for magazines, homepages, newspapers

Please, be free to apply for reprinting the above poster, which is very good for magazines for instance with most probably the ancient pyramid architecture found and developed inti mathematical perfection by Anandam. Say 50 000 years ago they did not have computers, but the genius who first found the yantra expressed pure brilliance of creative intelligence, but without the possibility for others to copy, so partly forgotten during thausend of years.
The Greatest News in
the World is by the greatest
common interest of one and all.
Global Bank combines the 2 currencies, the
green world transformation currency and the
currency of a minimum income to one and all by New Fundamental Economical World Order of World Constitution of Global Integrity, the freedom and independence of all by a safetynet of the nfrastructure of world peace for all. it is a great joy, if most people in the world accept receiving free money to be used on a free vegan meal every day, a free flying car and mobil home and clothes by vacuum cubes insulating and air between them gives flexibility, is the greatest. news in the world,, hopefullt saving the world. Global Voting by non-political
world democracy of The Global Voice of Conscience or
World Constitution of Global Integrity,you and all are
welcome to join by ordering Grestest News Newsletter.
Above poster and txt with link to this homepage if free and immidiate pressrelease.
Newspapers may apply to reprint the above unchanged
We shall be grateful to receive an application for reprint of the above, all or parts, perhaps by own 3D drawings which we may use as well enriching our presentations and if in any other language, with Norwegian or English translation and we welcome ghost writer editions according to your perspectives, but some covering of our expenses and work reading through and giving acceptance,is expected. Those ordering a newsletter may add all 4 without change if they have a complete subpage for the presentation without comments on the subpage, but adress to the reprintinting is expected.
Every nation have someone selling to newspapers and magazines and we shall be grateful receive interest for those wanting to maje a national presentation with translationof the above to national language and complete all 4 translated,easy to achive acceptance. We may even pat 1 NOK for it as advertisement where you make a presentation without accountnumber and all, paying us for the presentation NOK 1+. It is excellent news.
Rajan Anandam isliving in Trondheim Norway where he was known as Stein Roar Andersen, still his not registered family name.He is educated by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and is an experton the seven state of consciousness by his teaching, which found brahman consciousness to be to much for the general public perhaps and without the concrete correlations world leading expert Anandam found as by family growth, astrology, architecture etc. It is a great joy to share and we hope to build a buisness growing into the floating university or museum of Universitas Library in memory of the Maharishis who forwarded this to us through the corridor of time. Egypts pyramids is so well built that the best experts today doubt that they can do it as well, so knowledge promisres a healthier or better world where we seek fulfilment of the development of world civilization.
There are several good news for experts in many fields here, correlated as one big news introduction, chakra, state of consciousness, agni, substances of the universe, architecture based on physiology of man, origional pyramid architecture found, up to date these news by our developments are correlated into a building project of a climateship which may save the world. Just reprinting the 4 above posters maybe easy to achive acceptance for, one may then ask to quuaote fromother pages too, however if one want to debate it, we must be given possiblity to respond to critisism or anything, our flag of gobal integrity.... Offer a sumof money for we reading through and giving acceptance. One may also pay for Anadam following up a debate in a newspapers, but hopefully so many ask us, that it is a problem to answere all, and here is the need of payment by a general open offer to the world.
Universitas Yantra Manadala Cubus Fractal Hexagon Michelangelo Mass Material based on the story of Michelangelo making statues by just moving the extra stones, as a dgital mass of cubes creates a ring or statue out of it by moving hexagon cubes. Cubic frames or boxes may be on different Levels as those forming the pillars of one main cube is 2% the size of main cube, and likewise for the pillar cubes perhaps from a cube 3 km tall Down to carbon nanotubes size. Itgives the
Universitas Yantra Manadala Cubus Fractal Hexagon Michelangelo Mass Material
Når Michelangelo laget statuer, fjernet han bare overflødig stein sies det og her digitalt fjerner man bare kuber fra en masse av sammensatte kuber med kuber på mange nivåer, 2% av hovedkuben i dannelsen a kubens pillarer. Der av begrepet
Universitas Yantra Manadala Cubus Fractal Hexagon Michelangelo Mass Material og oppblåste gumme hjul i grønt på tegningene også i vedlegg
er enløsning, i andre sammenhenger betong om det er murstein altså og om manlager inner og ytter boks og vakuum inne oppnår man letthet, støt balanse for eksempel i flygende bils vegger og isolasjon.

