World Constitution of Global Integrity
World Peace Constitution of Global Integrity and non political world democracy to control the infrastructure of global integrity and the green world transformation industrial revolution of integrated growth by the best common interests of one and all by universal cooperation, not representing other interests.
The Declaration of World Constitution of Our Global Homeland,
New Fundamental Human Right and Duty and / or the infrastructure of global integrity
New Fundamental Global Order with the Global Voice of Conscience, non political world democracy by this our constitution of global integrity, follows in the end, that is old edition as
concept formation is changing with Universitas Library Cencept Formation

World Constitution of Global Integrity is there as any national constitution to uphold democratic control with the universal cooperation to fulfil world civilization by the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity called by the constitution for New Fundamental Global Order, non political, just wanting to add 4 fundamental values to the people of the world to give stability to freedom and independence and the constitution also state that attention must be given so the gretest and common interests of all when proomoted is not taken to represent isolated interest, as of a country, a buisiness, a religion, etc. Common values is given as a gift to mankind and disposed by the foundations of Universitas Enterprise founded by Rajan Anandam in 1980 later with the constitution of non political and non religious global democracy, meant to be uphold by one and all.
In the eigthies we called it the universal law of global cooperation then the 5 articles was founded by our book of 1986.
Some study as reading a good book is needed to see the universal nature of the constitution, the most important responsibility of one and all due the the immidiate need to restore the collapsed infrastrukture of climate balance.
We seek to open an office and fund raising needed by selling 12000 subscriptions, "World Constitution Newsletter fee NOK 1008 paid" we hope is your message bu this poster:

So the non political global democracy to give democratic control to the universal cooperation of the enterprise and also called the global voice of conscience, the people of the world may give expression of developments wanted as by climate change. The constitution was well formulated in the ninthies and related to the enterprise, then called science of wholeness as by Universitas Foundation, universitas from Latin means turnned into one whole. Universities are often developed as a laourgh union in order to protect the interests of those with higher education, we do not interfere, are non political, but to get better distance to this situation, Universitas Library is know the name, concept formation is updated. So we present you the old version with a few adjustments of concept formation, but work with the articles to once more get a perfect version, without changing any princioples. It is also a great joy to present World Peace Constitution Fund as several mild foundation, as one for each country, the one in or for Norway protected by the constitution of Norway as well.

All foundations of the enterprise is alike, except name and main focus:
Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrated Growth of Comparative Research Study by World Peace Constitution Fund
and World Constitution of Global Integrity is by Universitas Enterprise and here Scandinavian Climate Fund
of Integrated Growth with the climate library, complete strategy including the nonpolitical world democracy
to controll our common world and climate defence and a practical solution to the need of a cooler world by a cooler world ocean
to balance the effect of heating most probably by a collapsed allready, climate balance as it takes time to heat the ocean and ice
misleading as meassures of +1 degree C probably is wrong, heating corresponding to perhaps +10 degrees,
but ocean and ice is cooling the effect, as in Scandinavia ocean or the golf stream is giving 12 degrees higher temperature all year around.
We shall be grateful to receive your cooperation by joining in the network buiding and perhaps a donation covering costs
also of informing you and offering opportunities, confereces , congresses and festivals to build the networkd here we hopemost people is joining in. After all it isa must,
the greatest good or best interest of one and all and all familie. Many think that childrenmust suffermost from thecollapse,
but its manifestation may come next week or year, noone knows for sure, most important no scientific research can proove that we can go on damaging the infrastructures of
climate, without the collapse of the climate by the damage allready there, is hitting us, stop damaging our world is both a demand and a must because it is terrorism against humanity
to take the risk, what side of World War 3 do you want to be on, a terrorist against us all or a person who may be a friend of someone, his own family and patriot of his own country.
The good thng of the combinations of the climate fund is that you can benefit and even enjoy better profit and income from cooperation than fromother work or buisness,
if people is start joining in by the best personal and global interests. Rajan Anandam is founder of Universitas Enterprise and president of the mentioned 2 foundations.
It is a great joy to give you the opportunity, giv the world the opportunity by our vission of fulfillment og world civilization including world economy and need of global integrity,
which is a aspect of your own pesonal health and integrity, as well as your family. Everything is intimatedly connected to all, the unatural idea of independence by money, not natural duty,
does not keep you free of the lawsof nature as as you show... and as all needs to breath and if CO2 and plastic or other pollutions kills the ocean, producng oxygen.Just a hint possible
to write books about, but discussions is welcome but action applauded as the immidiate need is most people doinf what must be done within the responsibility and duty
of one and all, as well as benefits where the economic system, politcs of governments of nations,
universities and other have not only failed, they are responsible for the collapse.Our common world
defece represents only the universal interests, and have routines for not involving corrupsion,
but is accepting business with profit for taking risks of investing time and money, but in the long run incomes go to our common defence, the safetynet for one and all, infrastructure of world peace and global integrity.

Tithing to World Peace Constitution Fund by the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity or to some projects of ours may be a good idea as contributions sharing the expenditure of promoting the fulfilment of world civilization and hopefullt reesttablishing the integrity of the climateinfrastructures, allready collapsed most likely, is a good idea and most welcome if it is easy for you to do so.

Global Voice of Conscience was established with Universitas Enterprise in 1980 and concept formation developed since as with World Constitution of Global Integrity and non political democracy to control the infrastructure of world peace known asNew funadamental Global Order, akso a safty network for one and all by the greatest and universal interests of the whole world, each and evryone. It may also advice the world in general questions as the climate and includes a world citizen duty of our common world and climate defence. We welcome one and all to join in building th infrastructure of global integrity, by the idea of fulfilling the development of world civilization, and since 1980 when founded by Rajan Anandam, then registered in Norway as Stein Roar Andersen and from about 2004 Rajananand(a) Dhanajaya, simplified 10 years later about to present registration. We shall be grateful to receive your interest in joining in and many questions for lobal voting is natural. Most question in the world is such that most people may easily understand and be able to vote, no experts of science or politics should as they usually do together with TV and newspaper, school and university, give the impression that thy know better, where a lot of isolated knowledge often gives limmited ability to respond to the big questions of life or society. Related to the climate therefor it is natural to vote about the risk aspect, which is much higher than UN says from perspective of duty. If there is seen only 1% possibility of the world collapsing, then that is a risk noone should be allowed to take, and 1% may be only from isolated expert knowledge, so big that you need a microscope to see it, as our world is much bigger. it is as in Jaws, the movie, if the citygovernment sees it only a 1% chance or beach boys to be eaten, they wan to save the holiday season from attention of the jaws problem found real. They are responsible for the eating of people while the beach season is protected by not doing
their duty. Voting; Do you think it is your and everyone's duty to react to the risks of todays world by joining the one and only and world defence, our common climate defence? We welcome even one and all to join in discussing and educate themselves by this above perspective, but do not have resourches to pay for everyones education ad research, even just a few hundred mail, would be difficult to respond to, as good question would need writing an encyclopedia of of articles of the themes debated. So we need editors, network builders, material of presentation etc. and people may join in voluntary free work to enjoy optimum service in order to respond by global voting.
World Constitution of Global Integrity refers to our constitution of non political world democracy, but also to our flag of global integrity, see top of page, as the constitution of the universe or the world as by big bang and the 9 substances of the universe, where the 5 elements are known, as a philosophy inspired by ancient values as well as modern knowledge as Quantum physics with the vacuum state, close to the idea of the transcendent, beyond the laws of nature of the universe as our philosophy of pure intelligence and the physical existence of the world. But as part of the science of wholeness enterprise, World Constitution refers to the democracy governing the global universal cooperation, only! The Declaration of World Constitution of Our Global Homeland, New Fundamental Human Right and Duty and / or the infrastructure of global integrity; New Fundamental Global Order with the Global Voice of Conscience, non political world democracy by this our constitution of global integrity. This represents universal values of upholding global co-operation between citizens to ensure the freedom and independence of the individual, the people of the world. The universal law of global cooperation between citizens of the world to uphold a global safety net for all, was developed during the eighties and formulated by these articles during the nineties by several independent and humanitarian foundations as Independent University Foundation and Universitas Week established January 1980 by the founder of the science of wholeness, Rajananand Dhananjaya, then known as Stein Roar Andersen (up to 2004). The Constitution represents only universal acceptable values as free a minimum of food, clothing and housing, free information, free participation in pure, non-political democracy and cultural expressions of the unification of world society. That it is non-political means that all participating in the co-operation is equal to everyone else, the values shared are a free minimum and no one decides what others should do. The democracy is communication also in how to participate in the minimum of universal co-operation to receive or produce these values and finally the defined values as presented in the following is the only values to be 8 produced, the co-operation is not going to serve any other interests than the defined, common universal values. The government of the universal co-operation is more like everyone communicating how to share responsibility for what priority of action they want to uphold, strictly within the area of universal cooperation, one is upholding as an independent, global system, not competing with anyone or to be taken to represent any other interest than those defined as universal global responsibility of the Science of Wholeness Enterprise. The independence of the individual is the freedom of the universal co-operation, independence from others opinions as well, and of course a minimum of housing, clothing and food as New Fundamental Economical World Order, adds the dignity of freedom, too. If this is produced by universal cooperation or a minimum income is given by the global digital currency of World Peace Fund’s World Peace Bank / The Global Bank to give everyone free a minimum income, is still to be seen and is work in progress, applications under consideration. As any Constitution, the purpose is to establish the universally acceptable principles and to protect the organization and its members for abuse of corrupt representation of the whole, here world society in universal co-operation. The Global Voice of Conscience The Constitution of New Fundamental Global Order World Constitution Article 1 The freedom and independence of the world is founded by the freedom and independence of the individual. This global freedom is based on everyone's respect for the foundation of everyone's fundamental human right(s) to enjoy a minimum of normal, pure and healthy food and water, a free personal place to stay and live and free access to the knowledge needed to be well educated, know the paths of right action and responsibilities (human duties) to achieve success in life. The fulfillment of this human right, global freedom can only be by most people participating in a universal system of sharing these values and information of how not to be damaging others freedom. This new fundamental human right and duty is a non-political, nonreligious, - a non-violence global universal cooperation without corruption or other goals than those of upholding this new foundation for peace and harmony, freedom, achievements, growth and development, fulfilling for the individual and society on all levels. The Royal Principle of World Peace; that all of us living on this beautiful planet of ours must stay and grow together, achieve fulfillment together is based on adding this new foundation to world society outside the differences of economy, military, politics, intellectual understanding, religion etc. New Fundamental Human Right and Duty represents that we together uphold global, universal co-operation to give 4 values alone: New Fundamental Economical World Order, a minimum of housing, clothing and food free for those joining in first, when established everywhere, for everyone. New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order (a common library of the Unity of Science, available for everyone by the Science of Wholeness Enterprise and Peace Faculties of Comparative Research Study to be independently established by the co-ordination of universal co-operation. The Global Voice of Conscience, pure and global democracy or communication by this book as well as: The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace (86) by Stein Roar Andersen. He introduces this Science of Wholeness Enterprise and its scientific principles as the basis of global integration and unification, - a universal and independent organization of global, pure co-operation to govern in freedom how everyone choose to join in within the simplest realization of these common and universal goals of mankind and foundation for the fulfillment of world civilization. World opinion can be expressed as a guide for governments and others. Classic Culture Celebration with the capital city of the world (World Capital) as a cultural meeting point for the fulfillment of world society, classic culture, a new tradition to integrate and purify all classical traditions of the world and celebrations to enjoy global unification around the year, around the world. Rajananand Dhananjaya as the founder and knower of reality is given a royal position to protect the enterprise unto world democracy governs; title Maharaja or Rajan of the World. Maharaja / Rajan indicates a royal position and initiative given by the challenge of time and the responsibility of seeing the opportunity and duty, but is just an example of the role of the individual in world society, by position and universal responsibility and means, king, the one for the whole world! (As a name however, of course it is a used name by many and consider just a life supporting sound!) As example of the majestic position of the individual, but Stein Roar Andersen / Rajananand Dhananjaya is also representing within the co-ordination and pure democracy everyone by number which is not yet partaking in the democracy. He enjoys all those votes when decisions are taken by the democracy! Anyone can join in without changing society, culture etc. as such, we just want to add the freedom of the individual and his opportunities to integrate the best of knowledge in the development of society. Its co-coordinating functioning is non-political and upholds a coordinating organization within universal development of a global co-coordinating network of free individuals. This was the preliminary edition of article one of 5 of the universal law of global cooperation; World Constitution, still so complete that you can relate to it as the foundation for global, universal co-operation. Article 2 To uphold global, universal co-operation accordingly everyone is welcome to join in as a cocoordinator equal to any other coordinator, representing his pure position as coordinator and no other interests of his own, or others, a business, etc. - except those interest refereed in the library of the unity of science, where any "books" or information can be a part of the reference center. All coordinating activity should be given priorities in 9 relation to developing the foundation of freedom as a whole and as Universities week program. When first priorities as far as possible are fulfilled there is possible to choose how to join in by new fundamental human right and duty within the scientific and cultural enterprise as a whole. Before global realization at least 1/3 of the time and resources should be dedicated to growth, welcoming new citizens to join in as coordinators as everyone else and preparing this as an opportunity according to both new fundamental human duty and right and coordinator is the main functioning of the democracy, functioning voting. The reference center is there so everyone can define activities according to priorities and choose how to join in according to the system of communication presented at page 42- 49 in the book The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE. As founder, Rajan is the only one by his royal position to decide any other activities than the universal co-operation in order to initiate and accelerate the growth of participants to realize a true world democracy by most citizens of world society. This may include establishing Ltds but of course with at least 50% of the shares by World Peace Fund or other foundations of the enterprise and with 10-20 years profit potential, but still not giving away that the co-operation is growing towards complete freedom, for instance free information for citizens by the Library of the Unity of Science, while Ltds might develop subscriptions now costing 1200 $ and so at least for 10 years with compensation and possibilities for earning a basic subscription for persons in countries where the amount is a "fortune" or difficult by joining the week program alone. No one other than Rajan or later by world democracy of 90% of world population should enjoy this right to decide agreements to reach everyone as soon as possible. Rajan can do so either as President of World Peace Fund (independent charity foundation and administration of the promotion of the enterprise of Independent University Foundation) or private by royal position, of course within the truth: the enterprise belongs to the world, by Rajan's and others gift to mankind and by this constitution and others contributions. Article 3 The world citizens uphold legislative power by giving direction to the universal co-operation and when most citizens stay together (90%) laws can be given, for instance to control the freedom and independence of the library of the unity of science as reference center, in as many ways as possible, standards for a minimum of clothing, housing or food or global money and bank, how to uphold democracy in its purest form etc. One question is that global democracy should not interfere with national integrity, however, the reference center might both be used for national election as well as debate even presenting pure national democracy for the Global Land of Environmental Cities if developed. Everyone's participation is expected to be free, without personal involvement except for coordinating duties, because the global goals are universal and nonpolitical founded as the science of wholeness enterprise and this is the interest of the union of world society, whit protection of the interests of the individual in this co-operation. The co-operation is based on the simplest possible participation in universal co-operation. If someone intend to take a path outside the simplest without mistakes, by the reference center, laws can be given to protect the universal cooperation from being involved and the integrity of those joining in, their interest in not being represented by anything but the universal co-operation, with no other than the defined universally acceptable goals, rules or laws and co-operation of this Constitution. Article 4 Judging whether there exists disagreement of the freedom and integrity concerning other interests than those of universal co-operation within the coordinating network, is done by a sufficient number making it a first priority for everyone on the local, national or global level as a question for global democracy to consider within the duty hours where everyone can register their opinion. If someone demands that a question of co-ordination should be considered by the democracy as something competing with the purity and one pointed growth towards the goals of universal co-operation, then the questioned activity must stop unto accepted by 95% on a global level if it is a principle of the activity which is a question of not harmonizing with established activities, unless decided by the royal position of the founder, not to be shared by anyone else. All questions of such doubt of new activities established anyone can raise questions about in a reference center for the democracy within our library and published by the reference center as network communication. Laws should be agreed to regulate this on all steps of development in order to protect the purity and freedom of the minimum acceptable principles of the co-ordination to grow, achieve progress and enjoy fulfillment together. FREEDOM TO DO WHATEVER NATURAL STEPS OF PROGRESS REPRESENTS AND FROM HAVING TO UPHOLD NOTHING BUT A MINIMUM ACTIVITIES OF NEW FUNDAMENTAL GLOBAL ORDER is everyone's right to protect as a common safety net for all, as a coordinator, defender of world peace. We are not speaking of application of the reference center for any purpose organized as basic subscription and editor functioning, everyone can enjoy by the library of the Unity of Science and the Global Times subscription business, which is a free information system for the purposes of those using it. When The Global Times is a business organization where any business may freely compete, contributions to the library of the unity of science is free and ours, however, taking money for organizing access to the information is what the business is reduced to and to be regulated by companies as suggested! However laws must be integrated, for instance, pictures of a free reference center must be by those in a picture giving acceptance to reproduction perhaps and communication against good standards of common sense as violent pornography, must be balanced by laws or by discrimination to uphold freedom also from others impurities and in respect for everyone! 10 Article 5 These articles are not to be changed in order to protect the freedom of the participant from creating anything than that which is agreed upon, so his participation is not abused to serve other interests. This also to safeguard the independence and universal foundation for world democracy, peace and fulfillment so it is universally acceptable. No new direction to activity must be given unless 99% of world population is behind it in freedom or Rajananand as a knower of reality can include it according to the spirit and principles of the enterprise as a whole. Any disagreeable or questionable activity is everyone's duty to report to the reference center and coordinating unit with responsibility for presenting questions for the Global Voice of Conscience to give guidance in direction of global freedom. No one should have any decision making position other than that of a coordinator, but founder Rajananand. Welcoming others by Universities week arrangement, subscriptions, etc. is a first priority activity. Unifying world society is a royal approach and the royal we, everyone is welcome to enjoy by the Royal Principle of World Peace and as we are traveling around the sun. In the explosion of information as Internet, TV etc. the Library of the Unity of Science controlled by the global democracy can ensure reliability and freedom in this vital foundation for world development, exploded as "the information age" without democratic and science of wholeness principles that is up to date as this Constitution. Global Land everywhere either by this Constitution or partly by suggested national union constitutions (own countries with constitution perhaps like that of Norway ) to solve national problems around the world could be integrated in the Constitutions domain of non-political values of our global homeland if everyone agrees and/or Rajananand finds it an acceptable agreement. Of all references of the library there should be routines for control beyond doubt both by computer routines and by regular duty check by everyone and written archives/library. We suggest 3 independent levels of supercomputers to control and register everything within Global Intranet as fulfillment of the potential of Internet. Democratic control is advised by groups of 1008 persons controlling collectively by meetings written references by the participation in the democracy and reference center of the members of the group and how this is registered by all groups of 1008 Each group of 1008 citizen of the world unit is dived in 9 groups of 108 + 36 persons divided in groups of 4 one for each of the 9 groups of 108, and the 4 have one 5th person and leader, elected within and by the group of 108. 28 groups of 36 gives a union of 28 groups of 1008 citizen of the world units and this is repeated within the new units of represent citizen of the world units to give only 7- 8 new groups which may meet together in order to uphold democratic control of everything by personal checking alone. The different positions are shared with systems of control by random and are different each time. Personal and democratic control of information on all levels is most important The representatives should change so all may become one from time to time in a new group of 1008 with the same system. There was suggested another organization, but the principle is above and the same here! These for systematic democratic control by checking routines also to be upheld by all. We suggest building one house or environmental city with 1008 rooms, one room for each citizen, which the citizen of the group owns as a second, third or first home and have land producing food for these persons by universal co-operation as a seat for the persons role in the democracy of the world. Democratic control meetings may be arranged together with a festival and take perhaps 2 hours a month! There should be written archives all over the world and also by each coordinator for everything on computer with free access for everyone, checking what he found in the computer reference center or by personal contact, regularly and in order to ensure that no organization are changing or controlling anything, which is very important to be aware of as a danger of corruption with huge national organization, multinational concerns etc. Everyone wanting to add should within universal cooperation have 4 witnesses upholding their own archives with this assistance as duty and other matters to be regularly controlled by routines on the local and global level, so in no tricky way it should be possible to abuse the reference center from any point of view. This above is the second preliminary constitution to be perfected and protected, preliminary but unchangeable unto 90% of world population verify or chance it as educated coordinators after upholding the order a few years or minor change by Rajan, without changing the concepts or meanings, but university and science is out, concepts on a higher level as Universitas library, integrated growth of comparative research study, universitas foundation, unity of science by "universitas" from Latin meaning turned into one whole.
