The Reform Club
as inspired by Jueles Verne as another movie may be insåired as well, our project
How We Won the World
the movie picture to save the world from poverty, pollution, climatechange and more
The theme may be travveling 80 days around the world to establish everyone or most peoples participation in our common world defence by the greatest common interest and news of all time
The story is educational confronting the world with the challenge of time and my be travveling by a ship lifted by a balloone by the wind,, wave, solar and updraft tower energy and water production for the green world transformation. Winning the world is not winning against or above someone, it is winning oneself, winning against once own ignorance or indifference to the natural responsibilities in the world. We can not promise anyone enlightenment or self realization, that is your responsibility, but trying to win the world by winning against others in the direction of loosing oneself, at least is onviously wrong path. Unfortunatedly one is not given real positions in life and opportunities to be, så one tryes to be someone of on the cost of others, damaging something perhaps by forcing ones "liberties" on others being their chief sp to say, is no real selfrealization, leading to the opposite and we do have a statistic of mortality. Opposite interests are everywhere and we do not say letting someone win against you by war or not being a decent fellow citizen, we say selfrealization is being above that. A person is supposed to be somebody himself, not on the costs of others as a terrorist against humanity. Join in being a friend of the world and or joining the common world and climate defence.

The Reform Club for the enjoyment of Around the World in 8 Days
Jules Verne started the tour around the world in 80 days in the reform Club and our club offers 2 tours, one in 80 days by climate fund ships in international waters and one in 8 days by climate fund flying cubeic balloones, travelling from ship to ship as a large flying machines and by smaller balloones into land from the ship, many with different destination perhaps dependent om what agreement with visiting countries may be agreed. Thye tour includes 0 stars hotell facilities as well as small coupees as by train for people working and enjoying the tour as well, perhaps 2 hours a day work, some hours school and conferances, festivals, holiday tours etc. by both 80 and 8 dats celebration arund the world, perhaps for some around year by each trip different from the others. The huge ships produces energy, water and local festival arrangment for close countries and those travvelig around by air and integrated growth standards of optimum economy. Memership of the club costs 108£, and Anandam may fix it if 1200 NOK is sent his account. Those aspiring membership by application may be registered by paying 108 NOK, about 10£ likewise, sent as Reform Club Newsletterfee by email, followed up by an email sent Anandam verifying the money sent. Then information follows for investing time and money to build one of the large ships by 1008 stock companies. World Bank have suggested the value of the potential of a climate ship for solar energy production to be worth 1000 billiuon punds about, that is only one of the most profitable 1008 stock companies of the a ship, 108 000 large ships are planned in order to create the least needed to cool the world ocean and balance climate change, if not too late, as most probably the world have collapsed allready, but rest oring balances may be possible if most people is enjoying the opportunity, reciving free money from Global Bank etc.
The movie inspered by Verne's story:
Perhaps our movie project How We Won the World may be inspired likewise, as 80 days to inspire all the world to join in Global Bank's part of the fulfilment of world civilization or more... The theme of our movie is everyone winning themselves, winning against their own indifference joining in our common world defence, winning the world and that one global voting, most people joining in accepting receiving free money, a free vegan meal a day, a free flying car etc. A challenge for the inspiration of the Verne 80 days as well.
there is a subpage for wind and solar enbetrgy showing posters in English to with the pyramid drawings of a around the world congress and festival ship

JOIN THE CLUB, by "ReformClubNewsletter fee" giving 4 quaterly newsmail around the year, fee NOK 108,
see green area of the poster.. We seek people to join the 80 day festival around the world and it may be including
any decent creative contribution and even give an opportunity for perhaps a million to be seen in the film, the memory how we did it. Perhaps the world st op up during the 80 dys to realize the defence and research into how to do it. Read my homepage 2 times and what you like best several times, it is a miimum to be well educated in the world, too. Teams of 108 persons we hope to establsh and interesting program is prepared.
The climatefunds Miss or Gentleman Green World Transformation to find the best, smartest, most beatiful by all standards for the movie and the festivals around the world of the movie, as we hope they can promote Friends of the World or our Common World and Climate Defence. Part of the competetion is to present invitations to join in netwerk building, presentation of their personal good show, apparence and creative intelligence in beatiful expressions in the meeting of the challenge of time.To come in position to participate be free to order an emailsubscription of our Newsletter, 4 quaterly newsletter around the year for NOK 108 + registration in the network for those wanting to be coordinator, those deciding who to win and or participants in the competetion.
Gefore cruising around the world youth shoud build a timeshare of an appartment on a climate ship, timeshare which may be enjoyed around the world, and when comming home at closes ship and when not used hired out to others or building timeshare accounts.
At least 1512mx1512m main ship nany man smaller traveling together as the Venice like city is perhaps the main around the world cruise of Megas city In Trondheim fjord we plan start with a ship 54mx54m.

