or to pay for the knowledge needed to take the questions or acctualy your responsibility, most fundamental duty in the world by the respect needed, respect of mother nature, your friends and family of the local community, your nation and the world as a whole. After all you do not want to be a terrorist of the world by risking the collapse of the world as we know, as extremly many may be said to be, as everyones enemy, an enemy of the peopleor by trying to attack our common defence rather than critising yourself and grow in your personal integrity by repecting the integrity of one and all, also by the environment we depend on. Stop damaging the world and be part of the problem or world war 3 against the fundamental values of freedom and independence for all. So you may join Universitas Library courses of integrated growth of comparative research study, join networkd building or building of the 108 000 climate ships or floating cities with many km tall updrafts towers by the minimum needed to start cooling the ocean and remove CO2 accumulation in the sea, atmosphere and from use of energy. There are meant to be 1008 stock companies by every ship, 108 ministries, Universitas Library courses, congresses, and building of library by most people also as editors, and even joining in around the world cruises and network building of celebrations and festivals is an opportunity. Many aspects of our common defence may need an encyclopedia only to list them with a few comments and many mild foundations is established and may be developed locally, too. Paying for books, courses, magazines and organisation of communication of your study and research into the knowledge of supreme value for the world on a much highe level than universities and science, being more a labourgh union protecting economic interests. By all means we need experts too, and welcome professors, teachers, students and so on to join in as editors as well, or as leaders of the integrated growth stock companies. We never do anything for money, but we seek optimum economy by all we do. 2 hous a day for study and participation, join the army or navy, is a good start and needed in this extraordinary situation of global needs where action in immidiate rsponse , is needed also for you not to be an enemy of the people by perspective of Ibsen, a climate jaw or terrorist against humanity by
World War 3. Stop damaging our world is much more than doing a few practical things to stop polluting a little, the world is allready collapsed most probably or so much evidence is there that we can not stop acting as it is not a real risk, perhaps the world does not collapse, perhaps the children on the beach is not bitten, but allowing the risk, not joining our common defence, is a well known character. The common defence is needed also by the need for fast and correlated global action, not by isolated interests exploiting the situation, and correlation by the 9 pyramids of global needs (Maslow is known for personal need pyramid) and by the best opportunities of massproduction. If most people joined in a free limousine flying, is possile to produce, must better than the best cars, more inexpensive than the cheapest, you know to promote the green world transformation. So if it easy for you to spend some money without strain, please be free to donate to share the expenses or to order a magazine as by mail, 4 queterly magazines around the year, costing NOK 108 which you may send to Anandam and when sent send him a mail :Rajan Anandam to 1008anandam108@gmail.com, stating money sent to cover annual magazine subscriptionfee. Then easy to respond sending you a mail with latest news and when payment received with your quaterly newslater by email. You may add a question. but if not important, hope that we have so many new to respond to that it is difficult to give all good individual respons outside giving you the best knowledge possible. You may request a course to study or interest in joining a lconference in your place, perhaps even join in arranging one and if the fee is big or you want your family to be friends of the world and you too, share the expenses with good friends and family, but do not go out seeking friends with other interests, as sexual exploitation of others , as is more often a problem by other organisations that you may understand, it may even be said to be the problem, sexual and economic explotation by keeping the world kidnapped, we do not want to be part of the terrorism against world society by World War 3. The climate crises are complex and not within verification owing to no experts on the multidisciplinary problems exists, while the crises is really existing with risks as UN scientists excuse for not meeting the challenge of time to that all ocean may be gone owing to the heating. The risk patterns we have to relate to is terrifying while the governments acknowledge of risks, is an excuse for not acting, not doing the real thing, where they, government people is not important but the challenge, world war 3 as the indifference going with a mentality, where many identify themselves by not having a real position in the world, an opportunity taken from them, but by the power, not to create and contribute, but by damaging the world., World War  3 on.going,, is by the real damage of the ecosystems we depend on, keeping the world ransom by many even “green” initiatives, by the new “Jewish of World War 2” techniques of terrorising the world or society, as what happens if you ignore the terror r with you., you family and groups. The most likely risk patterns with phase transition risks to, sudden damaging changes disintegrating world society as we know it, are discussed elsewhere, the physical change of mother nature by extreme damage by decades of systematic pollution by most people in the world daily, as daily more and more imbalances or damage is accepted by UN climate change cooperation. This is our duty to point out, not being a friend of the world and its people, may indicate that you are part of the problem of disintegration, a terrorist not even friend of own family and “friends”, without the position and loyalty of a friend, allowing by own participation damage of the world, injustice of the money system with statistic of poverty and as important the damage of true cooperation to change and improve the world as world war 3 leaders and terrorists, are leading and expect “in their opinion”
power as money and position and personal “respect”, even opposing true initiatives as our common world defence by global cooperation, not allowing cooperation to be taken to represents the war or isolated interests different from the best, true and universal interests defined as the infrastructure of word peace and global integrity, which solves the problem as a by-product of doing the right thing with democratic control of World Constitution as part of the infrastructure of new fundamental global order. We do not want to interfere with politics, just add something new and the needs are immediate by Marshal Law and expectation of most people joining in our common world defence or also  Royal Celebration Society, building the networks needed. Being a friend of the world is like being a friend of the people of Denmark, where Operation Recue Denmark suggests that Denmark may be 30m below sea level in 1930 and perhaps 40m in 2040. If you pas a boy about to drown, he can not swim, you can easily rescue him, but if you do not, you are definitely not his friend. When there was a huge UN conference in Copenhagen years ago, we presented the same risk analyse and strategy to save Denmark as well as the world. Then we presented the solution, we know have to state, the one and only solution by our common world defence and best interests, only if it is not too late. It so that most likely is the world lost already, even if we stop completely with pollution and further damage, it is just a short time before the manifestation of the imbalances are experienced or seen, as only time before the flat  Denmark is gone, drown, below sea level. This seems more likely to happen than the UN scientists risk analyses and the reason why scientists for a decade or 2 have year after year concluded that climate change imbalances is coming faster than expected, may be because as Scandinavia is 12 degrees hotter all year around owing to the ocean or the Gulfstream, so the in average 3500 m deep ocean covers 71% of earth and is keeping the measured temperature perhaps 12 degrees lower than the new heating, because it takes time to heat the deep ocean and also to melt all the ice- This is most likely and the last year the deep ocean is found hotter, the Greenland ice heated 10 degrees C last 10 years and the northern climate measure station found temperature to be 30 -40 degrees hotter on Greenland than normal. Such indications may indicate a phase transition with sudden jump of both temperature and sea level owing to melted ice perhaps even soon. The “Jewish” superiority sickness is in general against children, not paid for school and women, where these day a collective international tendency is there to improve women’s condition, perhaps even organised by organisations or governments need for something looking like democratic movements. We can celebrate the hope and creative strategy as a real opportunity to do the right thing or to establish action to solve the world crises. The Gulfstream and other streams as by Galapagos, mixing hot surface water with deep colder seawater, is slowing down owing possibly to 2 tendencies. By the bad circle of fresh water from global warming melting of Greenland. mixing it with heavy salt water of the stream from the heating slowing it down, considerably says experts by measures and this may move some heat to Greenland as Norway is 12 degrees hotter all year owing to the hot air following the stream, more ice is melting and so fort unto the stream is no more. Global warming is heating the ice which last 10 years is 10 degrees C hotter than before as also temperature of Greenland in February was 30-40 degrees hotter, indicating that a phase transition may come soon with sudden changes as Greenland ice alone may increase sea level 5m real fast by such changes. . result of the slowing down of the stream, In Norway less hot air with rain or snow may be a less water and hotter gives less snow in the mountain experienced and the lot of snow this winter may be owing to the general global warming heating the sea, but explaining short time experiences related to the huge changes by general tendencies for the world in historic perspective and time, may be difficult. The finance crises are nothing compared to the value of all f Denmark if 30m below sea-level.. Running a part time job by climate fund stock companies 2 hours a day, may result in stocks in the company both for those investing time and they reducing their work day from 8 to 6 hours a day, and difference paid in stocks and.free voluntary work 2 hours a day or a week may be natural too, as it is your best interest not to be the problem or terrorist and enemy of the people of
the world. Colder winter Around the stream is understood as jet winds, perhaps combined effect with our original discovery, the risks of already heated 12 degrees perhaps, not one as measured, the bad circle of the Gulfstream and perhaps why weather of today is like it is. Anyhow experts as by National Geographic TV program states that bad weather is a result of global warming and that USA by dry weather, forests fires, hurricanes etc. have a costs of life and thousands of billion dollars perhaps. Rajan was to lead the world, the people of the world is welcome to do as him, join the common world defence, but by their own understanding and resolute inte lledct, seeing the risks and that the solution is combinations of action which we must uphold anyhow, both by persons life and the life of societies. All the magazines, newspaprs, sacietist, environmental focused organisations, governments etc. seems to be interested on just promoting their interest for money, attentions, members or voters, not really define the problem and uphold the solution, because then this defence would be the focus, not them. Something bigger than them also on a personal level, is of no interests so to say. Seems as the experience since we have pointed out the most interesting reflections, defence strategies and risk analyses. WE have to grow or not thing abo8ut isolated interests, just see the universal and best inteterrests of one and all, and act by joining the common defence, the one and only. A must if we should survive on earth. Te big wheelchairscientist and the Tesla grunder seems to see problems and need of  establishing societies outside earth, but if this is seen as a problem, then there is no time to do anything but the common world defence duties, by Marshal Law now suggested to be 2 hours a day, but with opportunity of earning money bu  good combinations of raising the world above the corruption of world economy.The best interest of the world , of all people here if in conflict with other interests, is such as terrorism is the crime you do not want to be responsible for and therefor, the