Times of Global Integrity by our library is also one foundation as by this poster from last annual magazine:

Here follows a preliminary edition to be updated by concept formation without changing any principle:
World Constitution of Global Integrity refers to our constitution of non political world democracy, but also to our flag of global integrity, see top of page, as the constitution of the universe or the world as by big bang and the 9 substances of the universe, where the 5 elements are known, as a philosophy inspired by ancient values as well as modern knowledge as Quantum physics with the vacuum state, close to the idea of the transcendent, beyond the laws of nature of the universe as our philosophy of pure intelligence and the physical existence of the world. But as part of the science of wholeness enterprise, World Constitution refers to the democracy governing the global universal cooperation, only! The Declaration of World Constitution of Our Global Homeland, New Fundamental Human Right and Duty and / or the infrastructure of global integrity; New Fundamental Global Order with the Global Voice of Conscience, non political world democracy by this our constitution of global integrity. This represents universal values of upholding global co-operation between citizens to ensure the freedom and independence of the individual, the people of the world. The universal law of global cooperation between citizens of the world to uphold a global safety net for all, was developed during the eighties and formulated by these articles during the nineties by several independent and humanitarian foundations as Independent University Foundation and Universitas Week established January 1980 by the founder of the science of wholeness, Rajananand Dhananjaya, then known as Stein Roar Andersen (up to 2004). The Constitution represents only universal acceptable values as free a minimum of food, clothing and housing, free information, free participation in pure, non-political democracy and cultural expressions of the unification of world society. That it is non-political means that all participating in the co-operation is equal to everyone else, the values shared are a free minimum and no one decides what others should do. The democracy is communication also in how to participate in the minimum of universal co-operation to receive or produce these values and finally the defined values as presented in the following is the only values to be 8 produced, the co-operation is not going to serve any other interests than the defined, common universal values. The government of the universal co-operation is more like everyone communicating how to share responsibility for what priority of action they want to uphold, strictly within the area of universal cooperation, one is upholding as an independent, global system, not competing with anyone or to be taken to represent any other interest than those defined as universal global responsibility of the Science of Wholeness Enterprise. The independence of the individual is the freedom of the universal co-operation, independence from others opinions as well, and of course a minimum of housing, clothing and food as New Fundamental Economical World Order, adds the dignity of freedom, too. If this is produced by universal cooperation or a minimum income is given by the global digital currency of World Peace Fund’s World Peace Bank / The Global Bank to give everyone free a minimum income, is still to be seen and is work in progress, applications under consideration. As any Constitution, the purpose is to establish the universally acceptable principles and to protect the organization and its members for abuse of corrupt representation of the whole, here world society in universal co-operation. The Global Voice of Conscience The Constitution of New Fundamental Global Order World Constitution Article 1 The freedom and independence of the world is founded by the freedom and independence of the individual. This global freedom is based on everyone's respect for the foundation of everyone's fundamental human right(s) to enjoy a minimum of normal, pure and healthy food and water, a free personal place to stay and live and free access to the knowledge needed to be well educated, know the paths of right action and responsibilities (human duties) to achieve success in life. The fulfillment of this human right, global freedom can only be by most people participating in a universal system of sharing these values and information of how not to be damaging others freedom. This new fundamental human right and duty is a non-political, nonreligious, - a non-violence global universal cooperation without corruption or other goals than those of upholding this new foundation for peace and harmony, freedom, achievements, growth and development, fulfilling for the individual and society on all levels. The Royal Principle of World Peace; that all of us living on this beautiful planet of ours must stay and grow together, achieve fulfillment together is based on adding this new foundation to world society outside the differences of economy, military, politics, intellectual understanding, religion etc. New Fundamental Human Right and Duty represents that we together uphold global, universal co-operation to give 4 values alone: New Fundamental Economical World Order, a minimum of housing, clothing and food free for those joining in first, when established everywhere, for everyone. New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order (a common library of the Unity of Science, available for everyone by the Science of Wholeness Enterprise and Peace Faculties of Comparative Research Study to be independently established by the co-ordination of universal co-operation. The Global Voice of Conscience, pure and global democracy or communication by this book as well as: The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace (86) by Stein Roar Andersen. He introduces this Science of Wholeness Enterprise and its scientific principles as the basis of global integration and unification, - a universal and independent organization of global, pure co-operation to govern in freedom how everyone choose to join in within the simplest realization of these common and universal goals of mankind and foundation for the fulfillment of world civilization. World opinion can be expressed as a guide for governments and others. Classic Culture Celebration with the capital city of the world (World Capital) as a cultural meeting point for the fulfillment of world society, classic culture, a new tradition to integrate and purify all classical traditions of the world and celebrations to enjoy global unification around the year, around the world. Rajananand Dhananjaya as the founder and knower of reality is given a royal position to protect the enterprise unto world democracy governs; title Maharaja or Rajan of the World. Maharaja / Rajan indicates a royal position and initiative given by the challenge of time and the responsibility of seeing the opportunity and duty, but is just an example of the role of the individual in world society, by position and universal responsibility and means, king, the one for the whole world! (As a name however, of course it is a used name by many and consider just a life supporting sound!) As example of the majestic position of the individual, but Stein Roar Andersen / Rajananand Dhananjaya is also representing within the co-ordination and pure democracy everyone by number which is not yet partaking in the democracy. He enjoys all those votes when decisions are taken by the democracy! Anyone can join in without changing society, culture etc. as such, we just want to add the freedom of the individual and his opportunities to integrate the best of knowledge in the development of society. Its co-coordinating functioning is non-political and upholds a coordinating organization within universal development of a global co-coordinating network of free individuals. This was the preliminary edition of article one of 5 of the universal law of global cooperation; World Constitution, still so complete that you can relate to it as the foundation for global, universal co-operation. Article 2 To uphold global, universal co-operation accordingly everyone is welcome to join in as a cocoordinator equal to any other coordinator, representing his pure position as coordinator and no other interests of his own, or others, a business, etc. - except those interest refereed in the library of the unity of science, where any "books" or information can be a part of the reference center. All coordinating activity should be given priorities in 9 relation to developing the foundation of freedom as a whole and as Universities week program. When first priorities as far as possible are fulfilled there is possible to choose how to join in by new fundamental human right and duty within the scientific and cultural enterprise as a whole. Before global realization at least 1/3 of the time and resources should be dedicated to growth, welcoming new citizens to join in as coordinators as everyone else and preparing this as an opportunity according to both new fundamental human duty and right and coordinator is the main functioning of the democracy, functioning voting. The reference center is there so everyone can define activities according to priorities and choose how to join in according to the system of communication presented at page 42- 49 in the book The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE. As founder, Rajan is the only one by his royal position to decide any other activities than the universal co-operation in order to initiate and accelerate the growth of participants to realize a true world democracy by most citizens of world society. This may include establishing Ltds but of course with at least 50% of the shares by World Peace Fund or other foundations of the enterprise and with 10-20 years profit potential, but still not giving away that the co-operation is growing towards complete freedom, for instance free information for citizens by the Library of the Unity of Science, while Ltds might develop subscriptions now costing 1200 $ and so at least for 10 years with compensation and possibilities for earning a basic subscription for persons in countries where the amount is a "fortune" or difficult by joining the week program alone. No one other than Rajan or later by world democracy of 90% of world population should enjoy this right to decide agreements to reach everyone as soon as possible. Rajan can do so either as President of World Peace Fund (independent charity foundation and administration of the promotion of the enterprise of Independent University Foundation) or private by royal position, of course within the truth: the enterprise belongs to the world, by Rajan's and others gift to mankind and by this constitution and others contributions. Article 3 The world citizens uphold legislative power by giving direction to the universal co-operation and when most citizens stay together (90%) laws can be given, for instance to control the freedom and independence of the library of the unity of science as reference center, in as many ways as possible, standards for a minimum of clothing, housing or food or global money and bank, how to uphold democracy in its purest form etc. One question is that global democracy should not interfere with national integrity, however, the reference center might both be used for national election as well as debate even presenting pure national democracy for the Global Land of Environmental Cities if developed. Everyone's participation is expected to be free, without personal involvement except for coordinating duties, because the global goals are universal and nonpolitical founded as the science of wholeness enterprise and this is the interest of the union of world society, whit protection of the interests of the individual in this co-operation. The co-operation is based on the simplest possible participation in universal co-operation. If someone intend to take a path outside the simplest without mistakes, by the reference center, laws can be given to protect the universal cooperation from being involved and the integrity of those joining in, their interest in not being represented by anything but the universal co-operation, with no other than the defined universally acceptable goals, rules or laws and co-operation of this Constitution. Article 4 Judging whether there exists disagreement of the freedom and integrity concerning other interests than those of universal co-operation within the coordinating network, is done by a sufficient number making it a first priority for everyone on the local, national or global level as a question for global democracy to consider within the duty hours where everyone can register their opinion. If someone demands that a question of co-ordination should be considered by the democracy as something competing with the purity and one pointed growth towards the goals of universal co-operation, then the questioned activity must stop unto accepted by 95% on a global level if it is a principle of the activity which is a question of not harmonizing with established activities, unless decided by the royal position of the founder, not to be shared by anyone else. All questions of such doubt of new activities established anyone can raise questions about in a reference center for the democracy within our library and published by the reference center as network communication. Laws should be agreed to regulate this on all steps of development in order to protect the purity and freedom of the minimum acceptable principles of the co-ordination to grow, achieve progress and enjoy fulfillment together. FREEDOM TO DO WHATEVER NATURAL STEPS OF PROGRESS REPRESENTS AND FROM HAVING TO UPHOLD NOTHING BUT A MINIMUM ACTIVITIES OF NEW FUNDAMENTAL GLOBAL ORDER is everyone's right to protect as a common safety net for all, as a coordinator, defender of world peace. We are not speaking of application of the reference center for any purpose organized as basic subscription and editor functioning, everyone can enjoy by the library of the Unity of Science and the Global Times subscription business, which is a free information system for the purposes of those using it. When The Global Times is a business organization where any business may freely compete, contributions to the library of the unity of science is free and ours, however, taking money for organizing access to the information is what the business is reduced to and to be regulated by companies as suggested! However laws must be integrated, for instance, pictures of a free reference center must be by those in a picture giving acceptance to reproduction perhaps and communication against good standards of common sense as violent pornography, must be balanced by laws or by discrimination to uphold freedom also from others impurities and in respect for everyone! 10 Article 5 These articles are not to be changed in order to protect the freedom of the participant from creating anything than that which is agreed upon, so his participation is not abused to serve other interests. This also to safeguard the independence and universal foundation for world democracy, peace and fulfillment so it is universally acceptable. No new direction to activity must be given unless 99% of world population is behind it in freedom or Rajananand as a knower of reality can include it according to the spirit and principles of the enterprise as a whole. Any disagreeable or questionable activity is everyone's duty to report to the reference center and coordinating unit with responsibility for presenting questions for the Global Voice of Conscience to give guidance in direction of global freedom. No one should have any decision making position other than that of a coordinator, but founder Rajananand. Welcoming others by Universities week arrangement, subscriptions, etc. is a first priority activity. Unifying world society is a royal approach and the royal we, everyone is welcome to enjoy by the Royal Principle of World Peace and as we are traveling around the sun. In the explosion of information as Internet, TV etc. the Library of the Unity of Science controlled by the global democracy can ensure reliability and freedom in this vital foundation for world development, exploded as "the information age" without democratic and science of wholeness principles that is up to date as this Constitution. Global Land everywhere either by this Constitution or partly by suggested national union constitutions (own countries with constitution perhaps like that of Norway ) to solve national problems around the world could be integrated in the Constitutions domain of non-political values of our global homeland if everyone agrees and/or Rajananand finds it an acceptable agreement. Of all references of the library there should be routines for control beyond doubt both by computer routines and by regular duty check by everyone and written archives/library. We suggest 3 independent levels of supercomputers to control and register everything within Global Intranet as fulfillment of the potential of Internet. Democratic control is advised by groups of 1008 persons controlling collectively by meetings written references by the participation in the democracy and reference center of the members of the group and how this is registered by all groups of 1008 Each group of 1008 citizen of the world unit is dived in 9 groups of 108 + 36 persons divided in groups of 4 one for each of the 9 groups of 108, and the 4 have one 5th person and leader, elected within and by the group of 108. 28 groups of 36 gives a union of 28 groups of 1008 citizen of the world units and this is repeated within the new units of represent citizen of the world units to give only 7- 8 new groups which may meet together in order to uphold democratic control of everything by personal checking alone. The different positions are shared with systems of control by random and are different each time. Personal and democratic control of information on all levels is most important The representatives should change so all may become one from time to time in a new group of 1008 with the same system. There was suggested another organization, but the principle is above and the same here! These for systematic democratic control by checking routines also to be upheld by all. We suggest building one house or environmental city with 1008 rooms, one room for each citizen, which the citizen of the group owns as a second, third or first home and have land producing food for these persons by universal co-operation as a seat for the persons role in the democracy of the world. Democratic control meetings may be arranged together with a festival and take perhaps 2 hours a month! There should be written archives all over the world and also by each coordinator for everything on computer with free access for everyone, checking what he found in the computer reference center or by personal contact, regularly and in order to ensure that no organization are changing or controlling anything, which is very important to be aware of as a danger of corruption with huge national organization, multinational concerns etc. Everyone wanting to add should within universal cooperation have 4 witnesses upholding their own archives with this assistance as duty and other matters to be regularly controlled by routines on the local and global level, so in no tricky way it should be possible to abuse the reference center from any point of view. This above is the second preliminary constitution to be perfected and protected, preliminary but unchangeable unto 90% of world population verify or chance it as educated coordinators after upholding the order a few years or minor change by Rajan, without changing the concepts or meanings, but university and science is out, concepts on a higher level as Universitas library, integrated growth of comparative research study, universitas foundation, unity of science by "universitas" from Latin meaning turned into one whole.
