Meru Tower of World Peace

Everest Invincibility Tower flying city and floating island, 9 km tall, Gold Ganges Country
12th of January 2020 we celebrate as start of Year of Yogi Mahesh Meru Tower of Invincibility, to establish and realize the building of a climateship at least 1512m wide and tall with many flying cubes forming a many km tall updraft tower initself also a flying machine, which can land and call the new country the Gold Ganges, as the country the Gold Nile, to transpport daily millions of ton with fresh water produced at sea, in the ocean and transported by flying cubes to boats on the river 10,8m wide and long with storagfe for water for baths, toilets , also to take away if wanted and with toilets to be used as fertilizer for producing bamoo forest in dessert, as materials for the tower.
We can start with the tallest building in the world as preliminary tower as it will take years to build a 9 km Everst Tower at sea. This to celebrate the tradition of knowledge brough us by Yogi Mahesh and his Guru Dev. Downtown Abbey temples or ships as presented 64m long and wide perhaps even twice to 4 times as bigg as 216m long and wide we plan to cruise around the world around the year with health and meditation courses and routines and training around the clock, around the year and around thye world. We shall be grateful to receive interest from those wanting to enjoy Universitas Library Imerial Collega of Health by vgan food, yoga, meditation, kung fu training close to yoga, modern medicine and healty daily routines to enjoy optimal health and health building.The tower and ship do not share the trancendental meditation teaching, owever those practising may include it by their daily routin, otherwise meditation, music, and excercise may be enough as by yantra meditation or techniques shared by Maharishi ourside the movement, as Lakshmi meditation. Strayegic games as Go and Chess may be enjoyed for practise or excersize as well. Want your own downtowwn floating palace or a yacht 200 sq m with not a helechpther but flying cube also a helichopther.... We shall be grateful to hear from you
accordingly, by mail and or by ordering the invincibility eSubscription newsletter, fee NOK 108, an expenditure you may share with 36 others if found expensive or if natural as being a schoolclass wanting to consider their own boat or ship project. 16 1mx2,5m sleeping rooms a by train for each 10,8m long boats, may give a good project for a school class building 3, one for girls, one for boys and for guests and meetings, Universitas Library College, congresses, festivals together with other ships and boats. vegan food, yoga, auyr vedaa etc. is knowledge all should know about taking a year extraordinary healthy studies may be a good idea for anyone.

Be free to copy the above poster and text with a link to this page sharing the good news by mail, on your homepage perhaps or by a magazine etc.

Tower of Invincibility as our updraft tower with several flying cubes on top of each other, partly balloones by the ancient architecture as shown above. The oldest written document from Himalaya in China indicates that our cubic frame as a tower was Meru architecture.

Welcome to the page introducing the building project to build a huge climate ship by ancient pyramid achitecture dedicated to the masters of tradition during thausend of years, perhaps 50 000 years and associated with India, Egypt and pyramids all around the world as in America. Maharisi Mahesh Yogi and his teacher "Guru Dev" which may be assiciated with being pope of India, Shankaracharya, butlived most of his life in silence and meditation ar exemples of masters of the tradition from where perfect mathematical architecture is developed by me,  Meru is associated with themagnetic borth pole as a mountain and other values and in China the oldest papers in the world associate Mery with the structure of updraft towers by cubic frames on top of each other by the mathematical perfection of our logo, here in the dark green squere by our meditation poster:

A dleet of climatships with 364mx64m and several 10,8mx10,8m small boat 200 sq. m house, homeor yachts with building systems computerised by the above system.

In the agni pyramid building collagen may be close to ojas or soma known by Auyr Veda as bones are high up in the pyramid as by collagen 1 and agni, where thye cells producing collagen too is interesting but this is our research these days, what can Auyr veda say about collagen building.