conflicting interest is not real, just as we have pointed out how risk patterns are most likely representing the duty of one and all to act and that otherwise, the real risk pattern must be proved in such away that the risks we must relate to, is found not real. We can not risk the end of the world as we know it. Join our common world and climate change defence, join Rajan leading the Marshall Law period trying to establish thew extra we want to add to the world as part of daily living for all. We are not political, just want to add something new, what is urgently needed- Joining integrated growth initiatives by the best interest of all joining in is good and cleaner and healthier food to all by one free meal a day to one and all, providing the best of food for sale too, allows stock companies of transport, production, distribution, global bank etc. by each of the 100 000 floating islands we plan to build, and 100 000 432mx432m ships with sailship technology allways moving allows 40 000 km of moving plastic catching nets to clean the ocean for plastic as well. We shall be gratefugl to hear from you and rich people should perhaps pay 10% of their income and wealth to the common defence, otherwise international agrreements for mass production and energy production with sale, may allow us to use 10% of our stock company income to cleaning the ocean for plastic and CO”. Perhaps blowing up chalk mountains below sealevel close to streams…. Again what must be proven is that our risk analyse is not true, in order to go on with nosiness as usual, the damage of the world is bigger than in 1999, the environmental friendly UN Paris ideas is just an excuse for not doing what it takes, as by the one and only common world defence by the best interest of one and all. Oslo is using 40 billion NOK on one road, for that the city could have produved as we suggested a flying car for all citizen, no need of cars as today, even with free timeshare for larger flying machines if transport is needed of bigger things or many, as flying busses. Oper,tion.webs,com gives the flying machine by the suoer strength of our fractal cubiv frame material and mandala cube. Promoting integrated growth, the concept better than sustainable development and research, in todays world is dependent on correlation by our library, one and only one coordination by comparative research study of Universitas enterprise. A student organisation into climate friendly activity by the university in Østersund where iur climate fund was
gounded, enjyed a lecture by Anandam and one asked if integrated growth was limited to or initiative and enterprise, a good question as any good activity by any good environmental friendly organisation may be close to good, really good, but owing to the Marshall lLaw period needed and the extreme destruction of todat, including the money system most people is part of, gives true integrated growth dependent on cooperation with Anandam and the climate fund, otherwise it is just like science, exploited by universities making world dependent on them and operating like a organisation representing the economic interests of scientist, as by thousand of them formulating UN policy and as UN representing world governments, can not represent the best interests of the people of the world, as our universally acceptable Universitas enterprise. We are non political, beyond the differences of religion, politics, intellectual understanding, economy etx. Just wanting to add something new, the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity. GLOBAL bANK AND wORLD cONSTITUTION is more than 2 decades old and together with health reference centre for everypne's healt by static . Auyr Veda and modern medicine, perfect soltion to global problems and needs. Based on Universitas Library it is really an opportunity for the fulfilment of our world and world ecnomy,and may be an opportunity for national democracies as well without being  political or involced in the democracy. The best of technology ois needed and we have devloped syatems for communication of information so secure that not possible to find out what is sent and so fort. Google and others have knowledge bases developed, digital money banks is come later, our book of 1986 described internet possibilities and a moviepicture from USA discusses howcameras everywhere may be solutions to problems of societ and even so to say fulfill democracy of USA by simple voting and optimum efficiende of administration serving people as internet is doing today, as voting by mail. This is most important world democracy and global bank must be based on people, most people by the greatest good of one and all by World Constitution of Global Integrity with global democratic ontroll to ensure that the organisation is not used for serving other interests, than the common greatest good. This must be established first then we candevelop the organisation and integrate all the best of technology. We do know how to proceed, but people giving up infit possibilities to steel and control as by today's digital banking and voting without registration and cheking routines for who voted what and how control led by counting... Also climate fund patents is copied last decades and our Global Bank suggest that by witnessing all transport of money in the world black economy can be eliminated and transport be more efficient and cost free. Perhaps the picture was to discuss this fact, from any country moost interesting but for people with mpney to hide... . Rajan Anandam  P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim Norway account in Norway; 0532.16.67831 IBAN NO24 0532 1667 831   https://pyramidisland.page.tl Geo enginering to remove CO2 for instance  as presented on TV may be bad or do not be based on an understanding of what really is happening with extreme risks ignored both by the imbalances or damage of the climate infrastructures there and of the use of bioenginering itself. New imbalances may be created at without real solution to the prolem, much bigger and with the risk of other climate gasses increasing the problem which allready may be an imbalance 10-20 times as strong as estimated today. 10 -20 times as hot as messuared is common sense, as the ocean keeps the temperature in Norway 12 degrees Celsius higher all year around due to the heating of the golfstream, so may temperature in the world be experienced as only 1 degrees hotter than normal, but real heating is not in the atmosphere, but in the ocean, it takes time to heat the ocean and all the ice, so if the heating of the
water is in the depth too as registered and the golfstream stops, together with other cooling effects on the surface water, the heat may rise 10-20 degrees in no time. We see someone has copied our system of ballones in updraft towers to have a 25 km tall system to attack the co2 accumulation, which is a good idea, but the problem is allready here by increased temperature in the ocean and other accumulation of climate gasses, may give it no real effect comming to the vcollapse of the world, rapid sea level rise, not only 5-10m in a few years as found possible. This aspect of phase transitions and complete collapse, may happen, we do not how immidiate the risk is, but solving the whole problem is important and our strategy to take out heat from the ocean, cooling it, by producing pure energy by massproduction controlled by global democracy and foundations as our climate fund, Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth, so if bad signes is there we can stop at once, not as oil production that does nott stop, when the risk of collapsing world economy and climate infrastructurees is prooved. One can not say that this mulyidiciplinary knowledge base have any experts, science abuses their position as leading in microscopic areas of expert knowledge, without prooved muktidiciplinary expert perspectiv. The climate fund is probably best in the world and by the strategy producing inexpensiv energy and technology to apply pure energy, a lot of fresh water as to produce forests and farm. It takes 50 years according to one expert to remove all Co2 this way, but applying most systems of reducing CO2 may be needed, as blowing up chalk mountains under water near streams, and other known techniques. VG TV in Norway presented the "stealing of our  system, as NASA and oil companies have done the same, and Denmark produsing islands they say for innovation, was informed by their UN climate conference, same strategy of 108 000 climateships with 12 km tall updraft towers combined with wave, soaler and wind energy as then, but today is the combinations better, the ship drawings likewise and better patents developed all the time by different applications. Cooling the sea by taking out heat of the sea water under water, using enough of incommin solar heating to reduce temperature in itself a few degrees Celsius if no problems is experienced, as well as letting out hot air from sea level 12 km or more , perhaps less, by updraft towers and by heating and steam take out pure energy on the top of the chimney. The climate ship is based on the cubic frame of our logo, but on top of the ship the tower may be built by several cubic frames on top of each other, some with balloones keeping the tower up, others with wings keeping it up and with windmills and on top solar energy production above the clouds. Ships are moving around not to have concentrated effect on the climate one place and is a combinations of techniques and effect on the real problem. Producing water and energy and transport of both, as by flying cubes transporting hydrogen and millions of ton of water each, to desserts and farms organised to be taken care of by roboths, have the combinations of many ewffect of the climmate infrastructures. It is called our common world and climate defence, based on most person joines in, as we find the best car possible to produce, mass production to all may give a lower price than the cheapest cars today, gives the green world transformation possible real fast and the meed of action can not be more immidiate, not in 2030 or later and not by less damage every day, we must stop damaging and more more to realize the global integrity lost by plannet C with climateinfrastructrs collapsed, and plan A is plannet A. The interesting is that the joy of travelling, festivals, learning and congresses, sport and health improvement, may be combined, it may be fun to join in building a climateship, if all respects the greatest good of all, not seeking to exploit the situation by sex and economy. Thoseinvesting in stock companies of our fund, which should enjoy at least 51% of the shares, may doubble their investment as agreed profit potential, but from there the company invest in the green transformation in stead of profit, and economic growth in the fulfilment of world economy, invest time
or money or other vallues, be well paid if we do success together, but do not steel from the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity, including the healthy decent world society
fortsatt fra times of global integrity magasin:
World Constitution of Global Integrity refers to our constitution of non political world democracy, but also to our flag of global integrity, see top of page, as the constitution of the universe or the world as by big bang and the 9 substances of the universe, where the 5 elements are known, as a philosophy inspired by ancient values as well as modern knowledge as Quantum physics with the vacuum state, close to the idea of the transcendent, beyond the laws of nature of the universe as our philosophy of pure intelligence and the physical existence of the world. But as part of the science of wholeness enterprise, World Constitution refers to the democracy governing the global universal cooperation, only! The Declaration of World Constitution of Our Global Homeland, New Fundamental Human Right and Duty and / or the infrastructure of global integrity; New Fundamental Global Order with the Global Voice of Conscience, non political world democracy by this our constitution of global integrity. This represents universal values of upholding global co-operation between citizens to ensure the freedom and independence of the individual, the people of the world. The universal law of global cooperation between citizens of the world to uphold a global safety net for all, was developed during the eighties and formulated by these articles during the nineties by several independent and humanitarian foundations as Independent University Foundation and Universitas Week established January 1980 by the founder of the science of wholeness, Rajananand Dhananjaya, then known as Stein Roar Andersen (up to 2004). The Constitution represents only universal acceptable values as free a minimum of food,