The following is from a book published in 1999:
Global Times a book about the Unification of World Society
World Capital Experience The Dome of Peace with its 9 circle foundation was originally planned as the main building (World Capitol) of World Capital, the capital city of the world, which we plan to build as a global university and cultural meeting point for the fulfilment of the unification of world society and expression of global, universal co-operation of the science of wholeness enterprise - World Capital Experience. The extended area of its foundation of 9 circles perhaps 100 km x 100 km is meant to be city land and all governments are welcome to offer land. The circles put together from the globe gives a good world map too and a computer screen like the dome, we plan as perfect for the library of the unity of science and its map system together with a computer and Internet or our Global Intranet. Here we plan one can start from space and focus on any part of the world, and from one size to another with alternatives; pictures, paintings, theme maps etc. and to as small an area of the world as map references are available for. All universities, countries, publishers etc. is welcome to contribute to the map. We also plan to build Peace Faculties of Comparative Research Study around the world with square buildings with the dome of peace as roof. Mapping the world of information is one goal of the Library of the Unity of Science.
A SCIENCE OF WHOLENESS ENTERPRISE PUBLICATION Title : Global Times The Unification of World Society Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study Publication number 55 Year 4 ISBN 82-90599-52-8 by Stein Roar Andersen, the founder of the Science of Wholeness enterprise. June 1999 Universitas Year 4, by our scientific reference year of the Library of the Unity of Science related exactly to the round around the sun,
inaugurated March 1999 Norwegian time, exact time for chance of season; spring equinox. First day is celebrated as The Citizen Independence Day. In the reference centre of the year all citizens of world society is welcome to be registered with date of birth (personal year) and individual post number.
Preface It is a great joy to introduce a beautiful opportunity for mankind by the Science of Wholeness Enterprise, given as a gift to all citizens of world society to be enjoyed by global, pure democracy. All citizens is welcome to join in global, universal cooperation to establish a foundation for peace and happiness, progress and development. It may seem like a nice adventure with a good ending as a vision of possibilities of progress and growth in a family of nations living in harmony based on the freedom and independence of the citizens of world society. It represents a scientific enterprise to systematically bridge the gap between the presence and the most obvious way of organizing a non-political foundation with justice for all, peace and harmony, progress and development, for the whole world. Press release about our world wide web site, popularly called the Challenge of Time Internet location: The final Internet localisation is dynamic. The real cyberspace is the revolution of Internet. Please, join in enjoying, co-ordinating and celebrating growing waves of fulfilment of the revolution of Internet and science around the world, around the year. Join our Global Intranet Club. NSD / The Student Democracy of Norway uphold the page as part of the research initiative to establish global student democracy in order to do research into how to apply the World Constitution of the Unification of World Society, New Fundamental Global Order and Pure, non-political global democracy. One aspect of this is governing the fulfilment of Internet by democracy of the users by Global Intranet and the Library of the Unity of Science. This is uphold as the science of wholeness enterprise introduced by our site by Challenge of Time, a whole book and publications as the weekly magazine Global Times. The Science of Wholeness represents an invitation to all universities and governments to join in integrating the disciplines of science and organise New Fundamental Information Communication, Research and Education Order so this unity of science can accelerate world progress and give a foundation for peace and development by the integration of universal co-operation of the citizens of world society in freedom into the dynamic developing world society. The Order also represents New Fundamental Economical World Order by New Fundamental Human Right
and Duty to organise a minimum of housing, clothes and food free for everyone. As a suggestion of application of this we have introduced the concept of one Global Bank with a new currency, Global Coin Unit as a digital money and with balance for paying all citizens a salary annually perhaps the equal of 10.000,-$ and not creating inflation, but actually accelerating world progress. The fourth and last of the main aspect of the enterprise is classic culture celebration concept including the enterprise to build the capital city of the world as a global university and cultural meeting point for the fulfilment of world civilisation. The web site introduces the powerful momentum of progress the enterprise represents for the whole world. NSD is a Peace Faculty of Comparative Research Study by the Library of the Unity of Science . Global Times Weekly Magazine introduces fundamental news related to the science of wholeness enterprise to establish and promote progress unifying for world society. The integration of the unification of science in world society by universal cooperation is the theme of the accelerating revolution of science. Editor in Chief, Stein Roar Andersen, founder of the Science of Wholeness enterprise and The Constitution of the Unification of World Society and New Fundamental Global Order. Global Times is also the concept of the link to the Library of the Unity of Science where everyone can by basic subscription become an editor and contribute to the reference centre and compose his own newspaper from the references of others and the library of the unity of science. This to develop and enjoy the Challenge of Time and the opportunity of The library of the Unity of Science. The first of this weekly magazine was number 16, Year 3 , reference Year of the Library of the Unity of Science, by week 16 after Spring Equinox Norway March 1998. The first day of the new Year, The Individuals Independence Day celebrated the independence of the world as the enterprise to establish freedom and independence for all citizens in the world. The dome as here presented in blue background on a square with yellow circles (all 9) and the centre circle and dome building construction in yellow and orange symbolising the sun, with different colours around symbolising the earth’s path around the sun, the universal reference year and perhaps the 4 seasons of Norway in the first variation of the flag of the unification of world society and the Royal Principle of World Peace, that all of us living on this beautiful planet of ours must stay and grow together, enjoy progress and fulfilment together. Real news is what global times is focusing on and we are covering the most fundamental aspects of world development. In this way we are both
Global Times - a book about the Unification of World Society
more fresh as a newspaper and timeless as a good book at the same time. Newspapers and media is focusing often on bad news as accidents, wars, catastrophes etc. at the same time as 10 000 children dies every day according to statistic of world hunger. World conscience wants to be liberated from this terrifying holocaust of to day and to see wars and bad news with real sinners, which is not themselves. Because the rich world must be aware of the fact that the by-product of the society and the economy they uphold, is as bad as that of world war 2 Germany. In fact Global Times has identified world war 3 by this byproduct which is a war against the freedom and independence of the individual. The Royal position of the founder of World Constitution is not based on ruling the world, but letting each individual rule their own life by promoting a foundation for the freedom and independence of the individual beyond the differences of politics, economy, military, religion, intellectual understanding etc. of the world. In Norway experts from the point of view of business and economy has suggested that each citizen of Norway every year «borrows» 10,000.-NOK from the developing countries as an expression of the unfair system of international economy. This reference was so seriously calculated that it was in the news in Norway at the same time. The statistic of world hunger compared to the fact that aid organizations can keep people alive for 70 days for only 100.NOK gives a terrifying comparison of the responsibility of people of the rich world. Each and one could by a more fair economy kept about 20 people alive, according to this, which is just a way to exemplify how world economy makes a new fundamental human right and duty, not to be the reason for others opportunity to live a life in freedom. We celebrate with this book one year jubilee of our weekly magazine.
Foreword The war against humanity - World War 3 The poison of food by genmanipulation is a part of the pattern of war against the independence of people and dependence on those controlling the economy. Pollution, environmental chances owing to pollution, impure food, alcohol and drugs, pornography, potential atomic catastrophes, ......... etc. is aspects of this war and the universal answer is presented as the book by our Internet location.
Organizing co-operation between farmers to produce normal food and organize distributions and building of houses and offices including other aspects of New Fundamental Economical World Order and New Fundamental Information, Communication, research and Education Order with additional income opportunities for farmers as well as better more economic
organization. We have developed a good opportunity for Norway and hope to establish World IT Center around on farm's in Norway and with cooperation’s from students which we hope to organize a practical opportunity for free a minimum of housing, clothing and food and free information according for the needs of study and research by their part-time co-operation. Globalisation and the Unification of World Society Globalisation represents not that the earth is round, but that so many important developments for the word and its family of nations is uphold by powers outside democratic control and outside natural governmental care. Examples is pollution of the oceans, metal in the sky (old satellites) and pornography on Internet. Globalisation is often uphold by big economic interests which often compete with governmental representatives and their duty to the country their responsibility is related to. Globalisation represents economy, culture, information and international agreements on the level of governmental representatives, but outside the interests of natural democratic control for the people or other normal ties. Even the United Nations which we have invited to take responsibility for the Ministry of Family of Nations, does not represent the citizens of world society, but the government of its "member" countries. This gives Human Rights most different from our New Fundamental Human Right and Duty, which is based on the independence of the individual. Our scientific enterprise to unify world society is based on the freedom and independence of the individual and therefore is transcending national relations and includes universal fundamentals, giving the world a beautiful opportunity to develop globalisation within our concept of fulfilling world society. World Constitution of the Unification of World Society, non-political world democracy and New Fundamental Global Order, is the Global Voice of Conscience. A scientific based foundation of accelerating world progress and free globalisation within natural and normal developments.
Introduction The Peace Faculty of Comparative Research Study Scandinavia welcomes all countries to give land to build a national science of wholeness faculty. This may be land for a building or actually global independent land with its own constitution in union with the country giving land, so free information from this link to Global Times and the Library of the Unity of Science can be enjoyed inside the country. Extreme measures to protect scientific integrity, democratic interests and freedom of competition in the global and local marked place, is important. A national science of wholeness faculty fulfills the nations
tradition of scientific integrity in one of the most important new scientific responsibilities as a independent university controlled by pure democracy of all citizens in the nation who wants to. Growing waves of the fulfillment of the revolution of Internet (Global Intranet) also is meant to be by the democratic control of the users (of Internet as today) is such a way that it allows freedom in the global marked place. A freedom which is an opportunity for everyone and all countries to be optimum adjusted to the situation and all interests for development internationally as well as locally. The independence of the faculty is, as an embassy or international airport with free flow of information in and out, better for the nation, because then knowledge from all over the world easier is available. Especially if one considers developing the businesses of computers, telecommunication, printing etc. tax free situation allows investments to be safer and richer perhaps and more available. Free competition has a plus potential and doing it together the whole world, creating a foundation for progress and development represents an unknown huge momentum for accelerating world progress, of course based on the freedom and independence of the science of wholeness enterprise. World Peace Funds independent foundation in Norway has invited the government to give Oslo airport to such a national peace faculty of comparative research study and world IT center to promote growth by the revolution of the computer and accelerate the prosperity development and promote the integration of science and further integration into society according to the Science of Wholeness Enterprise and Global Intranet opportunity to fulfill the development of Information Technology/ IT. Building environmental cities around the world as global land includes establishing the science of wholeness enterprise with World IT Centre opportunity of accelerating world progress and as a catalyst for growth for those in union with the city or land. We have suggested for India and Pakistan to give Kashmir to our foundation to establish a new land with a constitution of union with both India and Pakistan and as "World Capital IT City of the revolution of science". The challenge of fulfilling the potential of Internet The biggest enterprise ever fulfilling the challenge of time we welcome everyone to join in and the businesses of information and communication as newspapers, computers, books, telecommunication, magazines, Internet, tv, libraries, movies, etc. to go together realising the Global Times of the Library of the Unity of Science as the most obvious application of modern technology. In order for all this businesses to join in Dhananjaya enterprise, the science of wholeness enterprise with the constitution
Global Times - a book about the Unification of World Society
representing the people of the world, the interest of world society, is most fundamental. It is the mechanism of transcending the marked and competition within the interests of all by democracy, pure and non-political, which is our contribution, giving the world a beautiful opportunity. It is also timely while new technology can replace the old by year 2000, mass production of inexpensive computers in numbers of billions, is the answer. We welcome you to order a subscription and start joining in the brainstorming of realising co-operation accordingly. Global Intranet, a network that is witnesses by 3 independent networks of supercomputers, so everything going on can be registered and controlled. It is even possible to realise our global bank, a computer global coin unit, by the security of such a Global Intranet. We have also developed a computer with common minimum standards to be used together with the library of the unity of science but better technological developments we welcome businesses to go together with us to develop, based on the opportunity of a common reference centre of programs, references, etc. If we enjoy being 1,000,000,000 subscribers, perhaps we can sell this computer with Mobil telephone and more with the prize of 1 $ to everyone! It is therefor most timely and governments around the world should send subscription applications too, in order to join in establishing new fundamental economical world order. Perhaps everyone could be paid a minimum income for joining in part time, ensuring the end of world hunger, a shame! Universities we welcome to join in by the research into the values of the Constitution by Global Student Democracy initiated NSD. Students upholds the campaign and is developing the reference centre for everything about all studies and is joining in research into building environmental cities in developing countries as research into accelerating world progress. We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly. We are living in a fortunate time with knowledge and technology giving world an opportunity to unify world society and develop a foundation for peace and happiness, progress and development. Economy, culture, information and knowledge is the world of international life and organising global and universal co-operation by the citizens of the world, we suggest is by developing a foundation of independence and freedom for each citizens within these unifying aspects of international life. Economic independence and free access to the Library of the Unity of Science for the individual, all individuals, citizens of world society is the key to establish a New Fundamental Global Order which is non-political and governed by global universal co-operation by the Constitution of the Unification of World Society and non-political world
democracy. Celebrating the unification of world society by classic culture celebration, our concept of unifying all cultural tradition in the respect of their integrity, but also purifying coming to enjoying true freedom also from social control by drugs or alcohol, leaders of co-ordination interrupting the participants of celebration, leaders promoting sexual ambitions etc. It should be easy and enjoyable, just going together and joining in coordination some (few) hours a week, just to do what there is to be done, simple, scientific, systematic, orderly, going together enjoying progress and development, achievements and fulfilment together, all of us living on this beautiful planet of ours. Transcending the limitation of isolated developments everywhere (often on the cost of the whole) by unifying the citizens by World Constitution and transcending the competition of international business the same way, is the brilliant key! World Capital IT City and centres around the world When the President of USA go together with universities to get internet functioning faster, that’s good. But the real potential of the role of the computer in world society is not in improving technology but in intelligent world application of the potential of the technology at hand. The integration of this potential is decades behind the opportunities because the limitations of world economy and the competition of businesses protecting their present functioning at the same time. The technology of application of the potential of the computer is limited and not integrated in society and here creativity and systematic thinking can accomplish pure economy of doing least to accomplish most. By Club Global Intranet and companies suited for correlating advertisement to become pure information as complete and also as critical as possible for any point of view, especially to achieve the most perfect marked place. We welcome all publishers, writers, newspapers, printers, magazines, television companies etc. to join in finding references for the library of the unity of science most suited for accelerating growth now as well as joining in the businesses as links to the library. This represents the challenge of IT and the world of knowledge and information, which we have found a scientific answer too. We hope to raise more than a million billion $. This is just one possible application of integration of one aspect of the science of wholeness enterprise which is perfectly adapted to the need of time. We shall be grateful to receive contributions to World Peace Campaign to end World Hunger and communication of aspirations to join in global, universal co-operation. As soon as possible we hope to be represented with one vice president of World Peace Fund and a team of co-ordinators in every city, school, university etc. around the world. Stein Roar Andersen
is the founder of the Science of Wholeness Enterprise, initiated in 1980 by Independent University Foundation. As President of the foundation and its independent administration of World Peace Fund since 1986, he has upheld the enterprise, developed it and presented it by books and publications. The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace, printed as book in 10 000 copies in 1986. The books was well received around the world with kind letters in responds from United Nations, the President of USA (Reagan), France (Mitterand), Switzerland, Costa Rica (the Noble price winner), Maldives, and Prince of Wales, government of Norway, etc. The beautiful visions of transforming world society is easy to understand and see looks nice. However, the ability to see how the integration of the enterprise in society actually works, needs much understanding and years of study. It has therefore been difficult to grow as an organisation, while our foundation is a research and development university, without student and without any other resources than our small, still independent ones, together with the powerful momentum of progress the enterprise represents. Many people seems to react to the enterprise not knowing what to think and being a strategy to meet the challenges of world war 3, it is more complicated than a chess strategy, of course. However, its simple founding ideas, which is universal acceptable, everyone can comprehend. Please, we do not attach people when saying they are the reason for world war 3, we just do our duty pointing out a fact. If attaching something here, please attach the reason, yourself, as the old saying is, world peace start with oneself, as we have defined New Fundamental Human Right and Duty. We welcome you to join in an enterprise by Stein Roar Andersen’s invitation to join in a Norwegian stock company. In Norway the basic subscription of Global Times as a connection to the reference centre of the Library of the Unity of Science, cost 10,000. -NOK (a little more in Scandinavia with more offers too). For that prize a stock in Dhananjaya AS / Ltd. is possible to get for free or as a result of special initiation offer. The company plans to promote Global Bank realisation by establishing companies around the world with some 1,000,000,000,000 USD to run business for 12 years or so unto well established, the global digital coin unit. Dhananjaya Ltd. in Norway plans to raise 50 million NOK by shares of 5000, -NOK where 5000 stockholders have 1 share and World Peace Fund have 5000. The company is offering shareholders an opportunity of up to 30% annual interest by success, the first 10 years or so and income opportunity for the company in several ways including raising money establishing other companies with interests, lectures, publications, selling
Global Times - a book about the Unification of World Society
subscriptions and books, Global Times weekly magazines etc., congresses and other activities related to developing a business foundation internationally for initiating a new, global digital money soon. This foundation is meant to be profitable for those joining in, but still Global Bank is planned as independent, it is the world of banks upholding much of the control functioning, as we plan it, not if they do not want to, which is co-operating with these new companies. All companies is based on World Peace Funds 50% of the shares in order to ensure science of wholeness and pure, non-political democracy integrity by controlling that isolated developments is not in conflict with the development of the whole. By upholding such a position in the interests of the whole world and with freedom for everyone to join in for free, the potential of the different businesses is transcended from being limited to becoming unlimited, if normal creative adaptability to the chances of world progress is met as the challenge of time. The profit potential is thereby much larger for each participant, by introducing pure economy according to the potential of the marked. We shall be grateful to receive contributions to World Peace Campaign to end World Hunger and communication of aspirations to join in global, universal co-operation. As soon as possible we hope to be represented with one vice president of World Peace Fund and a team of co-ordinators in every city, school, university etc. around the world. All countries is welcome to offer land for a environmental city with different themes including one correlating the IT developments according to the interests of the people of the world. Years of the Science of Wholeness Enterprise Universitas Year we enjoyed both in 80 and 81 (theoretical and practical aspects) The Universal Year for the Philosophy of Science (1982) The University Year for the Unity of Science (1983) The University Year for the Role of Science in Creating an Ideal World Society (1984) The University Year for the Universal and Unifying Principles of Science (1985) The University Year for the Global and Coherent Integration of Science (1986) The Year for the Scientific and Cultural Enterprise to build the Capital City of the World as a Global University and Cultural Meetingpoint for the Fulfilment of World Civilisation (1987) Year of Celebration and Fulfilment (of the theoretical aspect)(1988) Universitas Year for the Philosophy of the Unity of Science (1989 ) Universitas Year for the Encyclopedia of the Unity of Science (1990) Universitas Year for the Library of the Unity of Science (1991)
Universitas Year for the Universal Principles of the Library of the Unity of Science (1992) Universitas Year for the Global Correlation of the Library of the Unity of Science (1993) Universitas Year for the Global University of a New Order of University Co-operation Fulfilling Science (1994) Universities Year of Celebration and Fulfilment (of the practical aspect) (1995 or / and Year 0 from Spring Equinox March 95), Universitas Year 1 inauguration March 1996 and Universitas Year 4 (Year 4) March 99. Universitas years is a scientific reference years for all traditions of years of the world and perfect for a global standard of Global Intranet, Internet and our Library of the Unity of Science.
