Friends of the World Hearth
The movement Together for Peace was established in 1986 with 4 quaterly celebrations around the year in Norway in Trondheim and Oslo as by Spring Eqinox with a harp concert and introduction at Ringe Museum in Trondheim and and exact timme for summe solstice the Nidaroschateral played tunes with peace themes by the bells with only a small meeting outside. It was UNs International Year of Peace and its secretariate wrote and said they appreciated the effort to promote the Royal Principle of World Peace; One and all Together for Peace and global integrity. We also have tried to support UNs climate change efforts as by their conference in Cophenhagen, we allready then suggested the risk patterns of a situation most likelky worse by the 1-2 degrees C+ is allready passed allready, perhaps even 12 degrees, but not meassured because the ocean and ice held the temperature down, but as ice melts and is \heated as the depth of the ocean, phasetransitions may accure as a sudden sealevel rise say 20m as a start, world economy collapsing, war by migthy forces and so on. Such a risk pattern can not be oignored and is not prooven not the situation, taking the risk is terrorism against humanity and UN experts statements an excuse for not doing whar it takes to be safe, safety first, not profit, even though owing to the corruption of science and business the world is decade behind what utopia society could have been, and by the green world transformation industrial revolution of integrated growth by Global Bank and World Constitution of non-political democracy we may raise above the greed and fulfil world economy and world civilization, if it is not too late, both comming to the opportunity of cooling the ocean and sytart repairing as well the sickness of people, universities and ledership of politics and buisness is so bad, that healthy defence of the future of the world is not possible. All raising above their craving for being somebody and getting bad wealth not promoting their health, and starts giving, in stead of seeking getting by our common world and climate defence is also the best opportunity to earn good wealth. But poverty is often based on societies lack of generosity towards people to have succsess, often also by how they want to spend as by corrupting people by patterns of sexual abuse, All the seeking of compensation for not having a good position beeing somebody, can be met by start being a friend of the world, not a terrorist against humanity and take a position withing the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity.
Seasonal celebration on the northern hemhisphere by winter solstice around Christmas celebration and new year fireworks celebrationg the "return" of the sun is by the understanding that we dependend on the sun giving us food . ligth and fundamentals of livin healthy life, it also is "burning us to death" so to say if one does not find good living. So the dark period as by nigth gives experience of rest as expressed in the stressfree family gatherings of Christmas in spite of often by non vegetarian meals. We should avoid the dark side of the christmas spirit, trying to be somebody on the cost of animals and other people, as with Christ, is often how sicknesses of society damaged so much and used as helding society ransom for sexual and economic exploitation of society and families. It is not possible to friend with somebody not having a real and good position in society, they say, as not with a terrorist against humanity risking the destruction even of own family members. A family by wealth and position is superior, and natural to be proud of or seek to enjoy, but most probably family not giving protection to the future of children, is damaging for its parants. So winter celebration is giving our logo in green and red as the christmass star.

we seek cooperation to share the hope for mankind by selling and giving the eSubscription following the card as a gft to others.
The Greatest News in
the World is by the greatest
common interest of one and all.
Global Bank combines the 2 currencies, the
green world transformation currency and the
currency of a minimum income to one and all by New Fundamental Economical World Order of World Constitution of Global Integrity, the freedom and independence of all by a safetynet of the nfrastructure of world peace for all. it is a great joy, if most people in the world accept receiving free money to be used on a free vegan meal every day, a free flying car and mobil home and clothes by vacuum cubes insulating and air between them gives flexibility, is the greatest. news in the world,, hopefullt saving the world. Global Voting by non-political
world democracy of The Global Voice of Conscience or
World Constitution of Global Integrity,you and all are
welcome to join by ordering Grestest News Newsletter.
Above poster and txt with link to this homepage if free and immidiate pressrelease.
Friends of the World promtes the greatest opportunity in world history by arranging celebrations and conferences to join in voting and verifying voting. If easy, no strain, be free to order the newsletter subscription, which id free for those part of the information network. join in fulfilling the development of world civilization, hopefully not to late by the collapse of green infrastructues.

The new first peace price MGE is Member of Our Common and Global Empire, just as in good old days in England
Member of the Empire was exclusive tittle, but this our position is much more important as members may save the world. There are few persons who today can apply, but the coordinator organising the 36th anniversary celebration of our enterprise, been with us since the start, may apply. People who themselves establishes a climate ship project as a new nation and succseds realizing a project, wanting a Minister position in the government of the floating city, may apply for instance.

By supreme economy safetransport is found by appplication, too and by the theme protection of life by our global hearth and Friends of the World.

The above poster with a link to this page
you may addto your homepage for a week or two, if not then seenassociated with something special, then apply for a better presentation as a subscriber...
For 2 decades we have warned about global warming from a different perspectiv of risk analyses and responsibility to act, also by statistic of poverty. We have pointed out year after year when scientist says climate change comes faster than expected, they do not understand the acceleration, that this is probably due to that the heating have allready past not only 1-2 degrees Celsius +, but 10-12 and that the ice and huge and deep ocean cools the general messured world temperature, at the Golfstream gives 12 degrees pluss in Scandinavia, but world wide world ocean cools the heating by the newly set termosthat. When Greta say science says this and that, it is wrong, the UN statesments are not scientific relationship to the risks, as the cause of the change may be produced by purpose say by atomic power, such things aeffects the situation as well, but we agree to greenhouse gasses is important. Mastery of deductional reasoning as Holmes is known for, is what is given to us, because know scientist have the expert knowledge to comprehend the totality of the situation, there is kno science of climate balances, even though much is known, but more like experts knowing more and more of less and less. Scientists, polticians, environmental related organisations even as Greta's, seems to focus on their isolated interest of growth, membership, the honor of doing it, voters and money, as many are paid, and worse many seems to experience an illusion of power, being those damaging the world and wants to use the patterns of exploiting people by holding the world ransom, expecting voters, members, payment and even a tendency seen, sex, withor without the tendencies of promoting prostitution to politicaly exploit the world by economy, voting and patterns of power as they experience the poor approach to life to be. This is the problem, as we have shown an opportunity to meet the problem for 2 decades and welcomes one and all to cooperate by the common defence, common because it represents the universal cooperation which must e done, the one and only common world and climate defence. Those in the worlds attention doing something, seems to be not interesting in a solution, because then they are not so important anymore, in their approach, joining the common defence is the much important step of sction possible, one small step for you, one and all, a huge leap for mankind in direction of fulfilling world civilization. That is 2 decades later we must say, if it is not to late. The future of all families are at risk, a family is a superior position in life and how well it protects the future of their children by proper action, wealth, education etc. is a question of their role in high society. Today no family is safe as if world climate balances, probably allready collased, manifest a situation where world society and economy collapses, resulting in world and military explotation of world society, no family have a safe future, Sherlock Holmes would said. Allowing children to go out on uncertan ice in spring is crimminal, allowing all children in the world to do it...
Our approach generously supporting you, is a welcome to stop being a desserter, why dessert or being a terrorist against humanity, an enemy of the people of the world, noones friend, why, when you can join in and stop being part of the problem.
Why can we not all be friends, raised question
Friends is highly personal as Family is friends often, all can not know all others or be in Family With all. A wife is said to be a mans best friend, but she can not be the wife of all men then.
Friends of the World is those aspiring to be "their friends friend" by not being a terrorist against humanity.