clothing and housing, free information, free participation in pure, non-political democracy and cultural expressions of the unification of world society. That it is nonpolitical means that all participating in the co-operation is equal to everyone else, the values shared are a free minimum and no one decides what others should do. The democracy is communication also in how to participate in the minimum of universal co-operation to receive or produce these values and finally the defined values as presented in the following is the only values to be 8 produced, the co-operation is not going to serve any other interests than the defined, common universal values. The government of the universal co-operation is more like everyone communicating how to share responsibility for what priority of action they want to uphold, strictly within the area of universal cooperation, one is upholding as an independent, global system, not competing with anyone or to be taken to represent any other interest than those defined as universal global responsibility of the Science of Wholeness Enterprise. The independence of the individual is the freedom of the universal co-operation, independence from others opinions as well, and of course a minimum of housing, clothing and food as New Fundamental Economical World Order, adds the dignity of freedom, too. If this is produced by universal cooperation or a minimum income is given by the global digital currency of World Peace Fund’s World Peace Bank / The Global Bank to give everyone free a minimum income, is still to be seen and is work in progress, applications under consideration. As any Constitution, the purpose is to establish the universally acceptable principles and to protect the organization and its members for abuse of corrupt representation of the whole, here world society in universal co-operation. The Global Voice of Conscience The Constitution of New Fundamental Global Order World Constitution Article 1 The freedom and independence of the world is founded by the freedom and independence of the individual. This global freedom is based on everyone's respect for the foundation of everyone's fundamental human right(s) to enjoy a minimum of normal, pure and healthy food and water, a free personal place to stay and live and free access to the knowledge needed to be well educated, know the paths of right action and responsibilities (human duties) to achieve success in life. The fulfillment of this human right, global freedom can only be by most people participating in a universal system of sharing these values and information of how not to be damaging others freedom. This new fundamental human right and duty is a non-political, nonreligious, - a non-violence global universal cooperation without corruption or other goals than those of upholding this new foundation for peace and harmony, freedom, achievements, growth and development, fulfilling for the individual and society on all levels. The Royal Principle of World Peace; that all of us living on this beautiful planet of ours must stay and grow together, achieve fulfillment together is based on adding this new foundation to world society outside the differences of economy, military, politics, intellectual understanding, religion etc. New Fundamental Human Right and Duty represents that we together uphold global, universal co-operation to give 4 values alone: New Fundamental Economical World Order, a minimum of housing, clothing and food free for those joining in first, when established everywhere, for everyone. New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order (a common library of the Unity of Science, available for everyone by the Science of Wholeness Enterprise and Peace Faculties of Comparative Research Study to be independently established by the co-ordination of universal co-operation. The Global Voice of Conscience, pure and global democracy or communication by this
book as well as: The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace (86) by Stein Roar Andersen. He introduces this Science of Wholeness Enterprise and its scientific principles as the basis of global integration and unification, - a universal and independent organization of global, pure cooperation to govern in freedom how everyone choose to join in within the simplest realization of these common and universal goals of mankind and foundation for the fulfillment of world civilization. World opinion can be expressed as a guide for governments and others. Classic Culture Celebration with the capital city of the world (World Capital) as a cultural meeting point for the fulfillment of world society, classic culture, a new tradition to integrate and purify all classical traditions of the world and celebrations to enjoy global unification around the year, around the world. Rajananand Dhananjaya as the founder and knower of reality is given a royal position to protect the enterprise unto world democracy governs; title Maharaja or Rajan of the World. Maharaja / Rajan indicates a royal position and initiative given by the challenge of time and the responsibility of seeing the opportunity and duty, but is just an example of the role of the individual in world society, by position and universal responsibility and means, king, the one for the whole world! (As a name however, of course it is a used name by many and consider just a life supporting sound!) As example of the majestic position of the individual, but Stein Roar Andersen / Rajananand Dhananjaya is also representing within the co-ordination and pure democracy everyone by number which is not yet partaking in the democracy. He enjoys all those votes when decisions are taken by the democracy! Anyone can join in without changing society, culture etc. as such, we just want to add the freedom of the individual and his opportunities to integrate the best of knowledge in the development of society. Its co-coordinating functioning is non-political and upholds a coordinating organization within universal development of a global co-coordinating network of free individuals. This was the preliminary edition of article one of 5 of the universal law of global cooperation; World Constitution, still so complete that you can relate to it as the foundation for global, universal co-operation. Article 2 To uphold global, universal co-operation accordingly everyone is welcome to join in as a cocoordinator equal to any other coordinator, representing his pure position as coordinator and no other interests of his own, or others, a business, etc. - except those interest refereed in the library of the unity of science, where any "books" or information can be a part of the reference center. All coordinating activity should be given priorities in 9 relation to developing the foundation of freedom as a whole and as Universities week program. When first priorities as far as possible are fulfilled there is possible to choose how to join in by new fundamental human right and duty within the scientific and cultural enterprise as a whole. Before global realization at least 1/3 of the time and resources should be dedicated to growth, welcoming new citizens to join in as coordinators as everyone else and preparing this as an opportunity according to both new fundamental human duty and right and coordinator is the main functioning of the democracy, functioning voting. The reference center is there so everyone can define activities according to priorities and choose how to join in according to the system of communication presented at page 42- 49 in the book The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE. As founder, Rajan is the only one by his royal position to decide any other activities than the universal co-operation in order to initiate and accelerate the growth of participants to realize a true world democracy by most citizens of world
society. This may include establishing Ltds but of course with at least 50% of the shares by World Peace Fund or other foundations of the enterprise and with 10-20 years profit potential, but still not giving away that the co-operation is growing towards complete freedom, for instance free information for citizens by the Library of the Unity of Science, while Ltds might develop subscriptions now costing 1200 $ and so at least for 10 years with compensation and possibilities for earning a basic subscription for persons in countries where the amount is a "fortune" or difficult by joining the week program alone. No one other than Rajan or later by world democracy of 90% of world population should enjoy this right to decide agreements to reach everyone as soon as possible. Rajan can do so either as President of World Peace Fund (independent charity foundation and administration of the promotion of the enterprise of Independent University Foundation) or private by royal position, of course within the truth: the enterprise belongs to the world, by Rajan's and others gift to mankind and by this constitution and others contributions. Article 3 The world citizens uphold legislative power by giving direction to the universal co-operation and when most citizens stay together (90%) laws can be given, for instance to control the freedom and independence of the library of the unity of science as reference center, in as many ways as possible, standards for a minimum of clothing, housing or food or global money and bank, how to uphold democracy in its purest form etc. One question is that global democracy should not interfere with national integrity, however, the reference center might both be used for national election as well as debate even presenting pure national democracy for the Global Land of Environmental Cities if developed. Everyone's participation is expected to be free, without personal involvement except for coordinating duties, because the global goals are universal and nonpolitical founded as the science of wholeness enterprise and this is the interest of the union of world society, whit protection of the interests of the individual in this co-operation. The co-operation is based on the simplest possible participation in universal co-operation. If someone intend to take a path outside the simplest without mistakes, by the reference center, laws can be given to protect the universal cooperation from being involved and the integrity of those joining in, their interest in not being represented by anything but the universal cooperation, with no other
than the defined universally acceptable goals, rules or laws and co-operation of this Constitution. Article 4 Judging whether there exists disagreement of the freedom and integrity concerning other interests than those of universal co-operation within the coordinating network, is done by a sufficient number making it a first priority for everyone on the local, national or global level as a question for global democracy to consider within the duty hours where everyone can register their opinion. If someone demands that a question of co-ordination should be considered by the democracy as something competing with the purity and one pointed growth towards the goals of universal co-operation, then the questioned activity must stop unto accepted by 95% on a global level if it is a principle of the activity which is a question of not harmonizing with established activities, unless decided by the royal position of the founder, not to be shared by anyone else. All questions of such doubt of new activities established anyone can raise questions about in a reference center for the democracy within our library and published by the reference center as network communication. Laws should be agreed to regulate this on all steps of development in order to protect the purity and freedom of the minimum acceptable principles of the co-ordination to grow, achieve progress and enjoy fulfillment together. FREEDOM TO DO WHATEVER NATURAL STEPS OF PROGRESS REPRESENTS AND FROM HAVING TO UPHOLD NOTHING BUT A MINIMUM ACTIVITIES OF NEW FUNDAMENTAL GLOBAL