Chapter 1 Integration of the disciplines of science and knowledge in the Library of the Unity of Science Universitas Week Now we want to integrate both the practical and theoretical aspect of the science of wholeness enterprise in one week program as course, conference, congress and co-ordination challenges and classic culture celebration covered. To establish a foundation for peace and harmony, progress, growth and development, achievements fulfilling for world society, all we have to do is going together, all of us, citizens of world society and integrate the best of knowledge to do what there is to do. The scientific answer to this challenge is structured as the science of wholeness enterprise. In 1980 we inaugurated our scientific and cultural enterprise and established Independent University Foundation. From 1986 our support and independent administration World Peace Fund has been developing many aspects of the enterprise. The Peace Faculty of Comparative Research Study Scandinavia, the first local science of wholeness enterprise faculty with 4 institutes is leading the Library of the Unity of Science and its Global Times. Our enterprise with the tradition from 1980 of Universitas Week, Global Co-ordinating Week has seven themes, philosophy of the unity of science and the pure intelligence bridging objective and subjective sciences, the four institutes of comparative research study reflecting mans structure of knowledge by his own intelligence, with the sixth theme of our scientific enterprise to build the Capital City of the World as a global university and cultural meeting point for the fulfilment of world civilisation, and the theme of day seven: celebration and fulfilment with club classic culture celebration co-ordination. We also want to build smaller environmental cities as global, independent land at the boarder of other countries or as "Vatican cities» within them.! The enterprise based on global universal cooperation invites everyone to join in
New Fundamental Human Right and a duty to join in sharing the values of free a minimum of housing clothing, water and food to everyone (the dignity and independence of New Fundamental Economical World Order), New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order (The Library of the Unity of Science free available for everyone) and the non political Global Voice of Conscience or The Constitution of World Democracy to protect and govern these universal values. So people is governing Internet or a much more advanced reference centre with control, rather than criminals (pornography for instance is illegal according to article 100 of the Constitution of Norway) and business, political organisations and other isolated interests. The challenge facing every enlightened citizen of world civilisation has here an scientific answer as New Fundamental Human Right and Duty! Universitas Year We inaugurated our enterprise and founded Independent University Foundation in January 1980 with Universitas Week, a seven day course, conference and congress . The Science of Wholeness enterprise was defined by the seven themes of Universitas Week. Theme of day one of Universitas Week is the Philosophy of the Unity of Science and the integration of global universal co-operation. Mans intelligence and the intelligence giving direction to the chances of the natural laws of the universe as a whole, is the same pure intelligence, expressing itself with the same lawfulness and order. Theme of day 2,3,4 and 5 is the four institutes of The Science of Wholeness Faculty of Comparative Research Study of the Library of the Unity of Science . We welcome every university, school, government etc. to open such a peace faculty of comparative research study, so the process of integrating the disciplines, news, information etc. at one place can be in optimum coherence with the global growth of the science of wholeness enterprise or the library of the unity of science, our library. Theme of Day 6 of Universitas Week is the scientific and cultural enterprise to build the Capital City of the World (World Capital) as global land and a global university and cultural meeting point for the fulfilment of world civilisation. Since 1980 we have extended the idea of global land by an invitation to all governments welcome to give land at their boarders to build environmental cities and also to uphold food production, industries needed for the global co-operation (life supporting for all aspects of life), and perhaps all citizens of world society could get a second or first home in a environmental city of global land of world constitution. It is a great joy to introduce an entirely new scientific enterprise to integrate
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the disciplines in the unity of science in global university co-operation. The aspect of the program to build the capital city of the world as a global university as a cultural and scientific meeting point for the fulfilment of the world civilisation in this generation, is meant to correlate the global growth of the unity of science. Continues: Theme of Day 7 of the week is congress classic culture celebration and fulfilment. We have also established Club Classic Culture Celebration to integrate and purify all cultural traditions in one new. Another aspect is World Capital as a living global museum. And of course the seventh day represents the wholeness of the enterprise, celebrating the fulfilment of the week as a powerful momentum of progress. Universitas Week Theme of Day One to seven Theme of Day One The philosophy of the Science of Wholeness as first themes of Universitas week, is realising the meaning of «universitas» from Latin; «turned into one whole» on all levels of human life not only giving a new science but making science new and if most people joined in universal cooperation to systematically do what there is to do to establish a universal foundation for progress we can make a whole new world. This philosophy was introduced in 1985 with the book «The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE»and with Universitas week course, conference and congress in 1980. Unifying science by the understanding that the intelligence of man is the same intelligence as the intelligence of the laws of nature everywhere and by the 4 institutes of comparative research study of the science of wholeness faculty a scientific pattern of registration of knowledge according to mans ability to see and comprehend, mans intelligence in reflecting the intelligence working everywhere in nature a philosophy of the unity of science growing as the library of the unity of science, is given. Then the philosophy covers the process of integrating the unity of science with optimum economy, doing least to accomplish most based on the freedom of everyone to do so by the library as a reference centre for correlation of the interests of the individual and society, to market place or the totality of the process of integrating knowledge past and ungoing, to environmental concerns and the Global Voice of Conscience (pure, non-political, global democracy) etc. The philosophy by giving a catalyst for growth and development based on everyone’s reference centre for all activity also therefor gives a basis for the unification of world society based on the freedom and independence of the individual (also towards the common universal co-operation) by integrating as a foundation for this New Fundamental Global Order the integration of only universal acceptable principles, and
that’s it, nothing else. This is verified by the Constitution of New Fundamental Global Order as fundamental values for the unification of world society. The Royal Principle of World Peace, that all of us living on this beautiful planet of ours must stay and grow together, achieve progress and enjoy fulfilment together is also presented as New Fundamental Human Right and Duty, the right to enjoy freedom and independence for everyone by free a minimum of food, clothes and housing, free access to the library of the unity of science and right to uphold pure, non-political democracy to control the reception of these values. The reception of these values is meant to be global, universal co-operation and the duty to join in upholding it, comes from the new situation of mankind where world economy represent a aspect of the global village concept and where environmental situation is such that catastrophes is against the future of mankind and the freedom and independence of coming generations. It may be said to be the duty of one person to respect the freedom of others and to uphold activities to protect ones own health and freedom. A yogi never had money living in the Himalayas may perhaps not easily be covered by this new concept of duty, however, it may easily be seen as a pure philosophy for the natural duty of most men (99,9999%). 10 000 children dying every day or something represents statistic for world hunger as a by-product of world economy of our small world and partaking in world economy without balancing this, is not respecting the freedom of these people, especially not now, when our scientific enterprise gives everyone the opportunity to end world hunger and to produce and distribute the fundamental values of living in such a way that no needs to do or accept anything extra in order to receive what earth offers to us all. Theme of Day 2 The philosophy of the science of wholeness of day one gives the vision of the unity of science and wholeness of life in dynamic development on the restful source of knowledge of the individual. This free flow and wholeness is broken by theme 2, referring the smallest pieces of information and knowledge by The Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study. This institute of the science of wholeness faculty is the reference centre for the process of comparative research study where each piece of information is compared to the map of all pieces to gather the picture one seeks with least effort and shortest time. The institute is a part of the functioning of all 4 institutes when used from the point of view of the individual or from society when most individuals use it, while it refers everything going on, too! The nature of this functioning is much more complex, but to call this institute a memory base for global comparative research study
gives the idea. References, scientific verification, what disciplines etc. related to the piece of information as well as who wrote it, who is expert available, others comments etc. is part of the scientific aspect. In order so this should be a free and independent Library of the Unity of Science with efficient information for study, research and any interest what so ever, a lot of control is needed so it is not possible to abuse it when functioning as free public reference centre, uphold and used by everyone. Libraries where one can check the information by written references is most important while it is obvious that this represent the perfect and most obvious way to use modern computer communication technology. We suggest even routines where everyone does it regularly, checking in different ways that the free reference centre stays free, and not abused by World Constitution of New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order and the Unification of World Society. The freedom and independence of the individual is important. Internet has not the value of pure freedom because the information available is without known references and responsible persons. The Internet highway of information is with many roads with no signs leading nowhere and the fulfilment of the potential of Internet, telecommunication and tv is the library of the unity of science with Global Intranet as a concept. Knowledge to be through or correct must be seen from all angles, too and verification from the point of view of understanding when doing comparative research study this institute should an assistance of. The institute refers both things and established understanding, disciplines of science etc. as well as the dynamic processes of news,, sport, integration of science etc. and thereby serves as a catalyst for the integration of know how, knowledge , insight and foresight to correlate all interests of the individual and society for perfect adaptation to best result and optimum economy, do least and accomplish most. We invites all schools and universities, governments and organisations to open an independent Faculty of Wholeness so the process of integrating knowledge and information in one place can be in optimum coherence with the growth of the library of the unity of science as well as enjoying the growing completeness of the library when focusing on one piece. Such a faculty should independently be governed by the pure democracy of those upholding it together with global democracy. NSD upholding research into realising student democracy where everyone can join in is developing coordinating routines for this functioning. NSD (Student Democracy of Norway) invites students around the world to join in this research as well as developing references for the library also as videos for the studies of the
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students and for assisting developing countries with the maps of information of progress and knowledge for development. Student is also welcome as co-ordinators to promote and assist good use and application by developing countries. Inviting governments to give land for Environmental Cities (Global Land) where application can be made for New Fundamental Economical World Order (free a minimum of housing, clothing and food) is a good challenge for a global student movement, too. A reference centre for any knowledge what so ever, any information, news and functioning of world society would need most peoples co-operation to uphold, including co-operation from universities, schools, libraries, newspapers, magazines etc. which get more work to do. The library suggests that all students and pupils in the world get adding pieces of information as test and references of their skills and that many in different places co-operates with control and completing aspects of the library where teachers and professors is last control. Helping other students and pupils and by Internet or Internet should be students responsibility, teachers and professors on all levels should focus on developing the library which is the reference centre of the Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study. All citizens of world society could take full time work for a decade and still valuable basic organisation of the Institute would be needed for creating world progress with optimum economy. Therefore those in the services of information and knowledge is most needed if the organisation is adjusted to the need of time and the interests of people in general.. As today most newspapers tells the same story and New York Times is using forests to produce a Sunday edition which is not adjusted to the opportunity of modern technology and co-operation. In Norway all teaching could be done by TV and most teachers was without a job. Many professionals as architects could be replaced by a computer program especially in Norway where the restrictions for building is so defined. The application for the computer and robots can give many people better time and varied work and responsibilities as adding to the common reference centre bases for integrating the best of knowledge with least effort. Theme of Day 3 focuses on the second institute in the process of comparative research study, related to the human approach to all disciplines of science. The Human Institute of Comparative Research Study represents a most important aspect of all study and research and when considering wholeness. Science of Wholeness not only fulfils science, making science new and whole, but if most people applies the scientific principles, we can make a whole new world. The process of comparative research study is partly inspired by the
6 systems of Indian philosophy, which is said to be criteria of right knowledge each so complete that it has misled people to think one is enough to verify knowledge. However, the completeness as described by the philosopher Yogi Mahesh is most fascinating as approach to knowledge. The first system consider what differentiate the object of study from other object and enumerates the components it consist of etc. Yoga is the system which approaches knowledge from the point of view of experience, the knower and the process of knowing . There are many disciplines of science which relates to human development and nature and including the importance of a natural environment. Correlation of knowledge here by the first institute can adjust application of knowledge in the process of integration in society to the human nature and the need of a balanced and healthy environment as well as unify the disciplines involved. The process of comparative research study should be adjusted to the nature of man and his ability to see, understand comprehend etc. J. Krishnamurti always pointed out the aspect of education which is related to see and understand something directly, and while we have the same focus here it is therefor also the to other institutes of comparative research study is relating to the process of seeing, as focusing a camera from different distances as we indicates with the world map system of the dome of peace drawing. One is analysing or focusing on smaller aspects of the object of study and the other synthesising or comprehending the object of study from a broader focus. The institutes was introduces with one whole book in 1985;The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace. There we also indicated that this aspect of seeing coming to the structure of knowledge in mans consciousness, was associated with the different functioning of the 2 hemispheres of the brain. This is probably more complicated while it is said that it is the whole nervous system which produces that pure consciousness reflecting the ability to see as one whole process and reflecting that pure intelligence which is the source of all intelligence directing the laws of nature everywhere and mans thinking. Theme of Day 4 Theme of fourth day of the week and the third institute of comparative research study of the science of wholeness faculty is the Analysing Institute of Comparative Research Study, analysing each object of study, its components, how it differs from other objects, the approach of study and mode of action, patterns of behaviour or development it takes part in etc. All presented in the book «The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace».
Theme of Day 5 Theme of fifth day of the week and the fourth institute of comparative research study of the science of wholeness faculty is the Synthesising Institute of Comparative Research Study, mapping the world of knowledge, information, development, progress and growth from many points of view, including shortest path to one education of specific quality, who is who, who is doing what or planning what etc. This is the Global Intranet institutes giving the opportunity to fulfil Internet with efficient information for study, research or any need or interest what so ever. Each piece of information is refereed in the first institute of course, while it is a dynamic process of comparative research study which gives the Library of the Unity of Science. Theme of Day 6 represents the scientific enterprise to build the Capital City of the World as a global university and cultural meeting point for the fulfilment of world civilisation, together with the project to build environmental cities around the world. These cities is planned as Global Land of the non-political World Constitution as embassy area, international are as airports or as a new global land of all citizens of world society. We welcome all countries to compete giving the best land for the localisation of World Capital City and perhaps global land at all boarders of the world is a good idea. The unification of world society would enjoy a beautiful expression. We welcome all countries in the world to give away land at their boarders to global land to be owned by world citizens to uphold new fundamental global order as something added to the differences of countries, religion, military powers, intellectual understanding, politics, economy etc. but not competing with or replacing them and of course enjoyed by countries more and less as free land with or without a constitution of union with one or more countries. World Capital City Stein Roar Andersen is meant to decide where to be among environmental cities. As World Constitution welcomes everyone to join in free as a co-ordinator to develop the science of wholeness enterprise and its integration in world society by universal principles or New Fundamental Global Order, both choices like choosing where World Capital is going to be or chancing any part of the universal system of organizing principles, is not to be done unless ¾ or more of world population is behind it, in pure democracy, by registered choices and by free and independent citizens knowing and partaking in the enterprise. Stein Roar Andersen is the knower of these principles as founder, but the principles is not to be chanced by him either, but he is the only one in position to do concrete decisions. Preliminary Capital City is going to be the first global land.
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It is a great joy to uphold the invitation to all countries to give land to global land which really represents the next step of development of the unification of world society. It is most practical and perfectly adjusted to the need of time and what everyone can easily can accept as universally acceptable. However, its bases is universal cooperation of citizens of the world, so our welcome goes to everyone. Theme of Day 7 The theme of last day of Universitas week is naturally concluding remarks, vision of possibilities and classic culture celebration which is the concept of celebration in freedom and by the unity of classic cultural traditions. A festival day or just some classic culture celebration may be the end of the week where we here are playing with the variety effect of word on c for this course, conference, congress classic culture celebration cosmopolitan coordinating challenge. Freedom represents also freedom from social control and effects associated with sex as lyrics etc. and vegetarian standards and happy patterns of classic values within the understanding that any person in the world should be able to join in, no matter what high standard of religion, philosophy etc. he might have and which is not in conflict with anyone’s natural interests for instance a fathers care for his children. It is a great joy to present the development of the movement Together for Peace.