The 9 agni is also orgional discoveries of ours as the 7 first agni,starting in stomack with changing the food into you on 7 levels we learned from Maharishi Auyr Veda, but 8th by time chakra and 9th by direction in space chakra is our addition, sexual union what is going on outside you  8th birth of a child 8th chakra, by 9th agni, 9th substance of the universe and by self realization 9th level of consciousness.. Maharishi Auyr veda have not responded to our suggestion it is not 13 agni, their 5 by the elements are qualties of the other agnies, so 8 of their agnis so to say may represents how one stage is developed from another, but all together the correlation of knowledgeon the top levels are our contribution, agni isintelligence and energy, but itself not fire, first transformation of food into you is by the quality of fire in your stomack by first chakra and first element and also food is born of the fire of the sun, the next is quality of water, food circulating, the next is earth,pieces of food in yur blod, then prana or air or oxygen is helping the blod in the tranformation into the space of your body by the hearth chakra agni space quality, becomming you, the phyiology reflecting your spiritual pure existence, then next the food sustains themind and by union of man and women by physical values, next levels 9 months later by 9th chakra and 9th agni , direction in space by family growth is enjoyed, or for the yogi or munk supreme bliss of the 9th level of consciousness enjoyed. 9th level may also represent the protectionof family by pyramid architecture oour Universitas Yantra, logo of global integrity.

The following is Meru Tower, Maharishi Tower of Invinciblity as our Mharishi wanted and we hope for donations yto make statues of him; Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The architecture may be 50 000 years or older as the vedic tradition of knowledge may be as old.

As part of the fleet of climatefund ships of the tower in memory of the tradition of knowledge by Gutru Dev and Yogi Mahesh:

54 hours a week fasting 7th week 324 hours 6 firstis a good idea and maybe so by Auyr Veda,
but experienced me, finding it easy, have had some trouble with stomack, a little uncertain id 24 hours without wateris perfect, but then the middle of the fasting is about lokking forward to drinlking and have read, no drinking when fasting, supposed to be ancient good rules. For those wanting to try gradulal more and more of 54 hours every week may be a good challenge. - Anand

The meditation may be by Big Bang Meditation Society and Big Bang Experience. I have heard lectures by professor Lawrence Domash (NASA) expert on vacuum state in conference with Maharishi Mahesh Togi lectyring of big bang as the absolute trancendental existence beyong the relative universe, as close to the understanding of the vacuum stte, that big bang is a movement, the absolute becomming awre of itself moving into 2 or 3, the observer, the observed and the process of observing, partly related to maya, the ever changing relative life is just an illusion, absolute state of consciousness is the only real. This divission of 2 is seen in the 9 triangels reflecting each other as the 2 largest triangels or pyramids. thise triangels also tells about the 9 substances of the universe where the 5 first are the 5 elements of relative life in general while the sixth is pure consciousness, 7th the mind and time and direction in space, while space is 5th element.  A book may be written for instance by the big bag experience by brainstorming related to physics and Indian philosophy, so join our high society by ordering the big bang newsletter eSubscription, costing NOK 108 by same routine as other newsletters by Anandam as editor.
Our logo may be the mathematical perfect big bang story, many like concepts as space time and space time, but they are 2 separate substances and the third substance here is direction of space. As a philosophy of åhysics by ancient understnding it may represent that also the relative is consider full as ever changing, space time continium, may be a concept here, but being by consciousness and selfrealization, it also go by family growth as time, parents sharing time adding members to their family, by time chakra and substance of the universe, as space also relate to fifth hearth chakra and element and direction in space, not only as we are rotating towards the sun and such, nut growth of family by new members. Space time is a sexy concept so to say, but we guess only by good family paterns and high society codes of honor, as a family may be a burden and creating life worse of duties is not fulfilled. Today even, can parents protect the future of their children when the ecosytems we depend on has started to collapse? "Space Time Direction eSubscription fee" gives opportunities to be an editor of brainstorming and 4 quaterly newsletter around the year. If you want not only mail, the first may by paying a fee of NOK 1008 giving also a registered letter with the Space Time Direction logo, a A4 poster for meditation.