ORDER is everyone's right to protect as a common safety net for all, as a coordinator, defender of world peace. We are not speaking of application of the reference center for any purpose organized as basic subscription and editor functioning, everyone can enjoy by the library of the Unity of Science and the Global Times subscription business, which is a free information system for the purposes of those using it. When The Global Times is a business organization where any business may freely compete, contributions to the library of the unity of science is free and ours, however, taking money for organizing access to the information is what the business is reduced to and to be regulated by companies as suggested! However laws must be integrated, for instance, pictures of a free reference center must be by those in a picture giving acceptance to reproduction perhaps and communication against good standards of common sense as violent pornography, must be balanced by laws or by discrimination to uphold freedom also from others impurities and in respect for everyone! 10 Article 5 These articles are not to be changed in order to protect the freedom of the participant from creating anything than that which is agreed upon, so his participation is not abused to serve other interests. This also to safeguard the independence and universal foundation for world democracy, peace and fulfillment so it is universally acceptable. No new direction to activity must be given unless 99% of world population is behind it in freedom or Rajananand as a knower of reality can include it according to the spirit and principles of the enterprise as a whole. Any disagreeable or questionable activity is everyone's duty to report to the reference center and coordinating unit with responsibility for  What are you going to do when growing up, children are asked, what do you think your dharma is. Society is decades behind what it could have been if society did not waste decades of childrens life selling their labourg, wjere a code of honor is bever do anything for money itself. position other than that of a coordinator, but founder Rajananand. Welcoming others by Universities week arrangement, subscriptions, etc. is a first priority activity. Unifying world society is a royal approach and the royal we, everyone is welcome to enjoy by the Royal Principle of World Peace and as we are traveling around the sun. In the explosion of information as Internet, TV etc. the Library of the Unity of Science controlled by the global democracy can ensure reliability and freedom in this vital foundation for world development, exploded as "the information age" without democratic and science of wholeness principles that is up to date as this Constitution. Global Land everywhere either by this Constitution or partly by suggested national union constitutions (own countries with constitution perhaps like that of Norway ) to solve national problems around the world could be integrated in the Constitutions domain of non-political values of our global homeland if everyone agrees and/or Rajananand finds it an acceptable agreement. Of all references of the library there should be routines for control beyond doubt both by computer routines and by regular duty check by everyone and written archives/library. We suggest 3 independent levels of supercomputers to control and register everything within Global Intranet as fulfillment of the potential of Internet. Democratic control is advised by groups of 1008 persons controlling collectively by meetings written references by the participation in the democracy and reference center of the members of the group and how this is registered by all groups of 1008 Each group of 1008 citizen of the world unit is dived in 9 groups of 108 + 36 persons divided in groups of 4 one for each of the 9 groups of 108, and the 4 have one 5th person and leader, elected within and by the group of 108. 28 groups of 36 gives a union of 28
groups of 1008 citizen of the world units and this is repeated within the new units of represent citizen of the world units to give only 7- 8 new groups which may meet together in order to uphold democratic control of everything by personal checking alone. The different positions are shared with systems of control by random and are different each time. Personal and democratic control of information on all levels is most important The representatives should change so all may become one from time to time in a new group of 1008 with the same system. There was suggested another organization, but the principle is above and the same here! These for systematic democratic control by checking routines also to be upheld by all. We suggest building one house or environmental city with 1008 rooms, one room for each citizen, which the citizen of the group owns as a second, third or first home and have land producing food for these persons by universal co-operation as a seat for the persons role in the democracy of the world. Democratic control meetings may be arranged together with a festival and take perhaps 2 hours a month! There should be written archives all over the world and also by each coordinator for everything on computer with free access for everyone, checking what he found in the computer reference center or by personal contact, regularly and in order to ensure that no organization are changing or controlling anything, which is very important to be aware of as a danger of corruption with huge national organization, multinational concerns etc. Everyone wanting to add should within universal cooperation have 4 witnesses upholding their own archives with this assistance as duty and other matters to be regularly controlled by routines on the local and global level, so in no tricky way it should be possible to abuse the reference center from any point of view. This above is the second preliminary constitution to be perfected and protected, preliminary but unchangeable unto 90% of world population verify or chance it as educated coordinators after upholding the order a few years or minor change by Rajan, without changing the concepts or meanings, but university and science is out, concepts on a higher level as Universitas library, integrated growth of comparative research study, universitas foundation, unity of science by "universitas" from Latin meaning turned into one whole. Dharma is a advanced and complexed concept, and as many find reliogion to be part of what they find as their duty and natural responibilities in society, it is associated with Veda and religion, but is a concept like a gentlemens code of honor in life and buiness as rigthousness is part of the concept too. Dharma is more what you are ment to be y the situation yu are born into, the education you get, the qualities of your ability to work etc. Dharma in India is associated with casts, but in modern society what is easy to do is considered good applications of the choices to be made. Education is often understood as giving the responsibilities natural for you to share, as constitution of perhaps your democracy or country. But education is turned wrong wasting many years of a persons life where he should have studied for what helike to do or must do to fulfil his duties as a citizen, husvan or wife perhaps and so on. Experts after education also have learned more and more of less and less, size of their special knowledge possible to see in a microscope, while those protecting the economic interests of different diciplines make sure that society havre to pay extreme, in order to integrate expert knowledge in society and often left to politicians and businesses to choose how to use experts, not with the best of general knowledge of application of their education and qualities.
It is complicated climate change overall picture, but by studying our perspective most people may easily understand the wrong doings, what to do first, risk analyzes and strategy to combat global warming. It is pretty much as coral reefs, half of them gone owing to accid CO2 they say, then it is obvious, noone does anything to save the siutation in spite of its obvius that it is just a matter og short time before 00% is gone, most likely, this situation is also same for balances of global warming, only many more points to understand and see, by common sennse and deductional reasoning ala climate Holmes, so to say. The situation, world leaders let the world collapse sgainst better knowledge in order to exploit the situation, so it is most obvious people, you and me must start taking responsibility, not as the problem nased on leaving responsibility to others, not doimg what is needed to do, leaving responsibility to each other, business to politics and politics to science and so on on, including newspapers and tv. Join our common world and climate defence, now, bby the informationnetwork membership of 1-3-8, each finding 3 family members to pay 10 or 20 NOK and registering their emailadreses perhaps as a cmmunication network of 1-3-9 as well. Use my account, routines so those registering others take payment... please be free to suggest to takeresponsibility for it... My job as an editor may give a decent income of some million before I am out, leaving it to others and 1008 stock companies by each climateship is supoosed to give extremly many good jobs by standardized routines.
Another aspect of global and individual health:
Jay  Yogi Mahesh Classic Auyr VedaIs my personal Health organisation seeking Cooperation from you knowing tha general organisation must be chanched to be called vedic, that Income must come from other Things, possible to build by MCAV and that we can improve meditation twoways by classical tradition for friends, added yantra meditation as 6th of pancha karma which may be improved as many Things are lacking by wrong routines. Also the sidhi techniques lacking a fundamental value of practice and by joining Universitas Enterprise we may by climate fund build Stock Companies giving Income, as by free vegan meal to all, most People wanting an extra meals or two a day. We hope to hear from you accordingly and please forward this to all in need to know.
Jay  Yogi Mahesh
MCAV is based on my personal research and reflections by the inspiration of my teacher, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It was a great joy to hear Prince Charles speaking from India by a conference of holistic medicine being aware that individual health depends on how you relate to the world, as we say individual and collective integrity is two sides of same coin.
He may relate to vegetarian or vegan food perhaps, we relate to Dharma this year, which is a concept by Sanscritt, cover codes of honor, justice, activities which is matural for you as a duty and by common sense, how to act according to your position in society, qualities of knowledge and skills,, natural abilities and education and other values by codes of honor. Married people know what is natural to do mostly, and we are married to the world. The freedom and independence often young people seeks or want to upheld, is not comming from not being involved in the world, but from diong the rigth thing as by our common world and climate defence. Young people enjoys probably often more freedom by their health and parents efforts. In ancient days the concept of dharma was related to casts, in order to bee free from those serving with values one receives, probably, dharma these days is in relationship to family, local community with people of cooperation perhaps by studies or work, to nation or in the small global village of ours, more and more towards the world where we are involved by world economy by black money by pollution and statistic of poverty and direct responsibility for damaging the world by WW3. It is well known that being a vegetarian or vegan, too, if the cow family is nviolantly disturbed. Ancient understanding is that war comes to society if not most people vegetarians, and even the depth is so large that one much pey for it in hell, but if one inspires others as a vegearian to nonviolence, one may pay in life, not having to go to hell. Perhaps same situation is by damage of climate change and the infrastructures of mother earth and statistoic of poverty as well, world constitution of global integrity is about your and everyones health as well by our common defence with world constitution of global integrity and non political world democracy to controll the infrastructue of world peace and global integrity. We do not pay your depth so to say as part of the problen for devades perhaps, but our solution by optimum economy, tp do least to accomplish most, allows yo to achieve  to be part of the solution. with or without ancient understandings, it is common sense. Universitas Enterprise cooperate with the defence and welcome cooperation from all organisations as newly founded MCAV. Climate ships with health organisations for those joining in is planned and Universitas Library planns a section for health of all persons by their participation as editors, to develop statistic foundations for perhaps million of super computers seeking what is best also by rukes of ancient Auyr Veda, much older than India. How ewe receives food is most importantt and most people into the organisation of one free vegan meal a day by standard naturally relating to all protection as not genetic damage food or damahe  places of growing, not by transport damaging the world or as advertisement or supoort of any isolated interests, only by the greatest good of one and all. The best to all, not only billionairs,  a safety net for one and all also by Global bank giving everyone free money to bay from the cooperation by world food currency. It is a great joy to welco,me all to grow in personal and global integrity by Universitas Enterprise, the independent foundation founded by me in 1980, now as the president. SOUKYA film presented contribution from Charles and we have developed meditat, architecture and found orgional values forgotten of panchakrama and so fort by me as a person, and by the enterprise as research into ancient meanings of perfectionated old knowledge and as Charles said, old values must be understodd and recreated, but ir sure helps to have vedic knowledge pointing in the rigth direction as findings of modern medicine, Chime medicine and so fort. The health information networkk membership costs 1£  by 1-3-9..., everyone inspiring 3 family mmember or well knwn friends, fellow students, coworkers etc. to join in as well and collecting from the first 27 new mambers the anount 0 covering of costs of sending and a donation perhaps. One never do anything for money, but when upholding action, seeking good and optimum economy is natuural as building climate ships, 1008 by each ship or 100 million stock companies, based on integrated growth and particpation by large numbers.
We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly.