Chapter 2 Integration of the unity of science into the dynamic developing world society and the acceleration of world progress by the Science of Wholeness enterprise Here is how theme of day 3 Universitas Week was presented in 1985: "The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace" From the book printed 1986, 10 000 copies; "The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace"; PAGE 42 -51 AS MENTIONED IN WORLD CONSTITUTION: UNIVERSITAS WEEK THEME OF THE SECOND DAY FACULTY OF WHOLENESS; REFERRING INSTITUTE OF COMPARATIVE RESEARCH STUDY The growth of world peace, the growth of coherence in the world, or the development of natural connections in all areas of life, depends on the growth of the unity of science and its application in the universities and the world society. The co-ordinating structure of the Ministry of Wholeness is to uphold the growth of the coherence of science, the maintenance and understanding of the natural connections between all areas of study
in the unity of science, to grow in the process of comparative research study in the four Institutes of comparative research study, beginning with the Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study. The development in the different areas of life, such as culture, politics, economics and religion together creates the unified world development. The intimate connection of science and all aspects of world development as well as the natural sciences are comprehended in the Faculty of Wholeness, or the process of comparative research study known as the Science of Wholeness. A university without thorough and systematic inter/multi disciplinary research and study may be said to be just a specialised school. Every university should have a Faculty of Wholeness. According to the philosophy, the pure process of comparative research study begins with objectively referring the scientific finding. The Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study objectively registers the different areas of study, pieces of information or abstracts of science in a retrieval system with optimum correlation for global coherence. The results of the process of comparative research study in the faculty are registered either as abstracts or as small practical courses for all aspects of life, such as agriculture, politics, technology, business, education, culture, government, industry, economics, health, and the military. This to utilise the unified world development. Computer systems, communication systems, retrieval systems must be developed. It will be the great joy of scientists to perfectionate such a functioning of global co-operation, so that the growth of the unity of science inside a university can be optimally coherent in such a way that every university can enjoy the richness of the wholeness or unity of science. To realise the unity of science, all the pieces are needed to reflect the wholeness of life. In the early childhood of science this was not possible, the disciplines and different areas of science were not fully developed. Therefore, philosophy could only give a vision of possibilities. Today most areas are explored, and owing to means of communication and education and research, not only solid information of each field is available, but also the possibility of linking or gathering the fields together into the unity of science exists. One of the most beautiful examples of interdisciplinary problemsolving is found in the space program. By-products of research have developed useful technology for many aspects of modern life. All these benefits are by-products. Systematic development of the unity of science would systematically unfold the benefits of science according to what is life-supporting for all aspects of life. We have developed a few models for exact registration, both for the
information value and the description of the dynamic development of science and world society. We will present some of our preliminary suggestions as follows for the purpose and functioning of the Referring Institute. Research methods, scientific structure and correct approach refer the area of study or object of inquiry as abstracts for theoretical and practical use. Distinguish the object from other object; in quality as every manifestation is unique. Experience of the area of study. A science and art of direct experience. The relationship between the components and their modes of functioning-criticism enumerate the stages of development. Relations to the abstracts in the process of comparative research study in the faculty of wholeness as closely interrelated. The problem relations, justification enumeration of components, structure and approach of the research techniques. Alternative research techniques, comparative methods, hypotheses or possibilities and abstracts in relation to problem formulation as clear and logical as possible-criticism. Referring the complete development patterns and defining the stage of development. Milestones on the path to perfection. The scientific character of comparative research study will here depend on the character of the pieces of information. Criteria for the field of activity, a critical survey of action. The role of the unity of science in promoting unification of world society, the role of science in bringing about world coherence or the relationship between the unity of science and the unification of world society and world harmony. ----------------- The development of science has fulfilled many requirements for coherence in world society. We all know that this development depends on how we use the basic knowledge of science and technology. This can also be a question of a scientific nature. If coherence - the natural laws of order - is the aim, then unity of science is the answer. The flow of science within its own nature and simplicity overflows to radiate the understanding of natural laws of order in world harmony. By approaching science itself in a scientific way we realise the nature of science in explaining things and relations by transcending the surface horizontal level of science by unfolding the underlying unity. The rapid development of communication and cooperation in international life has created infinite possibilities for orderly growth. The strength of the units of culture, politics, religion, military, business, industry, economics, education etc. is the basis for stability in an integrated world society. The units of world society are every natural unit or individual and organisation in relation to other individuals groups, cities, nations, international organisations and other natural units of world society. Integrated world progress is dependent on the stability
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and strength of the units and their interaction. The rapid development of communication must not disturb the stability and integration of the natural units but an integrated world society is based on the development and maintenance of natural connections in all areas of life. This development of all aspects of life in orderly human evolution is based on knowledge or science. Just as the harmony of world society is based on the strength of the units so the unity of science is based on the strength of the disciplines or the understanding of the different aspects of creation. Strength is integration. We already have science, technology and ideals and now we also have an orderly and comprehensive program of global comparative research study for the unity of science and applied research for the unification of world society. We propose that all other knowledge and research be organised as comparative research study on a global scale and as basic research into the unity of science in order to unify world society. The revolution of man s mastery of the laws of nature, starting in the field of agriculture some thousand years ago, progressing through the Industrial Revolution, and ending up with today s infinite possibilities for growth in the fields of science and technology, has now reached fulfilment in the Science of Wholeness. The intimate relationship between the development in the fields of science, technology and university co-operation and the dynamic development of world society is the foundation of the theoretical and practical aspect of the Science of Wholeness. The unity of science with the process of comparative research study represents the theoretical aspect, and the global and universal program of university co-operation for the integration of the unity of science and the unification of world society represents the practical aspect. To realise the practical aspect, we invite all universities and governments to open a Faculty of Wholeness with four institutes of comparative research study and everyone to join our co-ordinating program to build the capital of the world as a non- political and nonreligious university city. We celebrate our three years of growing waves of scientific achievement and the fulfilment of Universitas Year, the University Year for the Philosophy of Science and the University Year for the Unity of Science. The years to come are the University Year for the Universal and Unifying Principles of Science (1985), the University Year for the Global and Coherent Integration of Science, the Universal Year for the Program to build the Capital of the World as a University City for the Unification of world Society and the Year of Celebration and Fulfilment. The Faculty of Wholeness can serve as a catalyst for a dynamic correlation of education, specialisation and practical functions in society with scientific criteria for the integration of theory and practice coherently systematised for the
acceleration of world development in academic freedom for the individuals, according to his interests and possibilities. The Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study registers abstracts to reflect the unity of science, both for information value and to describe the dynamic development of science and world society. The Institute integrates the best of science and technology and integrates in its own functioning information science, computer science, cybernetics, logic's, linguistics, the graphic arts, communication, library science, management and similar fields. The institute adds the reflection of the unity of science in the same pattern as knowledge is structured in consciousness, and besides the source, course, principles of creation, representation, organisation and application of information, also adds the goal of the flow of information - The Science of Wholeness. The program of the Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study was initiated in 1980-1981 as an integrated aspect of the Science of Wholeness and Universitas Week program. We are now ready to inaugurate an institute which not only presents our publications, but also develops the structured program for global comparative research study, university co-operation and unification of world society (as the co-ordinating program for global free satisfaction of natural needs and of universal co-operation to build the capital of the world as a university city). A by-product to be enjoyed is the correlation of the development of prosperity at the very meeting point of science, research, qualifications, opportunities, needs, interests and possibilities, in order to utilise individual and collective creativity and to accelerate the development of prosperity on the local, national, international and global level. Science of Wholeness Science is systematic knowledge gained by repeatable experiments verifying varying degrees of truthfulness. Wholeness is the Universe of ours - the unity of diversity turned into one whole (the meaning of "Universitas").The Science of Wholeness is the systematic and unified reflection of the wholeness of life - theoretical for the unity of science - practical for the unification of life within human scientific co-operation. The Science of Wholeness expresses itself in the seven themes of Universitas Week and is defined as comparative research study. Comparative - every item of creation is unique, but a part of a whole - is an infrastructure of the whole, interacting in a developing whole. Comparing one manifestation in structure and behaviour to the whole is the meaning of comparative in comparative research study. Research is investigation into new areas by repeatable and testable means. Research here represents the integration of the different areas of investigation in the growing whole.
Study is science located to one area. Comparative research study is done within the studies of science. Creativity is naturally based on integration of different values resulting in growth. The stability of resourcefulness, an orderly, economical, pure and healthy system of organisation is the resting basis of dynamic and successful action. This basis for growth according to necessities and opportunities to create something new, beautiful and useful needs insight, foresight, comprehension, correlation, and adjustment through communication. The mechanics of creativity in society need to create a stable resting basis of free satisfaction of natural needs and co-ordination to integrate the values of rest, stability, organisation, communication, health etc. In this we add a Faculty of Wholeness to create a map of necessities, opportunities and all our growing resources and to correlate insight in specialisation, foresight and comprehension in global full communication of comparative research study. This scientific solution is the Science of Wholeness. This will result in productivity, scientific integration and growth, harmony, freedom, cultural enrichment, progress and fulfilment. The development will be the same as now, but refined, with shorter intervals and more free or adaptable and powerful for acceleration of the prosperous and holistic world development in harmony and balance. The basis for this is the Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study, very important for the automatic correlation and co-ordination from individual aspirations to the common universal goals of mankind through all aspects of development in society. University Year for the Role of Science in Creating an Ideal World Society was inaugurated at the beginning of the universal year, 22 December 1983 at the change of season. We celebrate the fulfilment of the University Year for the Unity of Science, by establishing, presenting and inaugurating a Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study according to the progression presented above. UNIVERSITAS WEEK THEME OF THE THIRD DAY FACULTY OF WHOLENESS HUMAN INSTITUTE OF COMPARATIVE RESEARCH STUDY The rise and fall of civilisation is a story of adjustment to natural law governing the evolution of man. When a civilisation has broken some natural laws or patterns of evolution for some time the fall of the culture has been necessary to uphold natural development and a sane society if it ever existed. When we through science started to handle the laws of nature and through technology and rapid communication started an explosion like world development the Science of Wholeness did not exist. Now we have something to unify. Today we suffer from imbalance in society environment and nature owing to the revolution of
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science without wholeness and balance and the lack of true goals of a scientific nature in the use of our knowledge. The dangers are many from the complete destruction of mankind to robotism and other-misuse of the beautiful opportunities for mankind. We do not need to stop the revolution of science but we do need to take the revolution into fulfilment. Instead of the fall of world civilisation the Science of Wholeness suggests the possibility of enjoying the fulfilment of world development by adjusting science to comprehend all the laws of nature at the basis of the evolution of mankind. Erich Fromm is asking the right question in his book The Revolution of Hope when he points out the necessary understanding of the nature of man and his evolution in the outer progress of society. The Revolution of Science Is meant to be a book which answers the questions asked in The Revolution of Hope as well. The Human Institute of Comparative Research Study relates the area of study to the laws of nature governing natural evolution of man and mankind of individual and collective consciousness. Through the collective consciousness of the world a unified understanding of man and his environment may be reflected in this institute. History, religion, philosophy, studies of consciousness, physiology, psychology, sociology, environment studies, social anthropology and other subjective oriented disciplines are concerns of different aspects of the complete focus of this institute. The science and art of direct experience may be considered as a vital aspect of the process of knowing all there is to know. The fundamental structure of the philosophy of science (Theme one) expresses the intimate relationship between the knower and the known. How the neuro-physiological synchrony of brain functioning gives rise to different qualities of mans intelligence is the source of the process of comparative research study correlating the unity of science. This aspect of the philosophy of science of wholeness is expressed as human institute of comparative research study synchronising all science to all expressions of human intelligence. The coherence of the qualities of intelligence and all expressions of human development is one aspect. Another aspect of this institute is the correlation of the qualities and expressions of human intelligence to all sciences in the universal and unifying principles of science. Above is referred page 42-51 in our book of 1986; The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace. A tittle about the ungoing industrial revolution or the process of integrating science in world development, and by unifying science, accelerating world progress and unifying the world. Chapter 3 The Unification of World Society
The Unification of World Society from our point of view is based simply on people staying together, each citizen of world society joining in global universal cooperation to establish a foundation for freedom and independence for all citizens, giving independence to each nation, too. We have defined New Fundamental Human Right and Duty, but also given the enterprise to build World Capital City and an initiative to celebration growing waves of unification around the world, around the year. Right approach to the challenge of being a world citizen The famous Titanic movie shows how gentlemen gives room for women and children when the ship is sinking. We also was seeing that people was drowning in the sea while the rescue boats could have helped them, but did not. Now, this is IQ test for your intelligence as a good citizen, the pure intelligence. It is Sunday, you and your friend are rowing in the sea with a small boat and a big ship is passing by. A child is falling from the ship and is crying for help in the water and it is obvious that it is easy for you to save the child from. You say to your friend let’s go for it. Of course, there is no thinking, no question, it is all-obvious to act as fast as possible to achieve your duty as fellow citizens, in the best and most effective way. No thinking weather a cup of coffee should be taken first, whether there is a reward etc. Just do what there is to be done, is the simple policy. That’s how the science of wholeness enterprise is structured, too, as fast as possible to do a minimum and systematically to establish a foundation for peace and harmony. More than 10,000 children are dying every day according to statistic of world hunger and as a byproduct of world economy everyone with good economy is upholding. The intelligence of just do what there is to be done, is to do the best to realise the science of wholeness as fast as possible. The situation that upholding universal co-operation to produce and distribute a minimum of natural grown food is obviously good for the rich world too, with pollution, environmental catastrophes and gen manipulation treats etc. and to come there make use the reference centre as a fulfilment of world economy, is a good but complicated idea coming to application. However, the idea is simple, universal and as obvious as for those rowing the boat. Therefore we have World Constitution to protect everyone’s interests. The idea that all decisions is taken by Stein Roar Andersen according to the principles he has founded and which is universally acceptable is to uphold fast progress and direct responds to the challenge of time, and when democracy of global, universal co-operation is established, then the democracy governs, but only within the limits of that which is the foundation, universal principles for the unification of world society. The idea of unlimited personal expenses covered
for Andersen by global coin unit realisation is more a foundation of no corruption as for all individuals and an image to give understanding that we are non-political not attaching peoples wealth. Solving the problem of world hunger as presented may give everyone real, extra money and world economy growth on all levels in this our golden age of acedemica and enlightenment.
