108000 new nations by floating cities
It is a great joy to present the opportunity of joining in building new countries, 108000 in order to cool world ocean by the energy combinations of climateships as floating capital cities and islands, too.
One of the new flkoating islands the Gold Nile is prsented like this:
The Gold Ganges project is presented by Meru ubpage, see left.
Inspired bytemples in India the inner intelligence of Univesitas Yantra is taken further in alternativ architecture by this smaller example for bigger ships.

Please, be free to apply for the possission primeminister of the Capital city , the ship or one other of the 107 Ministries availble withchief Minister andminister positions and or the 1008 stock companies of the ship, giving you an opportunity to earn good money, too. Please, tell us hpw youplantogo ahead. - Anand

If it seems extreme, we are talking about the only real and intelligent meassure, the least needed to cool the world ocean for a cooler world keeping its collaps way,if not too late.