Arkitekturen i fredsdomen er utviklet:

Rajan Anandam tidligere, Rajananand(a) Dhananjaya, nå forenklet var før 2004
registrert som Stein Roar Andersen og grunnlegger av Universitas Library,
stiftelsen siden 1980 og vårt felles verdens og klimaforsvar.
boka vår fra 1986 trykt i 10 000 eks og vel mottatt landet rundt og veden rundt., side 2 i boka:

Siden den gang holder vi et høyere nivå enn universitet og Universitas Linrary bibliotek, er nå begrepet med integrert vekst av komparativ forskning studie, ikke enheten av vitenskap heller ved fornyet begrep dannelse. Fagf kunnskap er viktig men frihet fra fagforbundene ved universiteer, næringsliv og politikk, er viktig fordi dette mønsteret har gitt oss klimaproblemene.
Kopier gjerne inn følgende og adressen til denne siden som tekst og send den som mail til alle du kjenner, pr mobil eller ved innkopiering på din hjemmeside. Det siste ok om man skiller det noe ad fra annet.

https://dday3.page.tl/, se også for Norges Student Demokrati og Global Student Society:


Universitas Enterprise to realize the infrastructure of world peace as a safety net for all, was founded by me in 1980 and by World Constitution of Global Integrity founded some years later. Today to realize the infrastructure one must consider the integrity of the environmental infrastructure of moder earth as well and be aware of the problenms of food, which often is not foirst class and possible damaged beyoind the acceptable. Non violence of food is recognized as important for the climate infrastructuires and the future of mankinf. Så we promote to deliver a free vegan meal to one and all and several opportunities to realize this is found and best combinations of these 3 by growth we seek.
One opportunity os by our non political global world demovracy is by our Global Bank to give a freee income to one and all covering one meal a day as a start, more for those jining in the voluntary free work, which is second opportunity, this may be by festivals with one question of the democracy covering this area of our global voice of conscience by the networlk building of people saying yes to same questions, as by accepting global banks currency, and if most people say yes, most obvious, most countries say yes to, and then it just starting printing money, easy to say, yes thank you, too. Network building of people may also represents organisation interested in removing poverty, saving the environment, having Plan A by our common world and climate defence , Plannet A, not the present plannet C , schools, universities, governments as well. Voluntart free work by universal global cooperation may start producing and distributing the meal wiyhout bad transport and several organisations may go together for instance to do this for India. The third opportunity is to promote standard naturally for food as something "rich" people will favourize as being the one and only way to enjoy first class food without genetic manipulation, bad transort, poisen, bad places damaged where grown and so fort. If popular, not taken to represent other values or interests, and without the terror of black economy, more or less all economy by present world economy. we may ensure a sagetynet, where even rich countries as Norway may be without food if mreollaps as expected is comming by climate change.

Vi søker redaktør for listen ekstraordinært storkjefta miljøhaier og et team av redaktører for ovenstående til debatt
Storkjefta miljø eller klimahai er inspirert av begrepet Jaws fra filmen, hvor bystyret ikke gjør noe vedtak og deres kjeft vedtar spising av barn som sannsynlige og redaktør bør forstå dette enkle prinsipp og hvordan En Folkefiende av Ibsen synes å gi samme tema. Klimaministeren sa et ellrer annret om at der var 50% redukasjon på et felt ved hans innsats, men klimabalansene har kollapset, de er ødelagt og ingen vet helt eksagt hvor meget, men det er sansynlig at verden kollapser selv om man stopper å forurense helt, ikke bare halvveis. Klimaministeren og regjeringen tar altså ansvaret for all den skade på moder jord som utøves mer og mer dag for dag. og når oljeproduksjon og ansvar for salg taes med er tallene de operer med løgn, kan det hevdes og i dette perspektiv er de på listen ober ekstraordinært storkjefte miljøl haier og selv om ww3 tredje verdens krig er verre enn andre, kunne dette være et artig innslagf 17 Mai i lys av grunnlovens landssvik paragtraf også. Vi søker også noen til å danne en enhet for netverksbygging, inklusive å administrere medlemskap. 1-3-9-27-81 hvor alle verver 3 fortrinnsvis i ren famlie, søles også Vi søker samspill blandt alle organisasjoner innen fattigdomsbekjempelse, klima og miljø, dyrebeskyttelse mm for å utvikle sikkerhetsnettet for alle ved infrastrukturen for verdens fred ved å organisere et gratis vegan måøtid for alle, som presentert på engelsk på hovedsiden, samspill ved vårt felles verdens og klimaforsvar og v innbyr først og ffremst folk, men organisasjoner, skoler, klasser, univesitet og regjeringer også. Organisasjoner vil kanskje se dette som konkuranse om medlemmer og sponsormidler, men vi konkurerer ikke og fellesforsvaret er i alles interesser. Organisasjoner kan ta koordinerende ansvar for ulike aspekt av foretagendet og aansvar for et eler flere AS sammen med klimafondet ved byggingen av klimaskip, slik at kte og naturliug vekst er innen mulig oppnåelse. Noas for dyrebreskyttelse kunne ta ansvaret for et AS for å beskytte havet, 50% av koralrev er ødelagt, kort tid for esten forsvinner da, som med klima, om ingen gjør noe. Klimaskip AS kunne satse på å pulverisere ødelagte rev ved sprengning nære strømmer for å nøtralisere syre og CO2 med kalk pulver.
Ærbødigst Anand

videresend eller publiser denne plakaten:

For ordens skyld våre milde stiftelser er ikke politisk eller involvert i mine plikter som norsk borger og derved kommentar om klimahaiproblemet som landssvik ved grunnloven og mafiakriminalitet ved følgende:
Nå er Riksrettpartiet etablert av undertegnede  samspill med Partiet av 17 Mai 1992 og Universitetet. Det tar sikte på at Erna i denne runden som før ar sabotert avholdelse av frie valg i Norge, vi ha meldt oss på uten svar også denne gang for kommunevalget. Riksrett parti fordi partiene og kommunene framstår som fremmede statsmakter med tap av stemmerett for involverte. Viktigste årsak er dog landssviket ved storkjeftede klimahaier i perspektiv av Jaes og Ibsens en folkefiende samt at Grunnloven er prøvd hindret og forfalsket, hvilket kan er hevdes av 2 grunner, for det første, dette er riksrettssak karakteriser initiativet og i respekt for Grunnloven og statsmaktene og for det andre, endringene er total forbudte av Grunnloven som sier ansvaret innebærer skyldighet i landssvik, i beste fall, i verste fall verre en det Quisling ble dømt for. Partiet er underskriftskampanje, bevitnende underskrifter med fører valg og stadfestes ved denne takst for snarest å fremme ordentlig Stortingsvalg med de som har adgang til å stille kun, antatt uten de politiske partier. Partiet innvalgt i maktposisjon fremmer derfor forretningsministerium for alle statsmakter og all bevegelse av verdier, inntil gyldig valg er gjennomført snarest mulig og gjerne i fullbyrdelse av demokratiet ved Grunnloven og Partiet av 17 mai 1992.
Rajan Anandam 108andersen1008@gmail.com
Nå er Riksrettpartiet etablert av undertegnede  samspill med Partiet av 17 Mai 1992 og Universitetet. Det tar sikte på at Erna i denne runden som før ar sabotert avholdelse av frie valg i Norge, vi ha meldt oss på uten svar også denne gang for kommunevalget. Riksrett parti fordi partiene og kommunene framstår som fremmede statsmakter med tap av stemmerett for involverte. Viktigste årsak er dog landssviket ved storkjeftede klimahaier i perspektiv av Jaes og Ibsens en folkefiende samt at Grunnloven er prøvd hindret og forfalsket, hvilket kan er hevdes av 2 grunner, for det første, dette er riksrettssak karakteriser initiativet og i respekt for Grunnloven og statsmaktene og for det andre, endringene er total forbudte av Grunnloven som sier ansvaret innebærer skyldighet i landssvik, i beste fall, i verste fall verre en det Quisling ble dømt for. Partiet er underskriftskampanje, bevitnende underskrifter med fører valg og stadfestes ved denne takst for snarest å fremme ordentlig Stortingsvalg med de som har adgang til å stille kun, antatt uten de politiske partier. Partiet innvalgt i maktposisjon fremmer derfor forretningsministerium for alle statsmakter og all bevegelse av verdier, inntil gyldig valg er gjennomført snarest mulig og gjerne i fullbyrdelse av demokratiet ved Grunnloven og Partiet av 17 mai 1992.
Rajan Anandam 108andersen1008@gmail.com
Der skal være en tredeling av makten ved grunnlovens §1 fritt land med innskrenket styreform, slik at de 3 statsmaktene lovgivende, utøvende og dømmende passer på hverandre for å beskytte folkets frihet, som at ingen kan dømmes foruten både lov og dom ved domstolene, mens det rer folket ved Stortinget som er lovgivende statsmakt, øverste statsmakt og Stortinget skal være adskilt fra de 2 andre, f.eks. Grunnlovens paragraf om at ingen valgt inn som representant på Stortinget skal sitte i regjeringen, da vi først påpekte dette forsvant paragrafen fra trykt grunnlov, men prinsippet er ikke til å endre . så sier siste paragraf i Grunnloven. Partiene blandt annet med mafiakriminelt utdannelses system har infiltrert statsmaktene som skulle være adskilt, lovgivende, dømmende og utøvende, som er Grunnlovens dynamikk i balansen mellom de 3, erstattet av partiene som en dynamikk fra høyre og blått til rødt og venstre. Voi krever partiene fjernet med parlamentarismen og hemmelige valg og oppfordrer folk til massivt å etablere nye partier i samspill med Norges Grunnlovsrett Universitet. Fra rødt til blått er også en heslig innstilling til folket som lovgivende statsmakt ved tinget, partiene mener det er partiene som skal være lovgivende statsmakt ved folket. og har parytidiktatur hvor det meste av statsbudsjettet er de enige om i kjøp av velgere som de kjøper folk ved å betale ordførerer lønninger og gir dem makt i kommunene i konkuranse med Stortinget, hvilket er skyldighet i landssvik. Dessuten mener de at de med makt og penger er landets herskere og folket er klassedelt fra venstre til høyre og hvor det er populært å snakke om fattige som utgangspunkt for ikke bare å kjøpe folket men også true dem, som barn kidnappes til tvangsarbeide i skolene . Grunnloven sier folket er høyeste statsmakt og at statsmaktene er til for tjene og forsvare folkets frihet og behov for regler for landets aktiviteter.
Partiene har bedrevet korrupsjon i stede for å realisere Grunnlovens verdier hvor disse erviktigere i det moderne samfunn, fordi balansene lett drukner i media og utdannelses,  filmer og internasjonale forhold, riksrevisjonenb skal stadfeste statsbudsjettet, men ved hemmelig valg kan de ikke det, ettersom mest sannsynlig er partiene ugyldig valgt og ved kjøp av andres stemmer med statsbudsjettet. Det er barnelærdom at statsmaktene skal være adskilte og fungere som kontroll og dynamikk for vekst derved. Kun folket kan fulbyrde demokratiet, ikke partiene hvis partidiktatur heller ikke gir mulig grunnlovsendringer ved folket. Folket er lovgivende statsmakt ved Stortinget, folket er høyeste statsmakt og å realisere dette i valg, er fullbyrdelsen av demokratiet og Partiet av 17 Mai 1992 har opplegget som fungerer med superkomputere, men med ikke hemmelige valg hvor der eksisterer plikt til å forsvare fedrelandet ved å kontrolere korrekt opptelling. Så vi innbyr velgerne til å stille til valg kanskje med egne partier i den grad det ikke er uforenelig med grunnloven og i sanmsvar med Partiet av 17 Mai 1992, gryunnlagt 17 Mai av Stein Roar Andersen, nå registrert som Rajan Anandam. Alle partier, borgere og organisasjoner kan samspille med partiet, som har intet program i seg selv, hver borger stiller med eget program, gjerne med annet partis program, tilpasses hans valg i enkelt saker. Grunnnloven påøegger alle å forsvare landet også ved valg så velkommen med. Partiet fremmer dog unntaksvis standard vedtak i samspiull med vårt felles verdens og klimaforsvar. For eksempel skal alle borgere i Norge få 1,2 millioner kr av olje fondet i i obligasjoner som gjøres om til aksjer i klimaskip AS, hvor hvert AS kan a en leilighet  i eie eller timeshare ordning så festival, cruoise, helse etc. skip kan velges med disponering av leilighet på en eller flere skip hele året, man kan også leie ut, der man har "fast leilighet" som kan byttes ved timeshare. Et par hundrede klimaskip er trolig det minste som skal til for å balansere global oppvarming
Man kan anta at våpen i gatene sammen med at barna må følge ikke Wergeland men ordføreren og politi 17 Mai er uttrykk for hvor skyldig de føler seg og hvor redd de er for Russen, Russe Tsar, meg gir kurs til minst 1008 kr i klimastreik fra denne vår hjemmeside og første møte fritt eller til selvkost og så kan man  velge kurs retning. Jeg har plikter også som borger av Norge, Russe>Tsar show, mens klimastreik ved student samfunnet, ikke innebærer forhold til norsk politikk og grunnlovsrett.
 Mail sendt:
fra: RAJAN ANANDAM rajananandam1008@gmail.com
til: postmottak@smk.dep.no,
nrk populærv <schrodingers.katt@nrk.no>,
dato: 4. mai 2019, 21:07Ekstraordinært storkjefta miljøhai, narrer med seg barn på å reklamere for ham som miljøvennlig, sansynlig er det at om man brukte pengene på å betale noen for å rydde....Et 3 km brett skip, klimaskip kan sanke ekstremt ed plast og vi har patent på plastsamleren og dessuten utvides patentkravet ved Erna og sette representasjon på det å ha flygende limmusiner med ballong kanskje og robot arm som plukker plast i følygende søppelnøtte altså til også å omfatte passe stor støvsuger, barna plukket smått. Ellers kan staten bruke oljemiliarder for å betale for plukket søppel, det er styugt å misbruke barn til inntekt for dem og at det er deres politikk de arbeider for når de samtidig streiker mot denne og er kidnappet til slaveri i 0 År. At partiene infiltrerer streike opplegg ved barnepartier er å utbytte barna som er med på deres opplegg og deres egne posisjoner, og høyst upassende når streiken er mot dem at de prøver å utnytte det at de holder verden kidnappet til å presse barne til medlemskap hos dem, det hele grunnlovstridig, men vårt bidrag til klimastreik, fokuserer isolert på det som ikke er politisk, også når det gjelder politikeres landssvkik, opplegget er intet politisk, selv om klimaministeren er av meg personlig politianmeldt for landssvik ved klimarisiko. Mine stiftelser er ikke involvert i mine plikter som borger.
Når man bygger klimaskip er det innen det minste som trengs for å redde miljøet, men man kan bygge for seg selv for drift og finansiering, så vi håper alle som blir med tar utforingen med å bygge en egen hybel ved Trondheims Student Samfunn, klimaskipet, med festhall, arbeidsmuligheter, studiemuligheter, verden rund cruise muligheter osv. ca 300 000 skip som det under er planlagt og det vil gi allei verden en hybel, med timeshare i leilighet, svømmehaller, treningssentra, festhaller osv og med produksjon av mat til alle i drivhus, energi, vann, og oksygen om havet streiker, hvilket drt vil før eller senere om vi ikke streiker eller gjør noe med det hele.. Klimaskip som "studentersamfunn for alle elever og studenter" er bare med diameter 324m og vil ha prosjekt for å bygge et større som det følgende presentert på engelsk omtrent 19 ganger større, som skipet med en flygende kube, bare at der er 3 og høyde 12 km holdt oppe av ballonger.
Miljøministerenb på tv i dagf, dagen etter karakteristikken av ham og regjeringen, han mener å ha gjort meget, og relaterer seg til internasjonalt samarbeide, men tar ansvaret for der er ekstrem forvering av klimainfrastrukturene, hver dag og internasjonalt omtrent som år 2000. Mens problemet eksisterer uavhengig av dett og representerer kollaps som kan manifesteres når som helst som kollaps av verdens samfunnet og verdens økonomien. Han vil ta ledelse sier han dagen etter at jeg inbydde regjeringen til samspill om problemet med at 50% av koralrev er forsvunnet, mens han forsvarer oljesalg og mer forsuring av verdens havet, vil han lede utviklingen med trolig mafiakriminalitet og begjær om å stjele fra vårt felles verdens forsvar, men da blir han det mottsatte av hva vi er, en enda større ekseåtsjonelt stor sinker, intelektuelt, ånfsfattig og krigende mot verdens folk ved tredje verdens krig han vil lede som Tyskerne under ww2., andre verdens krig. omtrent som han konkurer mot meg, meens vårt felles verdens forsvar er intet politisk og er baeretryt på at folk flest samarbeider, ikke tar ledelse eller noe, om han vil kan an investere å ta ledelse for et AS hvor verdens demokratiet har 50% av aksjene. Dette er altså problemet med klima og miljøødeleggelsene, de vil ikke gjøre det rette og vil lede de som vil, til å delta i deres politikk. Som de infiltrerer streiken mot dem med barne parti, om i seg selv er uetisk , det de gjør er p misbruke de streikende. Vi innbyr til samspill og alle også foredre kan melde seg inn og noen bør registrere å sende inn medlemsavgift, for eksempel skolevis, klasse vis, alle i en stor familie osv. Det er kort tid til 17 mai, litt handling trengs, handling applauderes.
Det er å poengtere at streik er et dårlig ord, fordi det antyder at de man streiker mot utenfor egen familie er sjefen og at man jobber for dem, derfor bare klimaprotest er ok, stopp ødeleggelsene av vår verden, har vi sagt i mer enn et tiår.