We shall be grateful to hear from Maharishis movement and organisations associated with it and especially cooperation to give everyone a free vegan meal is a good idea, by the networkg building of establishing stock companies to build houses for those founding the company together with the climatefund. _Building small villages by areas of food production by good transport and rooms in floating cities or small homes too, close to cities is a good idea. We plan to build 108000 floating cities with several such climateships and for different focuses for activity, as around the world cruise, with different congresses , studies, festivals and theme of activity as health. Most of the above posters belongs to the general enterprise to build ships with 1008 stock companies and 108ministries of city government, may be a new nation. Tower of invincibility by the Maharishis given the opportunity of fulfilling ancient knowledge of good living by real wealth and health.
Please, be free to forward the above poster as and with link to our homepage. Jay Yogi Mahesh and other Maharishies of the ancient tradition giving us the architecture , health systems, meditation, understanding etc.

The followig is preliminary calculations to see the balances and is not presented as expert or final calculation, but the system of several channels for the wind of the wings going in opposite direction in order to lift the plain up as a helichother, is old from our technology, with thausends of good ideas and patents developed without resourches or natural focus for development, while the overall strategies, as by our common world and climate defence, is main focus.

We have several prosject as the presented for Meru Tower, for Global StudentUnion or Trondheimsfjord, for our new country Anand by Bir Tawil, polearea and many ships and large flying cities ,too.
108000 floating cities with many ships may include this sze or bigger and smaller ships.
The foundation upholding the Meru climateship is not involved in the other projects, by independent foundations.
Most of the posters are borrowed fromother projects, but being part of our common defence,using the architecture and realizing a ship more as a university for health and pyramidarchitecture fulfiling the project, is the initiativ. Welcome to join in or support it by baying Integrated Growth Bonds or stocks of 1008 companies of the Meru Tower. Sharing the expenditures by donations is also welcome.
The flying cube and cubic fram of the ship may be with diameter 432m, + 108m, as a pure balloone, the fractal material may be by massive steel pillars 0.0032m tick, but lifting itself and pluss 16000 ton pehaps may not do,adding concrete in all meetingspoint and in the bottom pillars may need some 16000 extra lifting capacity,
comming from 2 helichpther rings with blades outside and around the cubic frame and from the roof as wing.
Hopefully one more fractal cube structure by nanotubus, carbon and other materials extremly strong and ligth,may do, but then expertsis needed to calculate it. In stead of 3 cubes , 2 cubes may be it, with the room between them as a balloone, perhaps only 400m tall and with the updraft toer chimney by sailsetting as well.