Chapter 4 Solving world problems as world hunger and environmental problems by establishing a foundation for peace and harmony, progress and development, achievements fulfilling for world society The initiative to end world hunger New Fundamental Global Order represents the most practical and obvious way to organize a foundation for peace and harmony, growth and progress as the answer to the challenge of time, the need of world development and the fulfillment of world civilization. Lets stop the Holocaust of today. 1,2 billion people is registered by the statistic of world hunger where some 12 000 children dies every day, but Norway one of the top richest nations in the world is not counted. Even in Norway it is a problem, also for rich families to get natural, organic produced, pure food and water. Slavery, prostitution, family problems, narcotics is related problems to. New Fundamental Economical World Order is an initiative with a new creative solution, based on New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order or the Library of the Unity of Science. Global Intranet is the answer of fulfilling the potential of Internet with a reference centre and registered communication which can be developed to be functioning as our Global Bank with one global, digital money assisting all banks and reserve banks which can witnessing all transportation of money, by our reference system. All citizens of the world can have an account in this new currency of Global Bank digital money and receive free money for joining in upholding control of the new system by World Constitution, independent, global, non political democracy to uphold New Fundamental Global Order, a universally acceptable opportunity for everyone to fulfil their duty not to be the reason for damaging the world for others and coming generations. Balance for paying all citizens in the world free money is found many times by this brilliant adaptation of the purity of World Peace Funds initiative. If 1% of the square root of all money transportation was paid to uphold Global Bank one achieved balance for paying considerable money to each citizen, removing world hunger as a problem by practical organisation. Balance for paying the money is also found in the principles or mechanics of the new order coming to accelerating world
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progress, a real opportunity for growth world wide and on all levels is presented by the founder of this scientific enterprise, Stein Roar Andersen, Trondheim, Norway. Fulfilling the world of economy and the future of global banking, now, is a real opportunity based on most peoples acceptance and governments cooperation accordingly. Most people accepting real, considerable extra money for free and securing the global money system by Global Bank based on principles everyone can accept, and no principles no one can not accept or only universally acceptable chances, is the only thing one has to do to fulfil ones responsibility, new fundamental human right and duty. So, it is easy, it is based on everyone accepting extra, free money. Now, with an opportunity to end the Holocaust within a week from the time most people accept a new account and real extra money, maybe 10,000.-$ a year for accepting the new global digital coin unit, several arrangement to achieve support and resources is planned as we welcome everyone to promote that most people is well informed as soon as possible. The future of global banking and Digital money, now! We welcome all citizens of the world to accept a new global coin unit and receive free money up to the equal of 500$ each week by their own account in Global Bank a World Peace Fund initiative to initiate New Fundamental Global Order for everyone by an aspect or alternative of New Fundamental Economical World Order, a nonpolitical unifying addition to the world of differences. This is really an opportunity for the world to accelerate world progress and prosperity development on all level by mechanical means and a scientific answer to the challenge of time. It is not fun to uphold an economic system with the by-product of today’s world hunger, each and one almost a holocaust train leader of today with one child dying every 8th second according to statistic of world hunger. Balance for paying out the money is found in such a way that the general idea is that no one is going to loose by such an acceleration of world progress. Digital money by all money transport internationally and locally is possible for safety, good economy and by global bank assistance to other banks. We do not believe the other suggested digital money solution for the lack of safety they represents. Global Bank reference system is based on co-ordinating 3 independent networks of supercomputers, so its own system of reference is as safe as a system can be, governed and controlled by everyone by Global Democracy which is nonpolitical and part of the process of receiving free information of the library of the unity of science for citizens and free money from the bank. Supreme control on all levels and by pure, global democracy sharing values equal to all citizens of world society is
not only a very good idea, it is the mechanics of transcending the differences and patterns of competition making it a real opportunity by its universally acceptable Constitution of the Fulfillment of the Unification of World Society. It is suggested that a customer of bank draws money by a complex number, which he then give further. But we suggest that the customer send both to the global bank and to his local bank the message of moving money. The Global Bank has registered all accounts in the world and credit security on all customers and can immediately report to all parts, about the transaction which is verified by written statements for instance once a week. By registering all money transport except for a small individual amount for personal things and where money comes from, one can by agreement with each nation and government make sure that world economy does not have to uphold black and gray economies, too. We do ask people to accept to have references for the free money used for pure, natural food only, by products registered for selling by the reference system and control with the free flow, so the 1,2 billion citizens of world society, do not need to be a goal for corruption and in such a way the free money is used directly for only good products and locally where one lives, which in the present situation it is a very good policy to encourage people to produce all over the world. Production life supporting for the environment is also possible to promote by this very well paying society of ours, if we allow the initiation which easily can be a reality before the new millennium to come, if everyone does their duty as those in the row boat, just saving the child. All citizens of the world is welcome to join in the co-ordinating challenge as co-ordinator equal to the co-ordinating position the club members have or any other co-ordinator in the enterprise, but in order to reach the situation where most people in the world uphold the enterprise, companies of creative business must be established, and our approach is the costs should be good business investment, too, if the member wants to invest in the planned companies and himself can realize successful co-operation thereby. We plan to unify the branches of computers, Internet, books, newspapers etc. in Global Times as example. We accept that a company pays the fee for their President, however, membership is personal, but if defined in the reference center of the Library of the unity of Science a government, a company, a bank or organization may have found their right person to cooperate with, their own president, within the enterprise. World Constitution states that representing global democracy before established by most citizens of the world, may only be done by Stein Roar Andersen and that any stock company established to fulfill always should be controlled by World Peace Fund, President Stein
Roar Andersen with 50% of the shares according to general knowledge of laws of stock companies in Norway. Presidents of banks of the world, which Global Bank assists if digital money is the only world money, may establish their own branch within the club. Any bank joining in is welcome to open an account in the name of Challenge Club to be disposed only by Stein Roar Andersen and by rules to follow and the first banks is even welcome to suggest a Club Congress with lecture by Stein Roar Andersen and the + chances should cover that too. A share of Global Bank stock company costs only 1000$ or about that, we have not initiated the process of expanding yet. When organizing global land the developing countries with huge depths can sell their loans to Global Land by selling the land to build environmental cities and establishing 2 hours duty for all citizens in their own country «as a tax» for all citizens, which only helps them join in establishing progress. Developed countries and banks can accept to bay shares of stock companies in the new Global Land equal to the money they have given as loans to developing countries. In this way the problem of developing countries can be released by establishing a country of global land and economic progress of Global Land, environmental communication, tourism of global universal cooperation with know how sharing and Global Times reference centers of the Library of the Unity of Science. Global Land is not lost land for those living in the neighborhood either! Creating balance for paying all citizens free money by a tax on money transport of global bank, by its efficiency probably would be more inexpensive than today by good cooperation and be the only needed balance, however, balance may also be taken by a non-citizen tax on communication by the reference center of Global Intranet. Advertising, education and research are already expenses for business, which may here have top information for optimum adaptability to the chances of the world . Accelerating world progress by this organization not only may give good balance for paying free money to all citizens joining in upholding the system, but also money to balance all new stock companies with 50% of the raised money or 51% in order to build environmental cities and perhaps even cover the expenses of building the capital city of the world. A special Union by Constitution of the Global Land makes is possible to accept governmental functioning by the neighborhood and land giving country. This could be inspired by the Constitution of Norway up to 1905 was in Union with Sweden where King and government had its seat, while parliament was In Norway, so Global Land at one place can be in Union with the world by World Constitution and Union with one or many countries by local articles of one specific Global Land area, for instance a country gives
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away a big island (as jersey), a desert area or just a building as embassy / "Vatican city" like. The new independent global land eventually could leave governmental functioning to other countries by a constitutional union as many countries by this way would have no military arguments for not accepting the neighborhood of a new country or global land. In other cases it could be the end of problems of boarders, establishing a new global land along all boarders of the worlds countries, is a good idea. Developing countries wanting to establish industries by money and know how from other parts of the world could within the environmental industries of Global Land open for such a development. NSD initiation of global student democracy as research into the application of World Constitution of New Fundamental Global Order think it is a good idea to consider about a 100 persons of the same sex to constitute one control unit where all participants of non-political world democracy is a member meeting regular to vote or control voting done. This fulfilment of World Constitution may be the peoples responsibility and is therefor not integrated in the constitution as anything but a principle of democratic control to avoid any error which even magicians can not consider. Student all life is a natural model when integrating know how through persons in society, so all world citizens is welcome to join in Global Student Democracy research, now by teams of 5 and 5 with coordinating responsibility. Global Times weekly magazine is published by NSD at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway, but all material is given to the Library of the Unity of Science or borrowed from there or shared. World Peace Fund is the administration of this relationship. We shall be grateful to receive contributions to World Peace Campaign to end World Hunger and communication of aspirations to join in global, universal co-operation. As soon as possible we hope to be represented with one vice president of World Peace Fund and a team of co-ordinators in every city, school, university etc around the world. NSD initiation of global student democracy as research into the application of World Constitution of New Fundamental Global Order think it is a good idea to consider about a 100 persons of the same sex to constitute one control unit where all participants of non-political world democracy is a member meeting regular to vote or control voting done. This fulfilment of World Constitution may be the peoples responsibility and is therefor not integrated in the constitution as anything but a principle of democratic control to avoid any error which even magicians can not consider. Student all life is a natural model when integrating know how through persons in society, so all world citizens is welcome to join in Global Student Democracy research
, now by teams of 5 and 5 with coordinating responsibility. New Fundamental Global Order represents the most practical and obvious way to organize a foundation for peace and harmony, growth and progress as the answer to the challenge of time, the need of world development and the fulfillment of world civilization. Establishing and accelerating world progress in the field of economy may be done within a week or 2, by most people accepting Global Bank and its Global Coin Unit. Most citizens acceptance is most important, accepting receiving free and real extra money by their account in Global Bank within the new system of global, digital money may remove the reason for world hunger by paying free money to everyone in the whole world by this new digital, global coin unit. We have found balance for this payment many times within the enterprise as a whole, but if every transport of money in the world was going through global bank and leaving on each moving of money the square root of 1% to the bank, the global cash flow would pay each citizen real extra money. New Fundamental Economical World Order may be initiated this way, but only a universal co-operation to receive these values from mother nature is the true answer. World problems of developing countries depths may also be solved by paying each citizen the same amount, but those in the developing countries pays a tax to their country which gives land to Environmental Cities, global land and tax free, so depths can be moved from being a problem to becoming a potential. Investments in these cities of global land may move the depth to stock companies. In the science of wholeness enterprise, this is a complete answer to the problem and most agreeable. Humanitarian and Scientific Foundations of the Science of Wholeness Enterprise It is a great joy to welcome World Peace Fund Scandinavia together with the other independent humanitarian and scientific foundations which are upholding the science of wholeness enterprise by taking responsibility for a few duties. As the other foundations the right to use our books and printed material is shared with the Library of the Unity of Science. The new foundation is established to assist The Peace Faculty of Comparative Research Study Scandinavia and Global Student Democracy by NSD and planes to establish a stock company to take care of economy. It is given a free Basic Subscription of Global Times as a personal gift from one Editor and it upholds Global Intranet Club where the company is planned as organiser of economy and until then Stein Roar Andersen has taken responsibility for the economy. This weekly magazine serves as a book of the meeting point of progress for the
foundation after the founding proclamation. We have studied the law of Norway and the science of wholeness enterprise as a gift to mankind, all citizens of world society is well protected by article 106 of the Constitution of Norway and the law of foundations states that one with less than NOK 50.000,- in money, do not need any registration or extra expenditure of time, money or other resources, with the exception of a meeting book or documentation of the foundations status quo. World Peace Fund, World Peace Fund Norway, Independent University Foundation, Club Classic Culture Celebration, The Peace Faculty of Comparative research Study (Norway and Scandinavia ) is 3 foundations including the Referring Institute of Comparative Research Study, The Library of the Unity of Science, Global Times, NSD, NSD NTNU, NSD Dragvoll and Dhanajaya enterprise, likewise is different independent foundations upholding the science of wholeness enterprise by World Constitution of New Fundamental Global Order, nonpolitical global democracy or the unification of world society. These are foundation presented with books of meeting points of progress and development as "The Revolution of Science ", "The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace", "World Peace THE FULFILMENT OF WORLD CIVILISATION", "Challenge of Time" and this weekly magazine presented weekly for almost a whole year. We shall be grateful to receive donations to any of the independent foundation and welcome people to join in the enterprise or world peace campaign as co-ordinators with responsibility according to the focus of one of the foundations or according to World Constitution and by agreement with Stein Roar Andersen, founder of the enterprise and the only one with the insight to represent the enterprise as a whole coming to developments. Personal account 4200 37 20327 by Stein Roar Andersen with a donation to one defined purpose or foundation and a letter with a copy of the payment to address P. O. Box 3416, 7425 Trondheim, Norway should be ok and most welcome. It is a great joy to administrate this powerful momentum of progress for mankind. Global Student Democracy Saturday 13th of February 999 NSD Dragvol NTNU was established to develop a reference centre for question of student democracy related to NTNU and especially section at Dragvoll. A reference centre for the improvement of student environment is initiated. NSD (Student Democracy of Norway) invites students around the world, teachers, classes, schools, universities, organisations, companies etc. to order a basic subscription of the Global Times. The invitation goes to all citizens of world society to join in establishing a foundation for peace and progress by
Global Times - a book about the Unification of World Society
New Fundamental Global Order (Human Right and Duty) by global universal co-operation. UN's Peace Secretariat New York wrote to Stein Roar Andersen: «We truly appreciate your efforts in promoting the Royal Principle of World Peace.» - that all of us living on this beautiful planet of ours must stay and grow together, achieve progress and enjoy fulfilment together. The principle also known as New Fundamental Human Rigth and Duty is based on each and one doing his or her duty, contribution in upholding the new responsibility following the development of the world. We really hope each and one is taking some small responsibility and is inspiring family and friends do join in considering how all citizens of world society can stay together being a foundation for peace and harmony, safety and development. The only one way we can reach around the world is by everyone standing together and sharing this gift to and opportunity for mankind.
Chapter 5 World Constitution of non-political world democracy, the unification of world society and New Fundamental Global Order The Global Voice of Conscience of New Fundamental Global Order is the internal system of communication of the universal cooperation of New Fundamental Human Right and Duty governing the development of global co-operation and expressing world opinion in important question as well as any opinion by New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order. Its basis is the reference centre of the Library of the Unity of Science where everyone openly can register any opinion and invite others to join in. The government of the universal co-operation is more like everyone communicating how to share responsibility for what priority of action they want to uphold, strictly within the area of universal cooperation, one is upholding as an independent, global system, not competing with anyone or to be taken to represent any other interest than those defined as universal global responsibility of the Science of Wholeness Enterprise. The independence of the individual is the freedom of the universal co-operation, independence from others opinions as well, and of course a minimum of housing, clothing and food as New Fundamental Economical World Order, adds the dignity of freedom, too. If this is produced by universal co-operation or a minimum income is given by the global coin unit of World Peace Funds World Peace Bank / The Global Bank to give everyone free a minimum income, is still to be seen and is work in progress, applications under consideration. A new communication order can integrate a global coin unit, if found acceptable by us and others, be a
digital one, giving everyone free a minimum income by joining in to uphold global co-ordination to give the value of the new order. It is everyone in the whole world which is supposed to decide this, but before everyone is informed or has joined in, Stein Roar Andersen, by the Constitution of World Democracy represents everyone by the foundation and its values, so that no group interests starts corrupting the universal and scientific principles. As any Constitution, this is the purpose of this one too; to establish the universally acceptable principles and to protect the organisation and its members for abuse of corrupt representation of the whole, here world society in universal cooperation. The Global Voice of Conscience The Constitution of New Fundamental Global Order World Constitution Article 1 The freedom and independence of the world is founded by the freedom and independence of the individual. This global freedom is based on everyone's respect for the foundation of everyone's fundamental human right(s) to enjoy a minimum of normal, pure and healthy food and water, a free personal place to stay and live and free access to the knowledge needed to be well educated, know the paths of right action and responsibilities (human duties) to achieve success in life. The fulfilment of this human right, global freedom can only be by most people participating in a universal system of sharing these values and information of how not to be damaging others freedom. This new fundamental human right and duty is a non-political, non-religious, - a nonviolence global universal co-operation without corruption or other goals than those of upholding this new foundation for peace and harmony, freedom, achievements, growth and development, fulfilling for the individual and society on all levels. The Royal Principle of World Peace; that all of us living on this beautiful planet of ours must stay and grow together, achieve fulfilment together is based on adding this new foundation to world society outside the differences of economy, military, politics, intellectual understanding, religion etc. New Fundamental Human Right and Duty represents that we together uphold global, universal co-operation to give 4 values alone: New Fundamental Economical World Order, a minimum of housing, clothing and food free for those joining in first, when established everywhere, for everyone. New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order ( a common library of the Unity of Science, available for everyone by the Science of Wholeness Enterprise and Peace Faculties of Comparative Research Study to be independently established by the coordination of universal co-operation. The Global Voice of Conscience, pure and global democracy or communication by this book as well as:
The Revolution of Science OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE (86) by Stein Roar Andersen. He introduces this Science of Wholeness Enterprise and its scientific principles as the bases of global integration and unification, - a universal and independent organisation of global, pure co-operation to govern in freedom how everyone choose to join in within the simplest realisation of these common and universal goals of mankind and foundation for the fulfilment of world civilisation. World opinion can be expressed as a guide for governments and others. Classic Culture Celebration with the capital city of the world (World Capital) as a cultural meeting point for the fulfilment of world society, classic culture, a new tradition to integrate and purify all classical traditions of the world and celebrations to enjoy global unification around the year and around the world. Stein Roar Andersen as the founder and knower of reality is given a royal position to protect the enterprise unto world democracy governs; title Dharmaraj or Maharaja of the World. Maharaja / Dharmaraj indicates a royal position and initiative given by the challenge of time and the responsibility of seeing the opportunity and duty, but is just an example of the role of the individual in world society, by position and universal responsibility! As example of the majestic position of the individual, but Stein Roar Andersen is also representing within the coordination and pure democracy everyone by number which is not yet partaking in the democracy. He enjoys all those votes when decisions is taken by the democracy! Anyone can join in without chancing society, culture etc. as such, we just want to add the freedom of the individual and his opportunities to integrate the best of knowledge in the development of society. Its coordinating functioning is non political and upholds a co-ordinating organisation within universal development of a global co-ordinating network of free individuals. This was the preliminary edition of article one of 5 of the universal law of global cooperation; World Constitution, still so complete that you can relate to it as the foundation for global, universal cooperation. Article 2 To uphold global, universal cooperation accordingly everyone is welcome to join in as a co-ordinator equal to any other co-ordinator, representing his pure position as coordinator and no other interests of his own, or others, a business, etc. - except those interest refereed in the library of the unity of science, where any "books" or information can be a part of the reference centre. All co-ordinating activity should be given priorities in relation to developing the foundation of freedom as a whole and as Universities week program. When first priorities as far as possible is fulfilled there is possible to choose how to join in by new fundamental human right and duty