Royal World Peace Constitution Fund is one of more than 1000 foundations in Norway with Rajan Anandam as President upholding Universitas Enterprise by World Constitution of Global Integrity and these was founded last millenium where the law stated that foundation with our economy at the time did not need to be registered in Norway, nor need external verification of economy. There are also one World Peace foundation established for each country in the world and 1008 established for  building a climate ship with 1008 foundations and stock companies, where the foundation owns 50% of the stocks in one or more stock companies in order to uphold economic activity with no risks for the enterprise, except the invested values. As the foundations dispose all values on behalf of the people of the world, not to be given or sold away, the stock company does not eiether own our logo as exemple, just accepted to use it. We hope as soon as possible most people in the world joins in to uphold democratic control. There are new laws, but the constitution of Norway verifies that these can not change the earlier established mild foundations and that such foundation is not to be given taxes or tasks where the resourches must be used for other purposes than the humanitarian, environmentally friendly, fulfilment of science and world peace purposes. Tax authorities in the eigthies defined this to be for activities of the purpose of the mild foundation for World Peace Fund, administrating most of the foundations by the same patterns as its own activities and organisation. Many of these has no economic activity and awaits realization of the ship planned decades ago, no with a good architecture by the purpose of all the foundations by integrated growth of comparative research study of the purposes of the enterprise and Universitas Library. Donation may be sent to the account in the green section in the following. ww3 Dd by the Global Student Society represent one of these foundation, nsd by ntnu was homepage when established  and at NTNU, university in Trondheim, an by NSD the ship project with 1008 foundations was developed. 1008 appartments with home office by this ship is the plan.:

I et skip 300mx300m ca vilpillarene være 6mx6m og kan romme enflygende limousin:

Also the above limousine of flying cars may be put into a ufo for real fast travelling:

Global warming seriously needs a cooler world and the world ocean and the ice cools the temperature, most probably past 10 degrees hotter, but it takes time to heat the world ocean, 3500 deep and 71% of the surface of earth. Research tells it is hotter, not only the 50  top meters and extreme weather we knows about for a long time and the last decades of this time, more weathger and more often extrem weather also there as expression of extraordinary hot weather and sea surface outside the general heating and outside Australia prrof of this was seen, 2 years ago we read. They say extraordinary hot sea here and there occurs 50% more these days than from few decades ago. Extreme weather and hot weather may hit the ice and melt enough water for the sealevel rise perhaps 10 meters as a start, anything is possible by the risk patterns with is what one must relate to, not the excuses for not doing what the challenge takes. Heating may melt also so metan greenhouse gas is released enough to increse the global warming problem extremly, together with forest fires giving more CO2. So first aid by our common world and climate defence is cooling the sea, taking away enough heating to cool the ocean as by more than 100 000 ships as above with a ring diameter 3024m by the logo og the cubic ship with 3 cubic flying machines including beeing ballones, forming an updrafttower  with an opportunity of 45 sq km of greenhouses heating the air to speed up the air in the chimney together with lenses flying in the air outside the tower and with heat pumps in the sea by the ship with 18 km with walls into the sea and combined with the 2 12 km tall windmills, tracing the opening in the 2 750m wide openings btween the 3 balloones lifting the pillars of the 3 flying cubes. If for economiv reasons or practical, to expensive with 3 km tall pillars, there applications or also possible half the size, diameter 1512m or only diameter 324m The ship in sea have a 3 km wide plastic collector and plans on top to take out CO2 in the air, also blowing up dead coral revees in order to make the sea less accid, together with other opportunities and we advice the world to bay all its energy from the ship, by compeeting prices in order to take out CO2 from the sea and atmosphere, also promoted by producing fresh water from the sea, steam into the toer taken out as  purified water on top, and flying cubes may transport more than a million ton water and energu into desserts, farms and cities meeding water. Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth, a Integrated Growth Faculty of Comparative research Study, foundation in Norway by Anandam as President, welcomes cooperation by standarised routines to build first 108 000 ships each with 108 Ministries of the city government and 1008 stock companies of the city and industries of building global integrity including the lost integrity of the infrastructires of climmate, destroyed so one may say most probably collapsed, just a matter of time before manifested, rather shorter time and long time as 10-100 year, as the risk we can not allow to take. Global non political world democracy to integrate this as part of the infrastructure of world by democratic control of the greatest good, the best interests of one and all as universal common goal, not to be taken to represents peoples education or jobs, politics, religion, economic interests as oil economy we want to take over from those who steels our world by still damaging the imbalances, the future of our world, extremle every day more and more imbalanses, nothing to remove the problem.
Nederst på skipet er et tre kilometer langt kvadratisk skrog med miidtskip og side skrog 2, alle 3 3 km lange med overbygg og kanskje vinger i mellom. Ekstremt område for varmepumper som trekker varme ut av sjøen og varmer opp pipa i updraft tower som i skipet er 3 km høyt og forlenget av tre flygende kuber med 9 km til.

Foreslå for aviser, magasin, TV etc å ta inn løsningen på å balansere global oppvarming inn og vi tar kun en liten avgift for å nytte tegninger med gitte regler, man må spørre og vi må se til at logo ikke blir forstyrret og at ved kritikk vi gies adgang til å besvare denne før innrykk mm Ta gjerne kopi av bildet for egne studier kun.