The heart, most used sign in the world, here found being part of Universias Yantra from anciet times with 9 chakras by 9levels of consciousness and
meditation, Auyr Veda for physical health awareness and architecture to protect man as well. no also with our common world and climate defence.
The hearth seen are allready there just
pointed out with colors and the red color shows the hearth chakra, by the fifth substance of 9of the universe by space , akasha, element, where the hall of the stonebridge lifted hall beginns The
mathematical wounderful perfection gves a
new industrial revolution possible by the musts
of the green world transformation, needed.
 In perspective of beeing part of common world defence, Universitas Yantra theme, protection of human nature, is extended to be the greatest news in the world, a real hope and vission to restore the world allready collapsed, not yet manifested as it takes time to heat the ocean and the ice.
 The 9 agni is also orgional discoveries of ours as the 7 first agni,starting in stomack with changing the food into you on 7 levels we learned from Maharishi Auyr Veda, but 8th agni by time chakra and 9th agni by direction in space chakra is our addition, sexual union what is going on outside you and 8th birth of a child by 9th agni, the materials, energy and intelligence transforming your food into thephysical you. 9 chakras represent suptle communication of the 9 agni and the 9levels of consciousness. Maharishi Auyr Veda organisation have not responded, but all together the correlation of knowledge on the top levels are our contribution, including the 9 corresponding substansies of the universe where 5 are known from Auyr veda as the 5 elements. Hearth Chakra is related to the space element known as akasha, a more suptlre understanding is needed.Perhaps Rajan Anandam may be honored a Maharishi as well.It is interesting that the heart and space chakra may be related to the ninth chakra and agni, how your body is turning into a child by family growth, as direction in space or akasha, a suptle reality on the finest level of physical creation. The understanding og tradition is that it is 2 forms of living, family life and the life of a yogi living alone, so for people enjoying selfrealisation on the 9th level, enjoy this as unity consciousness, 7th, growing into awareness of the whole by time and growing into religious union and supreme bliss. The following is Meru Tower, Maharishi Tower of Invinciblity as our Mharishi wanted and we hope for donations yto make statues of him; Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The architecture may be 50 000 years or older as the vedic tradition of knowledge may be as old or perhaps as old as man on earth.
We have found 9 angni, by 9 chakras, 9 substances of the universe inclusing the 5 elements and 9 states of consciousness and or 9 levels of fulfilment of physical life as by family and chldren. These are universal values and most probably so as the auyr vedic tradition.
Cakra is a communication meeting point for the energies and intelligence building your body from food on 9 levels. represents experts and in spite of us pointing out that the 5 first chakras is by the 5 elements, they must register those 5 as independent agnis, giving 13 agnis they say. They are missing the corelated value of chakra and agni both 9, too and missing the top chakra related to direction in space or akash, as 8th  by time, what is hoing on at the same time, 7th is by mind supporting the self which is the 6th chakra and agni, then the 5 elements is forming the 5 first, so to say.
Being a teacher of the age of enligthenment by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as teacher whose comments to Indian pilosophy gave the logical role of what have beeb more mystical values by the chakras up to Anands correlation. gives the following we questioned.
AGNIS, there are 1 first of the 9
 substances of the universe, it as fire element combines with, just as the 5 elements of Auyr Veda combines, 1 agni 9 levels of correlated interaction.
Fire (heat), in our body, takes the form of the digestive Juices, known as Agni.
Ayurvedic treatment is mostly about sustaining and balancing the Agnis.
They have the qualities of heat and transformation, and are responsible for cooking and digestion of food.
There are 13 types of Agnis (according to experts of today)
Jatharagni (Digestive Secretions) is made up of five Bhootagnis and is mainly located in the stomach, large and small intestines. It converts food into nutrient plasma that circulates throughout the body and it.
5 Bhootagnis (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space)-AS WE SUGGEST IS PART OF THE OTHER AGNIS, 13 MINUS 5 =8
7 Dhatuagnis (Plasma, Blood, Muscle tissue, Fat tissue, Bone tissue, Bone marrow & tissue of the nervous system, reproductive tissue)tHIS DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE MISUNDERSTANDINGS ISNOT ANSWERED FROM THE ORGANISATION WHICH IS LEADING, BUT AS THE 1000 YEAR OLD YANTRA IS FAR FROM PERFEFECT AS ANANDAM FOUND PURE PERFECTION.
As Universitas Yantra with 9 triangels is knownfrom India and a thausend years ole about, the perfection is found, perhaps never on paper before, as theone who made it, did not have the tools of a pc, anyhow as RajanAnandam found the mathematical perfection also of the relationship to circle and square or mandala cubus, the development of the understanding of chakras, 9 levels of consciousness,  and more is perfected and seems new for Indoa and experts around the world. It is in their interest to contact us as meditation, breathing techniques, panchakarma etc. as more practical interest are also perfected and made much better by Anandam, or me, saying it is probably so, because comming to suptle forces and values outside the world of relativity or in the most supptle area of it, it is outside intelectual mastery of poers of deductional reasoning and perhap more into religion and  beiug, not discussed here. Agni is life, the one and only agni is the intelligence and creativity transforming the 5 elements of your food known by Auyr Veda into you by combining them with the 9 substances within you, atarting with fire element and correlated by probably the 9chakras of your body as communication centa. Agni is therefor related to fire and the sun, vital in the production of all food, so to say, and while agni is life, it is natural to relate the patterns to the Sun as a God,and Agni, too. This may be seenand accepted without beng religious about it, just knowing that even though modern medicine knows the role of the physilogical processes here,the concept of life is more suptle.