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within the scientific and cultural enterprise as a whole. Before global realisation at least 1/3 of the time and resources should be dedicated to growth, welcoming new citizens to join in as co-ordinators as everyone else and preparing this as an opportunity according to both duty and right aspects. The reference centre is there so everyone can define activities according to priorities and choose how to join in according to the system of communication presented at page 4249 in the book The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE; see appendix. As founder, Stein Roar Andersen is the only one by his royal position to decide any other activities than the universal co-operation in order to initiate and accelerate the growth of participants to realise a true world democracy by most citizens of world society. This may include establishing LTD's, but of course with at least 50% of the shares by World Peace Fund and with 10-20 years profit potential, but still not giving away that the co-operation is growing towards complete freedom, for instance free information for citizens by the Library of the Unity of Science, while LTD's. might develop subscriptions now costing 1000 $ and so at least for 10 years with compensation and possibilities for earning a basic subscription for persons in countries where the amount is a "fortune" or difficult by joining the week program alone. No one other than Mr. Andersen or later by world democracy of 90% of world population, should enjoy this right to decide agreements to reach everyone as soon as possible. Mr. Andersen can do so either as President of World Peace Fund (independent charity foundation and administration of the promotion of the enterprise of Independent University Foundation) or private by royal position, of course within the truth: the enterprise belongs to the world, by his gift and by this constitution and others contributions. Article 3 The worlds citizens upholds legislative power by giving direction to the universal co-operation and when most citizens stay together (90%) laws can be given, for instance to control the library of the unity of science as reference centre, in as many ways as possible, standards for a minimum of clothing, housing or food or global money and bank, how to uphold democracy in its purest form etc. One question is that global democracy should not interfere with national integrity, however the reference centre might both be used for national election as well as debate even presenting pure national democracy for the Global Land of Environmental Cities if developed. Everyone's participation is excepted to be free, without personal involvement except for co-ordinating duties, because the global goals is universal and non political founded as the science of wholeness enterprise and this is the interest of the union, world
society, which protects the interests of the individual in this co-operation. The co-operation is based on the simplest possible participation in Universal cooperation. If someone intend to take a path outside the simplest without mistakes, by the reference centre, laws can be given to protect the universal co-operation from being involved and the integrity of those joining in, their interest in not being represented by anything but the universal cooperation, with no other than the defined universally acceptable goals, rules or laws and co-operation, is this Constitution. Article 4 Judging whether there exists disagreement of the freedom and integrity concerning other interests than those of universal co-operation within the co-ordinating network, is done by a sufficient number making it a first priority for everyone on the local, national or global level as a question for global democracy to consider within the duty hours where everyone can register their opinion. If someone demands that a question of coordination should be considered by the democracy as something competing with the purity and onepointed growth towards the goals of universal cooperation, then the questioned activity must stop unto accepted by 95% on a global level if it is a principle of the activity which is a question of not harmonising with established activities, unless decided by the royal position of the founder, not to be charred by anyone else. All questions of such doubt of new activities, not presented this book as established, anyone can raise in a reference centre for the democracy within our library and published by the reference centre as network communication. Laws should be agreed to regulate this on all steps of development in order to protect the purity and freedom of the minimum acceptable principles of the coordination to grow, achieve progress and enjoy fulfilment together. FREEDOM TO DO WHATEVER NATURAL STEPS OF PROGRESS REPRESENTS AND FROM HAVING TO UPHOLD NOTHING BUT A MINIMUM OF NEW FUNDAMENTAL GLOBAL ORDER is everyone's right to do as a coordinator. We are not speaking of application of the reference centre for any purpose organised as basic subscription and editor functioning everyone can enjoy by the library of the Unity of Science and the Global Times subscription business, which is a free information system. When The Global Times is a business, contributions to the library of the unity of science is free and Ours, however, taking money for organising access to the information is what the business is reduced to and to be regulated by companies as suggested in Appendix! However laws must be integrated, for instance, pictures of a free reference centre must be by those in a picture giving acceptance to reproduce perhaps
and communication against good standards of common sense as violent pornography must find its balance openly or by discrimination to uphold freedom also from others impurities and in respect for everyone! Article 5 These articles are not to be chanced in order to protect the freedom of the participant from creating anything than that which is agreed upon, so his participation is not abused to serve other interests. This also to safeguard the independence and universal foundation for world democracy, peace and fulfilment so it is universally acceptable. No new direction to activity must be given unless 99% of world population is behind it in freedom or Stein Roar Andersen as a knower of reality can include it according to the spirit and principles of the enterprise as a whole. Any disagreeable or questionable activity is everyone's duty to report to the reference centre and coordinating unit with responsibility for presenting questions for the Global Voice of Conscience to give guidance in direction of global freedom. No one should have any decision making position other than that of a coordinator, but founder Andersen. Welcoming others by Universities week arrangement, subscriptions, etc. is a first priority activity. Unifying world society is a royal approach and the royal we, everyone is welcome to enjoy by the Royal Principle of World Peace and as we are travelling around the sun. In the explosion of information as Internet, TV etc. the Library of the Unity of Science controlled by the global democracy can ensure reliability and freedom in this vital foundation for world development, exploded as "the information age" without democratic and science of wholeness principles that is up to date as this Constitution. Global Land everywhere either by this Constitution or partly by suggested national union constitutions to solve national problems around the world can be integrated if everyone agrees and/or Andersen finds it an acceptable agreement. Of all references of the library there should be routines for control beyond doubt both by computer routines and by regular duty check by everyone and written archives/library. There should be written archives all over the world and also by each coordinator for everything on computer with free access for everyone, checking what he found in the computer reference centre or by personal contact, regularly and in order to ensure that no organisation are chancing or controlling anything, which is very important to be aware of. Everyone wanting to add should within universal co-operation have 4 witnesses upholding their own archives with this assistance as duty and other matters to be regularly controlled by routines on the local and global level, so in no tricky way it should be possible to abuse the reference centre from any point of view. This above is the second preliminary constitution to be perfected
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and protected , preliminary but unchangeable unto 90% of world population verifies or chance it as educated co-ordinators after upholding the order a few years! New Fundamental Human Right and Duty by The Constitution of New Fundamental Global Order or World Democracy (the non-political Global Voice of Conscience) as a vision of possibilities is adding to world society a vision of fulfilment by establishing integrated world development, a foundation for peace and harmony, growth, development, progress and fulfilment. This scientific answer to the challenge, need and opportunity of time is based on each and one, everyone, you and I fulfilling our responsibility by part time duty giving the universal challenge of time, found in your situation and opportunities only limited by your imaginations. Building the Capital City of the World as a global university and cultural meeting point for the fulfilment of world civilisation with Stein Roar Andersen is supposed to be just an expression of the unification of world society. It is important to register that every person is responsible for controlling the references of the enterprise so no computer experts, nor any organisation can in any way uphold false information in the system or control communication. This is most important. Internet as seen today may be controlled by millions of computers in parallel processing, checking who is doing what, giving different information's to different people, controlling mail and running "chess programs on language" checking out anything going on in interest groups. The world is today such that this could be by Mafia, governmental policies for some countries or what so ever. We do not Know the businesses, political organisations, criminal organisations or what, controlling parts or even the whole of Internet. We do not consider here the problems of the world or say that Internet actually is something else than most people is thought to understand. We can not know! We do want to add something which is pure and can not be abused or controlled for the purpose of interests we do not know! We are proud to add the above Constitution to the opportunity of time, your opportunity to fulfil your duty and world development.
Appendix Basic subscription as Editor of Global Times NSD invites students around the world, teachers, classes, schools, universities organisations, companies, persons etc. to order a basic subscription of the Global Times. The invitation goes to all citizens of world society to join in establishing a foundation for peace and progress by New Fundamental Global Order (Human Right and Duty) by global universal co-operation. We welcome you to join in sharing the challenge of time.
UN's Peace Secretariat New York wrote to Stein Roar Andersen in 86: «We truly appreciate your efforts in promoting the Royal Principle of World Peace.» - that all of us living on this beautiful planet of ours must stay and grow together, achieve progress and enjoy fulfilment together. Everyone is welcome to apply for a subscription, costing 1250$ . This to share the expenditure involved in developing a common reference centre of the Library of the Unity of Science where the subscriber as Editor can order at low cost as well as contribute to the Library of the Unity of Science. The subscribers also enjoys the satisfaction as Editor of the Global Times in the pure, non-political democracy of the constitution of world democracy of New Fundamental Global Order, new fundamental information, communication, research and education order. The person receiving money may be an independent humanitarian organisation by organisation of agreement with us or a self-sufficient business in relation to legal matters. This organisation of economy belongs to World Peace Fund (developer) agreeing applying it here. According to the law of Norway it is adjusted to most common practice of economy and in spite of its huge profit potential it is not a pyramid game or multilevel marketing while it only to levels and those is not related to economy, but to the campaign and direct duties towards the person paying for the services. As one has witnesses when wedding, a lawyer when going to court one has a system of witnessing, administration and control when establishing pure, global non-political democracy and the communication of editors of the library of the unity of science, too! The Editor receiving money is witnessing, by registration and controlling the information of the new Editor and controlling the communication around the world of the first rounds of pure democracy where every new editor is a member of the "parliament". In Norway to be sure it definitely is within the law, we suggest that the 2 witnesses is paid directly, but always after the payment to the foundation is registered and accepted, so also when not paying the whole sum at once. The fact that it is not business from the point of view of the humanitarian foundation and that it is not business in a chain, but most usual organisation of economy and payment, it is expected to be legal in Norway by Stein Roar Andersen as Editor and campaign member, not as a leader of the foundation, which upholds, legal wherever according to law or not opposing any law. 20% direct income when selling is at least legal most places and most probably, Royalty team % too. Because above sentence is part of the documentation, you are not responsible for the systems use by others and only responsible towards authorities coming to income you receive according to tax laws etc. How much time following up each income
of 250$ including administrating the economy with accounts etc. is difficult to say, but the responsibility for the system of organisation and its economy is shared by each and one. Effective organisation may take far less time with many editors to follow up and by including secretariat with income up to 1 million US $ it definitely is a part time job for those organising it as an independent business Even related to personal economy it is a good idea to consider establishing a branch of world peace campaign with a few responsibilities, building houses by independent humanitarian foundations by New Fundamental Economical World Order is a good plan and leaves the editor without personal income unless agreed! Potential for those joining in. 500$(40%) of the prize of 1250 $ goes to those selling a basic subscription to others, in order to promote the goal of reaching as many as possible as soon as possible, hopefully 1,000,000,000 new subscribers before year 2000. The subscriber can join the campaign as a self-sufficient business, selling subscriptions and earning 250$ (20%) every time new subscriber registered by him, pays his 1000$ to NSD. If you as a subscriber is registering A as a new subscriber, you enjoys 250$ (20%) when he pays. When A is selling to B, A enjoys 20% and you also enjoys 20% when B pays (Royalty). When B sells to C, you receive nothing, but both A and B enjoys 20% each. In this way we promote the goal of the campaign by economy. A subscriber get the new registered subscribers by him, registered in this system during the 2 first years, but at least 10 years is the campaign planned to be uphold No subscriber enjoys more than 1 million $. This system is valid around the world where and when ever legal. You are not paying cash or to the seller, always directly to NSD by Stein Roar Andersen. Send the money in any which way you choice, but not cash in a envelope. Personal account 4200 37 20327 by Stein Roar Andersen in Norway, while Mr. Andersen participate in the campaign. If someone do not pay by agreement, NSD is the only one to follow up, and demanding money if someone do not pay is not general policy. When joining in as a independent business, one do not promote other interests of personal, political, economical etc. nature. If a person sells 1-2 subscriptions a week the first year and all those new subscribers (50-100) did the same, the amount of 1 million dollar is within reach! Please, register you subscription application here: Subscription application NAME _______________________________ is hereby ordering a basic subscription as Editor of the Global Times according to the above. Address:______________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
Global Times - a book about the Unification of World Society
Account ______________________________ Date of birth ______________________________ 1000$ I pay directly to Stein Roar Andersen, World Peace Fund or NSD, P. O. Box 3416, 7425 Trondheim, Norway and within a week or to after receipt of acceptance; I send the whole sum / monthly 100$ x 12 months the first year/50 $x 24 months. (My choice is underlined!) Date _______ 1998Signature: _____________________________ Name of the person registering the above: ______________________________ Date _________ 1999 Signature:_______________________ References of the verification of name and birth date done by each person, new and old subscriber, both keeping one signed copy as well as sending copies, as to the witness, control administrator, whose name, account and address is: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Please, be free to join in World Peace Campaign and inspires others to order their basic subscription, too, without any request for money back. Without participating in the system for independent salesmen, you can register new subscribers, too and the income then goes to the campaign. This you may registered when first you have achieved the position as Editor of Global Times. Everyone is welcome to apply for a subscription, costing 1000 $. This to share the expenditure involved in developing a common reference centre of the Library of the Unity of Science where the subscriber as Editor can order at low cost as well as contribute to the Library of the Unity of Science. The subscribers also enjoys the satisfaction as Editor of the Global Times in the pure, non-political democracy of the constitution of world democracy of New Fundamental Global Order, new fundamental information, communication, research and education order. We hope to be 2 billion subscribers and editors of the common reference centre before Year 2000. It just simply is such a good idea, it is the most obvious way to organise the information revolution and the campaign economy is good with a possible 1 million $ income opportunity for those taking the risk and challenge of registration of new subscribers. Organisations, schools, universities, classes, institutes etc. is welcome to go together sharing the 1000$ cost of a subscription and take the challenge of an income of 1 million $ partly to be spend as an agreement and challenge perhaps for a growing celebration around the world and around the year into the new millennium to come. We invite you to join in this special Club Classic Culture Celebration Challenge and Coordination and be free to order Club
Co-ordination of all aspects of the arrangements include the Year 2000 festivities. Global Intranet Club fulfilling the revolution of Internet, *Income potential of 105,000.-$ Internet should be governed by the users and being a world wide system of information and communication, by global, pure, non-political democracy of World Constitution of the Unification of World Society and New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order of the Science of Wholeness Enterprise, the scientific enterprise to develop the Library of the Unity of Science available for Internet through Club Global Intranet. Everyone is free to participate and to uphold as a co-ordinator the democracy, but joining in Club Global Intranet demands an Internet address, a home page and willingness to announce by ones homepage information to promote co-ordination by doing least and accomplishing most (supreme economy) and cover the cost of 50 CHF a year as well as joining in a co-ordinating unit of the democracy in ones own country. We can of course answer some thousand requests, however the million or even 2 billion of members we hope for, we can not give a direct answer and take into growing waves of fulfilment of the revolution of Internet without taking a small amount of money to cover costs. So we depend on willingness to pay the 50 CHF or NOK 250,- or $ 35 in order to stay independent, which also makes it possible to develop a co-ordinating body to take responsibility for communication. We also welcomes donations by this body which is an independent humanitarian foundation by law of Norway and World Constitution of the Unification of World. Most of the communication we hope the members to uphold and be free to copy and distribute this page in any which way you choice, as far as it is complete and distribute. The income opportunity is as self sufficient and independent business for each member in co-operation with GIC and other members. Please, be free to communicate your interest to join Club Global Intranet and willingness to pay 50 CHF and to join a co-ordinating network. Club Global Intranet was established February 1999. Please be free to send 50 CHF or 250,- NOK or 35 $ to by Stein Roar Andersen, P. O. box 3416, 7425 Trondheim Norway (bank account in Norway 4200 37 20327) first with reference "GIC Campaign Membership". We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly. Global Intranet Club around the world with World Peace Campaign. It is a great joy to welcome you to join in world peace campaign as a member and to promote that everyone with an email address in the world joins in
NSDs research into realisation of global, pure, non-political democracy to fulfil Internet as Global Intranet with efficient information for study, research and any interests what so ever, with a good mapping system where the information highway of Internet is mostly with roads with a dead end and no signs or verification. Governing Internet development by establishing democracy to promote the revolution of Internet’s role in world society is based on control by a network of humans or personal control as well as control routines by sending emails and using each members homepage for control routines. One never knows. Internet can be completely controlled, so when Global Intranet is based on a plan to establish 3 independent networks of supercomputers witnessing everything and perhaps democratic control groups of 100 persons collecting references for representatives meeting etc. Internet may be completely abused and the opposite of the values of freedom without any democratic controll. We therefore hope that members inspires those persons they know perhaps from own mailing list to join in taking controll, paying the 50CHF, and by taking the administration as independent work or universal cooperation by our humanitarian organisation. Members can enjoy 10 CHF or 7$ of the paid by those registered by him by accepting administrating the new members participation with news links, sending letters and controlling the process of communication by personal checking as by a phone. In order to ensure correct routines, each member has 2 reference persons and in order to cover expenses both enjoy 10 CHF each by administrating the whole communication and democracy. Person A inspires B and B inspires C and C inspires D to join in as a GIC member. Person A enjoys 10 CHF from B and C and B enjoys 10 CHF from C and D (=20 CHF) and this potential also inspires to take the challenge as a job as a self-sufficient, independent business. We welcome that, but no one earns more than 150,000,- CHF by this system, while such a income makes it possible to have administration taking care of the many persons he has responsibility towards, by effective computer routines and secretariat. So we want everyone to send a letter or email to persons, organisations etc. they know, telling the good news and hereby inspire them to send it further to others at once in order to reach our 2 billion citizens within shortest possible time. Please, register that the subject of this letter is GIC and that only «GIC» is the subject of this mail of introduction. Then everyone receiving the letter more than once, simple do not need to read it. By the above heading and this introduction and GIC as Subject the letter is sent, without any other message, than the content of this introduction here. The receiver of the mail can keep a few if he gets more
Global Times - a book about the Unification of World Society
than one, in order to control that content is the same. However, the person sending it, is welcome to introduce the GIC letter by sending a mail first. This system belongs to World Peace Fund by President Stein Roar Andersen and is a initiative of Stein Roar Andersen as a private citizen both to protect and to give an opportunity for personal income up to 150,000.- Swiss F. The CHF left goes to World Peace Fund and we are working with organising, collecting and distributing the money by the cooperation and administration of the members. The person receiving the GIC letter answers to with a copy (cc and bcc) to the one he received the letter from and his cc, the person who inspired him to join in as a member. This mail has Subject:" GIC Membership, yes, please!" The content of the letter is name, address, account (for receiving money), personal or national reference number, telephone number, email address and homepage references (if any). References to Internet connection and computer references is welcome to. The letter starts with; «Please, register my GIC membership.» When NSD receives a mail with « GIC Membership, yes, please!" » as subject, we register it by membership registration, verified when money is paid, preferable from the referred account as control. We send a letter to A, who sends it to B and you C! One is of course welcome to join in as a GIC member without participating in the above income opportunity and inspire others to join in without requesting % of the 50 CHF. As a coordinating member witnessing registration and voting is still important! It is the same rules as for Subscription of Global Times. *Income potential 105,000.-$ depends on what country your paying from and the income depends on which of the 3 you enjoys 20% of when paid. Switzerland is our only alternative to the reffered account. Covering costs of sending the money is not done by GIC which is only assisting the members and their role as independent «salesmen». This GIC membership initiative is ok where and when ever legal around the world, and each person therefor is only responsible for the money he receives. It seems obviously legal in Norway and multilevel marketing we are told is legal in USA and Sweden, too, where we do have Vice presidents for World Peace Fund, but no accounts etc. yet, while we have not GIC organisations outside Norway. With the ambition of establishing global, non- political democracy among all citizens in the world and achieve to be 2 billion members, we have used our creativity to adjust the campaign organisation to how to cover costs of the needs of local assistance and reference organisation around the world. This ends Global Tmes, a book about the Unification of World Society which is covering both the theoretical and
practical aspects of the Science of Whoeness Enterprise and which is giving a vission of the whole range of its title and the role of each citizen in fulfilling world peace and progress.