I Trondeim kan man søke om kurs i klimaforsvaret og alle sider presentert her og ganske rimelig om en skole eller klasse arrangerer med sted og administrasjon på dugnad og eller kan man søke om min deltagelse slik andre steder, uten at praktiske rammer er gjemnnomtenkt eller kjent.
vI OPPFORDRER OGSÅ FOLK I nORGE TIL Å MELDE SEG INN I KLIMAKIRKEN, Hodos, OG FOR DE SOM SLIK BRINGER STATSSTØTTE FØLGER TILBUD PÅ KURS OG ARRANGEMENT UTN DEKNING AV KOSTNADER MED TILBUDET. Hodos, veien i Jeg er veien, livet og sanheten sagt av Jesus, men slik at innmeldte kan mene at dette er noe alle er, annen tolkning er personlig og forholdet til Gud ansees som personlig, ikke kirkens område, men i forhold til at du er, jeg er osv veien, kan også vi er veien livet og sanneten betyr at jorda og universet også er veien, miljøet og vi er sammen , det samme vi er veien sannheten og livet, om havet streiker for eksempel, vi trenger alle  puste. Hodos tilbyr konfirmasjon med kurs og opplegg for familien og kirkenn er akseptert for å drive kapellet for alle som ønsker en stille stund på klimaskipet, nordøstlie hjørne ved standard parkering.

Miljøstreik fra skole, universitet, jobb og egen familie er engod ide og selv har jeg sultestreiket, 54 timer rundt sist fredag for eksempel,og så spise kunklimavennlig vegansk mat kanskje er også en god ide. 

Damer eller piker kan være med i netverksbygging ved Venner av Verden, de somikke gjør noe galt som gjør dem til terrorister,ingens venn og gutter eller menn ved vårt felles verdens og klimaforsvar, nettverksbygging kun innen samme kjønn altså,unnatak ved egen familie. 2 timer om dagen anbefales for de fleste og det er minst 1008 områder for samspillmankan velge. Problemet er delvis knyttet til at manmisbruker posisjoner til å sjekke damer for eksempel, og kanskje sommålsetting, og å utbytte folk med slik hensikt vil vi ikke skal ødelegg folk og ei heller kampanjen. De somlett kan bidra oppfordres til å gi 10% av formue og inntekt til World Peace Constitution Fund og gjene slik at 5% er rengave og 5% investeres i risiko AS med hlyt fortjenestepotensiale og så bruke 2 timer pr dag til å sørge for at ASet gjør sukksess. Tithing er skatt til fellesforvaret.

There are menay things to focus on to keep the world we depend on, the bies may be gone and even reproductive health of men is a problem p robably due to genetic manipulation of health and other pollution, pehaps even genetic manipulation of both food and people and atomic radiation. Together we can do whatmust be done, not by isolated interests but by the universally acceptable best interests of one and all.

Å skaffe seg hybel på klimaskip itilfelle kollaps av verden, hybler eller egfne småbåtvillaer, hybel i byen og stor villa nære god naturlig matproduksjon er en god utfordring, somåbygge bolig og tjene penger på det, god miljøvennlig bolig. Vi har opplegget for dugnad og samspill. For at flygende kuber skal være både ballong og vindmølle mm er med beov for størrelse, hvor diameter 1512m kanskje er det minste, effektivt for
updraft tower også, men det synes som 324m i diameter kangi et grunnlag ,løfte evne 12millioner ton ca somhydrogen ballong og pillarer sterke bok til å gi vinger og vindmølle utenåbli for tunge i forhold til løfteevne. For vakuum er en kule med diameter 800m med 8cmalluminium funnet ok, men trolig noe mindre forditykkelsen i skakllet er mindre på toppen. Både venner av verden og vårt felles verdens forsvar har nettverksteambygging systemer som støtter godøkonomi her. Velkommenmed Global Student Samfunn innbyr alle i hele verden til samspill.
Ved grunnloven er der ingen begrensninger av næringsfrihetenog nettverks team bygging synes åpenbart lovligig,imidlertid kjenner viikk lovene i alle land og ordningen er derfor okhvorhenlovlig ved nasjonale lover og ellers ved klimaskip i internasjonalt farvann. 80% av spurte vilike et cruise i Norden heter det og adgangen til stadig nye steder hele tiden ansees som interesant og klimaskip frakter folk fra og til skipet med flygemaskiner også helikoptre og ballong, så mankan lande lett hvor somhelst og starte frokot ilufta og være tidlig i storby lenge før skipet er ganske nære, Skandinavia rundt gir også alternative turer sompå fjell og i slalolbakker, eller på toppen av disse, eller et telt døgn med vakter for å nyte naturen.Ved samspill om bygging av klimaskip AS vilnære selvkost være mulig, rimelig ferie som ellers ville vært eksklusiv også med besøk i internasjonalt farvann. Ferien er ikke alkoholbasert, i stede for dyr vin, ansees for eksempel nypresser druejus for godt og rutiner,mat, trening, minikurser osv vil være basertpå en dag som fremmer god helse, heller enn blå mandag heter det vist.
Vi er glade for å innby til deltagelse i nettverksbyggingen ved for menn, gutter Vårt Felles Verdems forsvar og damer,piker venner av Verden. Miljøstreik i Operasjon fellesforsvar Uke, et navk valgt da Operasjon Dagsvark er annerkjent av skolene og gratis mat, vegankost måltid hver dag til alle.... Miljøstreik kan være ved jobb eller skole, mens det blander ikke vi oss inn i og eller ved fasting 48 toimer hver uke, hvor ekstra tid og ressurser brukes på å fremme infrastrukturen for verdens fred og global integritet også ved klimaet med fullstrategi for å løse problemet. Man trenger ikke å ta stilling til staretegien eller organisasjonen, kun fremme at manmå samles om åløse problemene, om andre bedre løsninger dukker opp samspiller vi gjerne for å nytte disee for eksempel. 
Elever har vist vilje til handling, men å bare forvente at de somødelgger nå skal få ansvaret for å redde verden, er ikke en vei ut av uføret, selv omprotesten er god, manmå selv ta snvar for utviklingen og fremme samspill for det. Det er meget vanskeligere og så meget å ta hensyn til etter sompoliti og partiene blander sef inn, som skolestreiker i Norge var infiltrert av barneorganisasjoner til partiene, - det kan hevdes å være kriminelt å ha slike, trolig årsaken til Utøya ulykken. Så organisasjonenmågjøres foolproof mot innblandinger og foruten det enkle,ved globalt demokrati, intet politisk, å ta ansvaret for de skritt sommågjøres uten omtanke for å berge familiens, partiets eller venners bedrifter eller Norges olje inntekter. Mankan ta stilling til organisasjonens ulike prosjekter ved valg, men for å delta deler man det litt vanskeligeat manmå stå sammen omåredde verden ved organisasjoner som respekterer alles interesser og verdier, ikke ved miljøorganisasjoner interesert i miljøet,mest det på nackspielet eller festen og gjerne alkoholisert. Jeg har drevet med korrekt tilnærming til organisasjoner siden 1980 og er kanskje verdens beste på dette, som ;Magnus vet han er god i sjak og vi har definert målsettingene, slik at de er univwrselt akseptable og uten at andre interesser skal forstyrre utviklingen, som er klimaproblemets største og vaskeligste side. vi oppfordrer også alle land til å akseptere Global Banlks egne grønne valutta, delvois som en valutta for integrert vekst, bedre uttrykk en bærekraftig utvikling, basert på den ide at de som synder skal ha sine bedrifter beskyttet bærekraftig. Banken for den grønne verdens transformasjonen har et minimumoppstart beløp, men ellers kanvekst av valuttaen ikke skje ved å trykke penger, mere som salg av grønne obligasjoner. Alle er velkommen til å støtte dette ved å delta i globalt demokrati og stemme for at manmå akseptere banken. Netverksbyggingen har nien slike spørsmål å registrerer også. Om vi skal redde verden, det haster,måvi være økonomisk praktiske, selv omvi intet gjr for pengenes skuld.
Ærbødigst Rajan Anandam
Opprett gjerne en hjemmeside og siter meg, engesk tekst øverst gir rammene for dette og om ikke lesbart, få foreldre eller andre i familien til å være med, oversett gjerne også.

The first primarily capital city of the world may be a meetingpoint for ships and flying cities at new places all the time as amuseum ,living and breathing, for the cultural traditions of the world, as by the most ancient pyramid architecture and congresses by Universitas Library, in 1980presented as a global university, but Universitas Enterise is much more than a university and not by the idea of protecting experts know how and knowledge as a labourgh union, but tomake as much as possible available for free, then there is much more use for experts as well, if it was used by all.

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