Auyr Veda library section of Universitas Library where we seeks editors for all parts of auyrvedic expert knowledge as a brainstorm together with statistics of supercomputers where we hope most people joins in, sharing their experiences of the balances with the forces from outside with the combination of these forces of health balances which is you, we welcome membership by ordering a newsletter if easy for you to pay the NOK 108 subscription fee for quarerly newsletter by one year, 4-6 newsletters. Otherwise joining our network building may give a free membership newsletter. Advanced use of statistic of effect of food , pollution, training etc. by the patterns of Auyr Veda respected by UN as a complete health system, fulfilled by our addition of use of supercomputers.

One may apply for publishing the following as a page in a magazinde or newspaper and for free if as expected printed unchanged as a whole with our account. Vegan resturants, shops, organisations, universities, THOSE GIVING AN EXHIBITION OF OUR ANCIENT ART TRADITION etc. may apply to sell it, and earning 300 NOK as the costs of sending a registered letter is about so much.
One may presen t better perhaps by using the drawings and rewrite the text, and if we are allowed to print the new version as well, we may assist with acceptance for free, but normally some payment is expected, if for instance a newspaper writes some themselves as well.

Rajan Anandam
P. O. Box 22, 7400 Trondheim Norway
account in Norway; 0532.16.67831
 IBAN NO24 0532 1667 831

Ps. It is a great joy to present the ancient frame of the most used sign in the world, unbelivble high numbers on internet , an here it is the orgional real harth symbol and as well presenting what probably is ancient pyramid architecture partly forotten as by pyramids in Egypt, as their governmental experts say,probably a history of how they forgott partly to build them.

Cubes may move in 6 directions of the cubes in relation to each other by the distance between them, but techniques may differ dependent on size, materials, purposes etc.

Hexagoncuben includes about as much materials as the mandala cubus frame of our Universitas Yantra logo and 64 25% size, 64 all together, likewise. Anyhow our weigth calculation is just preliminary, as the cubic frame w10m tall about, weigth 5,2 tonn by steel, may be lifted by a balloone 12mx12m x 36m.
Bygg egenbolig og tjen penger på det, bygg eget klimafond AS og formue, skap din egen jobb. Der er dusinvis med patenter som kan være utgangspunkt, foruten klimaskip hybel, egen husbår eventuelt delt med 4 andre og bolig i miljøbyer på landet, med leilighet i byen kunne være bra start også. Et AS kan være murstein med billig robot opplegg som overflødig gjør dyre utgifter, gjerne med murstein som alluminiumsboks med resikrkulert plastik inne i og murpuss i mellom.
utvidelse av patentkrav sendt patentstyret og Erna:
I foorige mail vises hexagonkuben som murstein og for bevegelighet kanplate i mellom kubene være imyk gummi eller skum, eller i små utgaver gummistrikk under de 8 pillarene i pyramidespissen og inn til hjørenene i 4 nabokuber og slik bevege seg i 6 retninger derved. En  murstein med vakuum inne i, robot setter sammen kubenmed vegger i romav vakuum, og ved stor nokutgave kan man hamurpuss imellom som ved vanlige mursteinsvegger eller slyler. Mange muligheter, og ved robotiseringg også av sammnsetting, for eksempel murpussen kan legges ned i former for å passe eksakt i mellomrommene og robor ha spade armer som flter platene i posisjon for å størkne som murpuss mellom murstein og der kan være skruer eller utstikkere som går inn i murpussen fra ytterveggene i boxen,mursteinen.

Pyramid buildings by ancient drawing from China or Himalaya is interesting, because it is a natural foundation for a really tall building say many km tall above the Keops pyramid. Mahabaratha tells about extremly tall building and the combinations of cubic frames on top of the pyramids, makes sense, as the dome of peace may give stonebridge bow lifting of the pyramid. - Anand

More drawings for those enjoying the world capital city experience of ancient architecture found follows and make a good show, perhaps on your homepage, magazine or paper, by next subpage. Anandam here is an exelent archeologist, explaining ancient understanding in theligth of health, partly elentary medicine these days. He is also well established in the yoga tradition by his teacher Maharishi Mahesh Yogiand his teacher was Schankaracharyof Jotir Math, most leading aothorithy of India. Here is the perspective of history of architecture and a mathematical perfection which may bring a second industrial revolution.

one flying cube to be part of global defence may be a project of the Maru ship  here with preliminary calculation as a easy job if resourches and funding are found, as robots to to the same job over and over again. As well part of the New country between Sudan and Egypt as well as by a fleet of ships as planed, transporting amillion ton of water into Africa by air.