Hellsjakkklunbb hadde møte i timen før klimamøtet og jeg fikk varmet opp til å gi kritiske refleksjoner over klimamentaliteten. De lynsjakk tap jeg nøt ved godt motspill, artige partier, tok jeg ut ved å vinne replikkpingpongen ved klimamøtet, skjerpet for dette og som sagt de som representerer oljenæringa eller sine og andres ambisjoner om sekuell utbytting av unge forvansker debatten som burde vært ene og alene og hvordan slutte med å skade jorda med CO2, hvordan fjerne CO2 forurensning ved oljeindustriens gjeld til verden på 12 000 milliarder tonn CO2 hevdes det og hvordan bremse kollapsen av klimainfrastrukturens omgjøring av verden til å motsbvare kollapsen allerede der, som det tar tid å varme opp havet og all isen, klimafondets svar og mitt initiativ over et par tiår tilbake er å avkjøle havet med klimaskip. og produksjon av energi og fordampning av vann fra overflaten hvor vannet er varmest oftes, og ta ut vannet flere km oppe og seilfly det til land, til ørkener, jordbruk, byer, skogbranner osv. Jeg nevnte min sjakkhistorie var reltert til biblioteket og sjakk er god mosjon, som jogging, skjerpende for diskriminerings evnen. Som nevnt også jeg fikk remi mot Magnus, så jeg er erfatren og at jeg fremmer sjakk 9x9 vårt brett med 2 "damer" og "bonde"forvandling med mulighet for å ta tilbake 2 brikker fra de mistet i åpartiet på niende rad. Vi har gleden av å innby alle sjakkklubber til å delta, da Magnus er mest interesert av at man akuumulerer penger til pengepremier for toppene, så er klimaskipet basert på at alle skal få gleden av posisjoner, klimabyen har vi kalt Megas, assosiert med Vegas da sunde AS dannelser skal være rammen for premiering og satsing også ved poker og annet og et stort klimaskip si 3km x3 km skal ha flere skip i sin flåte, som en god oppstart i Trondheims fjorden 54mx54m, presentert separat både sjakk og go OL, med flere turneringer samlet lyun og lang sjakk, 9x9 og 8x8 for eksempel Jeg nevnte også ved møte at å såille med damer og bønder på norsk er en ting, men på engelsk er pawn, noe med pantsetting å gjøre og pantsette sin ære i noe ubetydlig som, å vinne i sjakk, er det man skal lære å heve seg over, sjakk foregår kun på brettet. Vi har navn som ikke indikerer krig og utpressing av familier, men det er sundt å vite at i alle sammenhenger er der motstridende interesser.
Vi har invitert både Østersund sjakkklubb og de i Hell skakklubb til å være med på prosjekt for å bygge et større Megas klimaskoip som kan reise verden rundt med festivaler, kongresser, kurs, undervisning, og om sjakkspillere er med kan man innby til turnering ved parkering uten for London, New York, Hong Kong, Paris, India etc, spillere til festival på skipet. Et kip minst 300mx300m vil kunne gi mange nok leiligheter og haller for et slikt opplegg og antydet for en som var interesert, dekning av opphold ved reisen 2 timer hver dag aarbeide og kanskje ved å bygge posisjonen med eget klimafond AS på skipet som dispoerer en eller flere leiligheter for timeshare for de som ønsker å være med på jorda rundt på 80 dager senester cruise. En klubb , eller medlemmener i en klubb, et team kan samspille om et eller flere AS. Magnus er invitert med eller om andre dyktige spillere var med, kunne det bli kø for å bli med på festivalen verden rundt. Jorden Rund på 80 dager historien begynner med t veddemål i the reform club i London, om å greie turen på bare 80 dager. Oppstart forprosjekt er å bygge et skip på fjorden og et ved Østersund, begge 54mx54m. Det blir 2 flåter ved sukksess, en i fjorden også med skip som Nidaros for Trøndelag Student/Elev Samfunnn for alle studenter og elever i trøndelag. Og en flåte reisende verden rundt, kanskje med et skip i Trondheim hele tiden. Seilskipet over kan sette seil ved de 5 tårnene og kan ha flygende kuber parkert på toppen også for seilsetting når ikke brukt til transport og disse kan fly høy og være mere effektive og da kan 2-4 skip være god forankring, 4 om flygende kube er betydelig større enn skipene.
En av de unge sjakkspillerne jeg møtte på biblioteket hvor de ha begynt å spille regelmessig var interesert i hvor meget en jordomseiling med cruisskipet ville kost, jeg nevmte ingen pris fordi hotel cruise 9 stjerners vil være mulig, men vi håper de fleste tar posisjon ved eget klimafond AS alene eller i team, f.eks. hele skkklubben, så jeg nevnte i stedet at et AS kunne disponere en eller flere leiligheter ved timeshare og et skip kunne ha 10 000 leiligheter og at disponeringen da kan skje ved å reise aksjekapital og delta i dugnaden for å bygge skipet og at en god ide er 2 timer jobbing om dagen ved jorda rundt på 80 dager, semester med studie, festivaler inklusive sjakk, kongresser og cruise nytelser som historie og geografi studier. "Er det slik u vil gjøre det" var feil respons, men innbydelsen til samspill var ikke spesifisert så at det er slik jeg tenker meg at han kunne gjøre det, sjakkklubben eller skoleklasser etc. kan gjøre det og at minst 100 000 skip som det minstre som skal til for å avkjøle verdens havet, er rammene, hvert skip en flytende by, øy nasjon kanskje, med flere skip i en føåte hvor det første 54mx54m er en lillepu. Å bygge klimaskip AS vil også være å bygge egen formue og arbeidsplass hel eller deltid, hvilket er gunstig for unge når formue innebærer bolig i klimavennlig og sunde rammer.
more about the global stah festival championship opportunities
How We Won the World is the theme of our filmfestival program based on everyone winning themself or some degree of global integrity by their own personal integrity. Winning the world seems to be a must, the all time best challenge and game opportunity, as the world seems lost. The genetic integrity of the world is at risk and partly damage by climate chage ad other pollution and damage of the environment, both the genetic code of people and food are partly damaged and given dangours of destruction of mankind as well as by atomic problens of weapon and energy production. Common sense by our common world defence have climate change analyzes indicating tht the tipping point of no return for the destruction of our world is reached, that is if the present mentality of the world is not changing by people fighting their own indifference and tendences even to want to destroy as part of negative tendencies by world social charachter structure. Winning the world is a must also not to actually be a terrorist against humanity. So the festival game of winning the world for all those enjoying gambling and playing as by chess, gulf, go, poker, football etc. is as by stah chess global festival championship, where stah means estabished, all participating pays a fee, investing in a stah stock company of the climate fund of integrated growth and the local winner enjoys becomming president of the company paying him and covering expenses for further participatin in the global chamionship. The fund wants to build 108 000 climateships to combat global warming, floating cities and fabrics actually with real solutions to global warming terror, and each ship should ave 100 stock companies at least one for the chess global festival championship. All supposed to be good savings, too, both for participants and supporters investing in the company. Each company should also have a climate fund business idea within the ship as a resturant or businesses of Maha Megas, floating "gambing and cruise ship, but always only stahgames, no loosers, all enjoys their stocks as good saving. We plan to win the entire gambling marked by combinations brilliantly adjusted to the need of time with extremly good profit potential. Network building, one and all within the infrastructure of global integrity, is important and multilevel marketing mostly legal everywhere, at least at the floating cities planned established as new nations, too, is more like pyramid games, but with all the bad sides of a illegal pytramid balanced. For all in the chess companies supporters as players, a game first becomming a billionair of 12 million dollar by pure wealth, not the dirty money existing by the statistic og poverty where 50 000 children is dying every day, as integrated growth includes solution to this problem and 90% of the wealth should be invested in integrated stock companies working for the common interests of one and all, so to say, by rules of the game and codes of honour of buisness. Maha Megas floating city is by our project only 432mx432m with 12 000 appartments. Large halls and the climate university of integrated growth giving a degree to winners for their achivement, too! cHESS, GO, GOLF, TOP HAT SHOW LAGAN CRICKET, POKER ETC. are games possible to enjoy as stah games and we shall be grateful to register your aspiration for playing by ordering a stahchampionship email subscription by sending NOK 108 as subscriptionfee toggether with emailadress and name to Anand by his personal newsletter!
Message when ordering"emailsubscriptionfee"
expect 4 quarterly newsletters and an invitation to join in playing with opportunities.Send to
Rajananand Dhananjaya
P. O. Box 22
7400 Trondheim, Norway
account 0532 1667831
NO24 0532 1667831, BiC DNBANOKKXXX
tidligere innbydelse, med få justeringer siste år, festivalskipet er blitt bedre siden den gang:

The Olompiade of Strategic Games eackh participant participates in different games as long and short chess, 9x9 and 8x8, go and so fort. Here we says chess is good training, excercise, but its just a game traning ability to focus attention and being aware of the whole and the approach, all the time oppositing interests as in life and by combinations of theory and action. Same qualities need when using the language or in business, therefor Caissa may be said to be like Lakshmi, which is a real God while Caissa is more known as a gimmick, but when we add the meditation of universitas yantra when may uplift the qualities of the concept too correspond, while the name of Lakshmi is target orientated as the meditation of strategic consciousness. and related to real business as well. No religion must be accepted to enjoy the new quality of Caissa.
The Reform Club from the movie about gambling with travelling around the world in 80 days, is one of the stock companies of the climateship at least 1512mx1512m called Megas, a new healthy way of gambling and playing poker, chess, go, cricket etc. Even a large fottball field in the middle of the large hall is possible with the biggest arena in the world we guess, if other climatefund ships is not winning such a race of biggest and tallest, say 12 km tall about is practical.
Anwindmill and or balloone transportation faster and muck safer than Led zeppelin is here presented with small diameter 216m, where ordinary size , diameter is 540m, 5/2.

The above may be as fast as those with 3 balloones and passages for wind, fast but probably not as fast as regular yet planes, however bigger ones with strong balloone surface may compete, as 1512m in diameter.