The poster one may order with signature from Anand may be like the above.and the fractal 2% digital mass material for 3D priniting of 3 km tall buildings, down to smallest things by Universitas Yantra Mandala Cubus Michelangelo 3D fractal material is a possible induastrial revolution, as the sthe artist was knownfor just removing the stone which should not be there to create a statue, here removing digital cubes on all levels befor a robot put those which should be there together.
In perspective of beeing part of common world defence, Universitas Yantra theme, protection of human nature, is extended to be the greatest news in the world, a real hope and vission to restore the world allready collapsed, not yet manifested as it takes time to heat the ocean and the ice.
Subpage Friends of the World Hearth may give the best drawings, and application to reprint those perhaps you adding drawings by the above, more perfect versions for us to use freely may be a good idea. All posters unchanged....

The pyramidshape have all the technology as hovercraft and 3 shipconstructions application and is adding wave energy and better dynamic for the wings in the sea: The balloon with sides of the cyve 28,8m lifts 12 ton +, but then in relationship to the larger cube it is about half the pillars, not 108 x 40m about 4000m but but 60x 28,8m 1728m.

Newspapers offering 3D drawings foor us to use or perhaps the touch of an artist drawing the ship, may apply for reprinting of the above for free + texts.

The Greatest News in
The Greatest News in
the World is by the greatest
common interest of one and all.
Global Bank combines the 2 currencies, the
green world transformation currency and the
currency of a minimum income to one and all by New Fundamental Economical World Order of World Constitution of Global Integrity, the freedom and independence of all by a safetynet of the nfrastructure of world peace for all. it is a great joy, if most people in the world accept receiving free money to be used on a free vegan meal every day, a free flying car and mobil home and clothes by vacuum cubes insulating and air between them gives flexibility, is the greatest. news in the world,, hopefullt saving the world. Global Voting by non-political
world democracy of The Global Voice of Conscience or
World Constitution of Global Integrity,you and all are
welcome to join by ordering Grestest News Newsletter.
Freatest News in the World ever, people may fulfil world civilization by saying yes to the new currency and free money. New Fuundamental Global Order har 4 main focuses and the currency should also cover free internet, by the new Integritynet and celebrations combined with voting to uphold democratic controll with the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity, The greatest opportunity for world society ever, the greatest hope for mankind, stop being a terrorist against humanity, enjoy the greatest hope for the future, the greatest news every in the whole world.Verdens beste nyhett noensinne, vær med å fullbyrde verdens samfunnet ved å takke ja til frie penger ved Global Valutta som kombinerer sine 2 valuttaer, den for den grønne verdens transformasjonen og den for garantert minstelønn til alle. Valuttaen skal kunne nyttes til et fritt vegan måltid om dagen, en fri flygende bil og mobilt hjem som del av infrastrukturen for verdens fred og global integritet som sikkerhetsnett for alle og frie klær laget av kuber isolert ved at det er vakuum inne i og luft mellomdem for fleksibilitet og bevegelighet. Dette er ved Verdens Grunnlov av Global Integritet, Verdens Samvittighets Stemme er også rent intet politisk demokrati kalt ved funksjon å gi retning ved oponion til verdens utviklingen i tillegg til å være demokratisk kontroll for det nye vi ønsker å tillegge verden integrert over alt, Ny Fundamental Global Ordning her med Ny Fundamental Økonomisk Verdeens Orden formulert på 80 tallet som et minimum av mat klær og bolig til alle fritt for økonomisk uavhengighet og frihet. Vær med å fullbyrde verdens sivilisasjonen, vå håper det ikke er for sent ved kollapsen av den grønne infrastrukturen vi er avhengig av og presenterer svar til ved vårt felles vrdens og klimaforsvar og venner av verden. Ny Fundamental Informasjons, Kommunikasjons, Utdannelses og Bibliotek orden ved bl.a. projekt for nytt internet i folks beste interesser ikke næringer og isolerte løkonomiske interesser, sexklubber, mafiaer etc. skal dekkes av lønnen også og folk ved neste spørsmål i globalt demokrati er om vi skal nytte endergi som den nye guld standeren. Feiringer, festivaler cruise og kongresser i noen grad også og dekningen er ved at folk støtter opp og nytter tjenestene og tildels deltar i organiseringen for demokratrisk kontroll med at infrastruktuuren av global integritet ikke misbrukes, inklusive den grønne ved klimainfrastrukturene bl.a. Grunnlegger Rajan Anandam het Stein Roar Andersen ved etablering av Universitas foretagende i Trondheim Januar 1980.