Pyramids around the world and philosophy, architecture, yoga and veda from India is part of the archeology knowledge fulfilled by Anandam and most of the top level 7-9 chakras , agni, modern medicin etc correlated is knew even for experts inIndia and around the world, as by Maharishi's movement. There is so to say a 10thvlevel here by the new union of a family in growth. India is missing a point here,women and girls as children is not seen as good, boys are prefered and poverty is putting ladies and girls in India inpositions to be exploited, and that is bad, as boys should not be offered school, but job opportunity to get a position in society and to build new houses so they can build a new famiily.*Krishna says being a yogi and munk may give the same bliss and satisfaction as fulfilment of family life, but it is superior to establish a good family, unfornutadely as often the case, not good families may be a a problem for selfrealization, as if the house and home is bougth by black money. It is more a duty to be amunk if family life can not be offered, as today all parents are kidnaped by the sad situation of risks of climatechange, but so are buisness people and politicians who are responsible for the terrible situation the world is in, Our Common Climatate and World Defence holds everyonekidnapped, it is a must to join in our new empire, as it is no good reasons for notjoining in and it is the one and only defence, anyone trying to do the same do the opposite damaging the union of all people in the world, going together for peace andglobal integrity. India needs to be better but also western countries seems to be hit by the war of lack of family life opportunities, as all young people rather is exploited for sex by those seeking a car to sit in. back to the stomack of a women, that time they was in union with the world, everything taken care off.


On land however, a logo diameter 108m, a 108m wide front all 4 sdes is a good idea 64m tall, and perhaps only east side more open with an entrance, the 3 other sides may be flat walls,4-5 levels in order to use the 12m around the 72mx72m hall in the middle, on some levels perhaps 3 halls 24m wide with windows east and from roof by centre circle 36m diameter open from ground floor and up. Architecture competetion by each building project in order to only be inspired by the traditional building adjusted to classic ancient architecture and it is possible to see the building on top of a pyramid say 400mx400m with the pyramid top as a mid tower greenhouse.
I myself has been a guest at Mentmore Towers when Maharishis University owned it.

The expert in Egypt suggest the hhistory of their pyramids are how they forgot the origonal tecniques and architecture. Above may be the origonal pyramid with the dome as hall inside by stone bridge lifting together with the supreme economy of Universitas Yantra structure.
For the Meru climateship as new nation, see own subpage. Perhaps 50 000 years old and easy for to land on for flying cubes forming a tower and hexagon fractal cube Michelangelo material by Universitas Yantra Mandala

The pyramidshape have all the technology as hovercraft and 3 shipconstructions application and is adding wave energy and better dynamic for the wings in the sea: The balloon with sides of the cyve 28,8m lifts 12 ton +, but then in relationship to the larger cube it is about half the pillars, not 108 x 40m about 4000m but but 60x 28,8m 1728m.

If funding is found perhaps a flying cube 3 km tall s a good idea and in memory of both Mahjarishi Mahesh Yogi and his master, Guru Dev who was Shankaracharia in India is natural. Jay Yogi Mahesh

How cubic frames is suited for landing is easy, if the cube is 4 times as big say 40m tall and wide the mandala cubus structure fit perfectly. In order to raise funding for the larger version of the invincibility tow
er honor the tradition taking care of remembering the ancient architecture, we sell a subsciption going with Global Bank Green World Transformation currency, The Lakshmi Gold Coin is given a number by the subscription of the owner, registered with Universitas Yantra as the Lakshmi Meditation of focusing attention being aware of the whole, targeting by the meaning of the name or concept of Laksmi. No religion or Latin knowledge needed to accept Universitas Yantra concept. We plan mass production for a inexpensiv coin, not much but pure gold, we even plan to produce the gold, but wealthy persons wanting one may order one by more gold and pecial edition, but numbered. The emailsubscription costs 1008 NOK without the price of the coin.

The above poster may be reprinted by homepages, newspapers, magazines etc. and may be used for presentation on TV if references to homepaage is well pointed out. Only the whole poster unchanged may be reprinted.

All readable when reprinted of course and please, add the link to this homepage at the same time.

Jay Yogi Mahesh, his Guru Dev and the tradition of knowledge protected by India for melleniums.

jørnene på skipet 300mx300m kanvære 4 mentmore towers som slikt tenkt:

England did a good job for India and their high society including architecture was inspired by India, WW2 pushed them out probably because of  violence of their system, but high society before that in England really enjoyed
superior living by family life protecting the futiure of their children. Therefore many wants to be associate with high society even today as by clothing and traditions, but today owing to corruption leading to climatechange,...
my personal comments may be, perhaps better \not to havve a family, which is a burden for personal integrity and future life. National integrity does not protect global integrity, nor families integrity anymore, so lets join in sharing the challenge of tinme by our one and common world and climate defence, lets restore the future of mankind, the futiure of family life. If cancer owing to smoking is to be compared to CO2 and climate change, the world is smoking as much as before in spite of the knowledge of the reason for the deadly cancer. Immidiate action is needed by you, one and all.

As funding of Meru Tower of invincibility, we plan to sell e-Subscriptions
We offer you 36 kr/NOK pr sold subscription, all vegetarian restaurants and shops, and as many as possible we welcome to sell the Subscription receiving 108 NOK, keeping 36, sending us 72 NOK and the emailadress of the subscriber, name and address. To  the New subscriber the attached poster may be delivered, with a message on backside, his name: is registered as a subscriber to learn the eye exercise and meditation by News letters, 4 quarterrly emails around the year.

Of course there are a groupe of 1008 Bonds costing one million NOK each to raise a billion, however we plan to to raise much more than a billion in order to integrate as much as possible in the project as of technology, good materials, good team etc.
.Likewise other eSubscriptions excist, too and by other climateship project and by different libraries as the climate livrary or health library, as Meru climateships may include 1008 Bonds by the health library.

The text of the meditation poster, needs to be worked as by spelling, but is excellent presentation of wht seems to be a lost understanding of vedic knowlege andor architecture: it here follows as text:
It is great joy to introduce the meditation and or eye excercise of
Universitas Yantra, the ancient drawing turned into one whole as
a instrument for liberation or meditation. Being associated with
Lakshmi by Sanscrit relating to targetting weather by bow , a project
or other "goals" in life. The excercise to develop the ability to focus
attention while being aware of the whole, all 9 pyramids of succsess
so to say and Mandala Cubus the square and ring around by 2D
presentation, pyramids, cubes, 3 circles by architecture and values related to 9 chakras, meeting points of intelligence and communication of the nervoussystem, 9 agni the fire cooking the food into you on the 9
levels of the chakras, and 10 prana intelligence and support burning the
food, as oxygen also is related to burning and proceeses of bodily activities. It is all subtle and abstract by the 9 substances of the universe.
It is great joy to introduce the meditation and or eye excercise of
Universitas Yantra, the ancient drawing turned into one whole as
a instrument for liberation or meditation. Being associated with
Lakshmi by Sanscrit relating to targetting weather by bow , a project
or other "goals" in life. The excercise to develop the ability to focus
attention while being aware of the whole, all 9 pyramids of succsess
so to say and Mandala Cubus the square and ring around by 2D
presentation, pyramids, cubes, 3 circles by architecture and values related to 9 chakras, meeting points of intelligence and communication of the nervoussystem, 9 agni the fire cooking the food into you on the 9
levels of the chakras, and 10 prana intelligence and support burning the
food, as oxygen also is related to burning and proceeses of bodily activities. It is all subtle and abstract by the 9 substances of the universe.
It is great joy to introduce the meditation and or eye excercise of
Universitas Yantra, the ancient drawing turned into one whole as
a instrument for liberation or meditation. Being associated with
Lakshmi by Sanscrit relating to targetting weather by bow , a project
or other "goals" in life. The excercise to develop the ability to focus
attention while being aware of the whole, all 9 pyramids of succsess
so to say and Mandala Cubus the square and ring around by 2D
presentation, pyramids, cubes, 3 circles by architecture and values related to 9 chakras, meeting points of intelligence and communication of the nervoussystem, 9 agni the fire cooking the food into you on the 9
levels of the chakras, and 10 prana intelligence and support burning the
food, as oxygen also is related to burning and proceeses of bodily activities. It is all subtle and abstract by the 9 substances of the universe.
Modern medicine knows these gross understanding as children learns in
school, but Auyr Veda tells us how intelectually complex it is by the first
5 of 9 substandces, combining into vata, pitta and kapha combinations
of health and your relationship to these substancs outside you and most
practical, by extremly many understndings as if you have a cold, you should drink warm tea also perhaps by ginger which is warm This is easy as how a piece in chess moves, but by all combinations possible, extremly
complex. Fire, water, earth, wind and space . 5 first chakras from the bottom of the spine up to the hearth chakra, and then your self is 6th substance by third eye chakra and mind by the brain and intelligence to
support your self. 8th substances is related to time and above the head as 9th chakra, direction in space. These 2 may also have a physical value as growth of family by giving birth to children.
The first of 9 levels of the meditation is just looking into the centre of
our logo, placed so you sitting straigth up can see it well just above your
nose and then relaxing by the side view of your third eya,  enjoying the
 whole within the dark green above. Within ligth greeb
is the account where you can send "meditation newsletter-
fee", NOK 108 and mailadress, remember, send a mail for more.

A temple 540 m wide and tall with the ship below included may have 18 flying cubes on top 540 m tall each and give the everst higth of 9 km+ tall updraft tower an ship, with pilklars 10,8m x10,8m and the 10,8m cube with cubes in its pillars 0,2m wide and tall, some 34 million cubes 0,2m in the structure of the ship and each of the flying cubes, but a robor, or a million robbots may build the small cubes and put them together fast and easily.
The following poster sent the government and parliement in Norway shows in Norwegian though how cubes is giving easy and fast building and the values of production ogf energy and water:

The building brick may be the cobe 0,2m wide and tall, put when put together the orange around the cube is pieces hoing half up and half down on the cubes up and down with a complete wall or roof in between the layers of cubes. The hexagon cube is practical to, but here just showing the 3D computer robot system of building extreme buildings by handling 0,2m tall cubes.

Dr. Wallace suggested that if my finding was good, a Nobel prize would be naturally and and ansewered
perhaps a hourable doctoral degree at his university and welcommed him as an editor of integrity of health library.
I studied at the university in Sweden acctually summer 1975 at Visjø castle and finished my teacher training by Maharisji Mahesh Togi as my teacher in 1977.
Integrity of Health newslewtterfee is as for all, NOK 108 or NOK 1008.
Editor Anandan:

Rajan Anandam, 7400 Trondheim, Norway
account  0532 1667 831, IBAN NO24 0532 1667 831 BIC (Swift adress) DNB ANOKKXXX ,
We shall be grateful to receive your application for a Newsletter by sending the newsletterfee to the above account by Anandam and then a mail referingf to the payment by the emailadress you have given together with name and adress by payment and amount the sent; eSubscription 4 quaterly reports around the year by mail; NOK 108 or ordinary which is the same but DVD books, posters and ordinary letters also sent quaterly 4- or 5 times; aSubscription fee NOK 1008. Please, be free to to add a donation sharing the expenditure of publications and or Universitas library, Times of Global Integrity.
Inspired by the good respons we contacted the Nobel representatives in Stockholm.

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