(In 1999 the book had 16 full pages, new word edition… - otherwise the same book!)
----------------------------another version:
The Declaration of World Constitution of Our Global Homeland,
New Fundamental Human Right and Duty and / or the infrastructure of global integrity
New Fundamental Global Order with the Global Voice of Conscience, non political world democracy by this our constitution of global integrity.
This represents universal values of upholding global co-operation between citizens to ensure the freedom and independence of the individual, the people of the world. The universal law of global cooperation between citizens of the world to uphold a global safety net for all, was developed during the eighties and formulated by these articles during the nineties by several independent and humanitarian foundations as Independent University Foundation and Universitas Week established January 1980 by the founder of the science of wholeness, Rajananand Dhananjaya, then known as Stein Roar Andersen (up to 2004). The Constitution represents only universal acceptable values as free a minimum of food, clothing and housing, free information, free participation in pure, non-political democracy and cultural expressions of the unification of world society. That it is non-political means that all participating in the co-operation is equal to everyone else, the values shared are a free minimum and no one decides what others should do. The democracy is communication also in how to participate in the minimum of universal co-operation to receive or produce these values and finally the defined values as presented in the following is the only values to be produced, the co-operation is not going to serve any other interests than the defined, common universal values.
The government of the universal co-operation is more like everyone communicating how to share responsibility for what priority of action they want to uphold, strictly within the area of universal co-operation, one is upholding as an independent, global system, not competing with anyone or to be taken to represent any other interest than those defined as universal global responsibility of the Science of Wholeness Enterprise. The independence of the individual is the freedom of the universal co-operation, independence from others opinions as well, and of course a minimum of housing, clothing and food as New Fundamental Economical World Order, adds the dignity of freedom, too. If this is produced by universal co-operation or a minimum income is given by the global digital currency of World Peace Fund’s World Peace Bank / The Global Bank to give everyone free a minimum income, is still to be seen and is work in progress, applications under consideration. As any Constitution, the purpose is to establish the universally acceptable principles and to protect the organization and its members for abuse of corrupt representation of the whole, here world society in universal co-operation.
The Global Voice of Conscience The Constitution of New Fundamental Global Order World Constitution
Article 1 The freedom and independence of the world is founded by the freedom and independence of the individual. This global freedom is based on everyone's respect for the foundation of everyone's fundamental human right(s) to enjoy a minimum of normal, pure and healthy food and water, a free personal place to stay and live and free access to the knowledge needed to be well educated, know the paths of right action and responsibilities (human duties) to achieve success in life. The fulfillment of this human right, global freedom can only be by most people participating in a universal system of sharing these values and information of how not to be damaging others freedom. This new fundamental human right and duty is a non-political, non-religious, - a non-violence global universal co-operation without corruption or other goals than those of upholding this new foundation for peace and harmony, freedom, achievements, growth and development, fulfilling for the individual and society on all levels. The Royal Principle of World Peace; that all of us living on this beautiful planet of ours must stay and grow together, achieve fulfillment together is based on adding this new foundation to world society outside the differences of economy, military, politics, intellectual understanding, religion etc. New Fundamental Human Right and Duty represents that we together uphold global, universal co-operation to give 4 values alone: New Fundamental Economical World Order, a minimum of housing, clothing and food free for those joining in first, when established everywhere, for everyone. New Fundamental Information, Communication, Research and Education Order (a common library of the Unity of Science, available for everyone by the Science of Wholeness Enterprise and Peace Faculties of Comparative Research Study to be independently established by the co-ordination of universal co-operation. The Global Voice of Conscience, pure and global democracy or communication by this book as well as: The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE Together for Peace (86) by Stein Roar Andersen. He introduces this Science of Wholeness Enterprise and its scientific principles as the basis of global integration and unification, - a universal and independent organization of global, pure co-operation to govern in freedom how everyone choose to join in within the simplest realization of these common and universal goals of mankind and foundation for the fulfillment of world civilization. World opinion can be expressed as a guide for governments and others. Classic Culture Celebration with the capital city of the world (World Capital) as a cultural meeting point for the fulfillment of world society, classic culture, a new tradition to integrate and purify all classical traditions of the world and celebrations to enjoy global unification around the year, around the world. Rajananand Dhananjaya as the founder and knower of reality is given a royal position to protect the enterprise unto world democracy governs; title Maharaja or Rajan of the World. Maharaja / Rajan indicates a royal position and initiative given by the challenge of time and the responsibility of seeing the opportunity and duty, but is just an example of the role of the individual in world society, by position and universal responsibility and means, king, the one for the whole world! (As a name however, of course it is a used name by many and consider just a life supporting sound!) As example of the majestic position of the individual, but Stein Roar Andersen / Rajananand Dhananjaya is also representing within the co-ordination and pure democracy everyone by number which is not yet partaking in the democracy. He enjoys all those votes when decisions are taken by the democracy! Anyone can join in without changing society, culture etc. as such, we just want to add the freedom of the individual and his opportunities to integrate the best of knowledge in the development of society. Its co-coordinating functioning is non-political and upholds a co-coordinating organization within universal development of a global co-coordinating network of free individuals. This was the preliminary edition of article one of 5 of the universal law of global co-operation; World Constitution, still so complete that you can relate to it as the foundation for global, universal co-operation.
Article 2 To uphold global, universal co-operation accordingly everyone is welcome to join in as a co-coordinator equal to any other co-ordinator, representing his pure position as co-ordinator and no other interests of his own, or others, a business, etc. - except those interest refereed in the library of the unity of science, where any "books" or information can be a part of the reference centre. All co-ordinating activity should be given priorities in relation to developing the foundation of freedom as a whole and as Universities week program. When first priorities as far as possible are fulfilled there is possible to choose how to join in by new fundamental human right and duty within the scientific and cultural enterprise as a whole. Before global realisation at least 1/3 of the time and resources should be dedicated to growth, welcoming new citizens to join in as co-ordinators as everyone else and preparing this as an opportunity according to both new fundamental human duty and right and coordinator is the main functioning of the democracy, functioning voting. The reference centre is there so everyone can define activities according to priorities and choose how to join in according to the system of communication presented at page 42-49 in the book The Revolution of Science ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF THE UNITY OF SCIENCE. (#)
As founder, Rajananand is the only one by his royal position to decide any other activities than the universal co-operation in order to initiate and accelerate the growth of participants to realise a true world democracy by most citizens of world society. This may include establishing Ltds but of course with at least 50% of the shares by World Peace Fund and with 10-20 years profit potential, but still not giving away that the co-operation is growing towards complete freedom, for instance free information for citizens by the Library of the Unity of Science, while Ltds might develop subscriptions now costing 1200 $ and so at least for 10 years with compensation and possibilities for earning a basic subscription for persons in countries where the amount is a "fortune" or difficult by joining the week program alone. No one other than Rajananand or later by world democracy of 90% of world population should enjoy this right to decide agreements to reach everyone as soon as possible. Rajananand can do so either as President of World Peace Fund (independent charity foundation and administration of the promotion of the enterprise of Independent University Foundation) or private by royal position, of course within the truth: the enterprise belongs to the world, by Rajananand's and others gift to mankind and by this constitution and others contributions.
Article 3 The world citizens uphold legislative power by giving direction to the universal co-operation and when most citizens stay together (90%) laws can be given, for instance to control the freedom and independence of the library of the unity of science as reference centre, in as many ways as possible, standards for a minimum of clothing, housing or food or global money and bank, how to uphold democracy in its purest form etc. One question is that global democracy should not interfere with national integrity, however, the reference centre might both be used for national election as well as debate even presenting pure national democracy for the Global Land of Environmental Cities if developed. Everyone's participation is expected to be free, without personal involvement except for co-ordinating duties, because the global goals are universal and non political founded as the science of wholeness enterprise and this is the interest of the union of world society, whit protection of the interests of the individual in this co-operation. The co-operation is based on the simplest possible participation in universal co-operation. If someone intend to take a path outside the simplest without mistakes, by the reference centre, laws can be given to protect the universal co-operation from being involved and the integrity of those joining in, their interest in not being represented by anything but the universal co-operation, with no other than the defined universally acceptable goals, rules or laws and co-operation of this Constitution.
Article 4 Judging whether there exists disagreement of the freedom and integrity concerning other interests than those of universal co-operation within the co-ordinating network, is done by a sufficient number making it a first priority for everyone on the local, national or global level as a question for global democracy to consider within the duty hours where everyone can register their opinion. If someone demands that a question of co-ordination should be considered by the democracy as something competing with the purity and one pointed growth towards the goals of universal co-operation, then the questioned activity must stop unto accepted by 95% on a global level if it is a principle of the activity which is a question of not harmonizing with established activities, unless decided by the royal position of the founder, not to be shared by anyone else. All questions of such doubt of new activities established anyone can raise questions about in a reference centre for the democracy within our library and published by the reference centre as network communication. Laws should be agreed to regulate this on all steps of development in order to protect the purity and freedom of the minimum acceptable principles of the co-ordination to grow, achieve progress and enjoy fulfillment together. FREEDOM TO DO WHATEVER NATURAL STEPS OF PROGRESS REPRESENTS AND FROM HAVING TO UPHOLD NOTHING BUT A MINIMUM ACTIVITIES OF NEW FUNDAMENTAL GLOBAL ORDER is everyone's right to protect as a common safety net for all, as a co-ordinator, defender of world peace. We are not speaking of application of the reference centre for any purpose organized as basic subscription and editor functioning, everyone can enjoy by the library of the Unity of Science and the Global Times subscription business, which is a free information system for the purposes of those using it. When The Global Times is a business organization where any business may freely compete, contributions to the library of the unity of science is free and ours, however, taking money for organizing access to the information is what the business is reduced to and to be regulated by companies as suggested! However laws must be integrated, for instance, pictures of a free reference centre must be by those in a picture giving acceptance to reproduction perhaps and communication against good standards of common sense as violent pornography, must be balanced by laws or by discrimination to uphold freedom also from others impurities and in respect for everyone!
Article 5 These articles are not to be changed in order to protect the freedom of the participant from creating anything than that which is agreed upon, so his participation is not abused to serve other interests. This also to safeguard the independence and universal foundation for world democracy, peace and fulfillment so it is universally acceptable. No new direction to activity must be given unless 99% of world population is behind it in freedom or Rajananand as a knower of reality can include it according to the spirit and principles of the enterprise as a whole. Any disagreeable or questionable activity is everyone's duty to report to the reference centre and co-ordinating unit with responsibility for presenting questions for the Global Voice of Conscience to give guidance in direction of global freedom. No one should have any decision making position other than that of a co-ordinator, but founder Rajananand. Welcoming others by Universities week arrangement, subscriptions, etc. is a first priority activity. Unifying world society is a royal approach and the royal we, everyone is welcome to enjoy by the Royal Principle of World Peace and as we are traveling around the sun. In the explosion of information as Internet, TV etc. the Library of the Unity of Science controlled by the global democracy can ensure reliability and freedom in this vital foundation for world development, exploded as "the information age" without democratic and science of wholeness principles that is up to date as this Constitution. Global Land everywhere either by this Constitution or partly by suggested national union constitutions (own countries with constitution perhaps like that of Norway ) to solve national problems around the world could be integrated in the Constitutions domain of non-political values of our global homeland if everyone agrees and/or Rajananand finds it an acceptable agreement. Of all references of the library there should be routines for control beyond doubt both by computer routines and by regular duty check by everyone and written archives/library. We suggest 3 independent levels of supercomputers to control and register everything within Global Intranet as fulfillment of the potential of Internet. Democratic control is advised by groups of 1008 persons controlling collectively by meetings written references by the participation in the democracy and reference centre of the members of the group and how this is registered by all groups of 1008 Each group of 1008 citizen of the world unit is dived in 9 groups of 108 + 36 persons divided in groups of 4 one for each of the 9 groups of 108, and the 4 have one 5th person and leader, elected within and by the group of 108. 28 groups of 36 gives a union of 28 groups of 1008 citizen of the world units and this is repeated within the new units of represent citizen of the world units to give only 7-8 new groups which may meet together in order to uphold democratic control of everything by personal checking alone. The different positions are shared with systems of control by random and are different each time. Personal and democratic control of information on all levels is most important The representatives should chance so all may become one from time to time in a new group of 1008 with the same system. There was suggested another organization, but the principle is above and the same here! These for systematic democratic control by checking routines also to be upheld by all. We suggest building one house or environmental city with 1008 rooms, one room for each citizen, which the citizen of the group owns as a second, third or first home and have land producing food for these persons by universal co-operation as a seat for the persons role in the democracy of the world. Democratic control meetings may be arranged together with a festival and take perhaps 2 hours a month! There should be written archives all over the world and also by each co-ordinator for everything on computer with free access for everyone, checking what he found in the computer reference centre or by personal contact, regularly and in order to ensure that no organization are chancing or controlling anything, which is very important to be aware of as a danger of corruption with huge national organization, multinational concerns etc. Everyone wanting to add should within universal co-operation have 4 witnesses upholding their own archives with this assistance as duty and other matters to be regularly controlled by routines on the local and global level, so in no tricky way it should be possible to abuse the reference centre from any point of view. This above is the second preliminary constitution to be perfected and protected, preliminary but unchangeable unto 90% of world population verify or chance it as educated co-ordinators after upholding the order a few years!
World Constitution also may be integrated in other countries national constitution for the union of global land as we plan to build a 100 000 new countries by floating cities, climateship islands. One such land is planned ith 108 smaller climateships and one large by the Gold Nile Capital City with several 3 km tall balloones transporting million of tons of pure water into Africa. Some land ant the pole + Bir Tawil between Sudan and Egypt is part of the plan, too. Such a nation as standard have 108 Minitries as any climateship should have, 1008 stoc companies and a Constitution as the one from 1814 in Norway without parties, every citizens its own political program by "parliments" reference center for elected representatives of these programs.

World wide free competetion and access to use the standardized routines of climatefund ships in a global free economy of integrated growth of global integrity is an opportunity for all countries, all buisinesses and one all of world citizens wanting to share the challenges of integrated growth businesesses as well and the fund coordinates mass production of the best to be integrated in all projects, so Ladies and Gentlemen, enjoy the opportunity we share with you.
We do not compete with national countries, we just want to add something new in the interest of peoples freedom, independence and integrity , New Fundamental Global Order, and as Global Bank with a minimum free income t all by cooperation with most people as democratic controll of the bank, which may be a witness for everyones transport of money as to and from accounts in other bank and of binding documents, new published material by the library and so fort. Free fast transport of money needs global democratic controll as also a new internet, Integritynet.
Gold Nile building project to build the capital city of a new country including Bir Tawil and land on the south pole as a floating island, climafund ship, have plans for building a friendship city between Sudan, Egypt, England and our new country by perhaps a union of all 4 countries by the city as its own nation and by embasy areas for other new countries at the land known as Bir Tawir, several new countries ay be established by the land as land base where capital Cities is large floating island or climaships. China , India, Pakistan, USA, Sweden, England, Japan Russia and other countries have been invited to consider land of dispute to become a new nation of global land, otherwise all countries are welcommed to give away land on their boarders and embasy land for permanent land bases too, with frienndship cities union of several countries. Of course there i a Library for Times of Global Integrity, but that is internal, not a research and development library, how to apply Universitas Enterprise and Library to all kinds of different diciplines and research approaches. The Library registers contributions from all editors of Times of Global Integrity and all are welcome to become editors, and one may sell knowledge as personal editor as businesses may sell information of technology and its application and integration in different buisnesses. Some use of the knowledge free and technology too, is expected to cover the library growth and after some time perhaps by negotiation, the knowledge or technology may be the property of the people of the world freely available by the library. Free use may be only for integrated growth project to build climateships or a free car flying one too all. Times and Times Norway and other countries is covered by the climate library and climate fund. Disse bibliotek er er del av de 1008 stiftelser som ble dannet før ny lov, ved stiftelser som ifølge loven dengang ikke trengte revisor eller registrering, ingen lov har tilbakevirkende kraft for de 1008 stiftelser som ble dannet for å bygge klimaskipet _Nidaros, og grunnloven beskytter også ved å si at pålegging av utgifter ved skatt og annet er ikke lov, milde stiftelsers eiendom skal nyttes til stiftelsens formål, grunnlovsrettslig beskyttelse utmerket, stiftelsenes konstitusjonelle rettigheter.

The constitution of World Peace and Global Integrity is a question of good health too, health of world society as health of persons is known to have a psykophysiologial constitution to as known by anciant Auyr Veda to cover the first 5 of 9 aspects of such a constitution, we there includes the above poster by this page about World Constitution of Global Integrity, we hope the people of the world have integrity to integrate in the whole world, because the world is collapsing hopefull just almost beyonf repair of the most important balances including climatechange and the environment, too, which is part of our health.
Climateships is supposed to have a constitution as the Norwegian from 1814 but without parties and supporting 108 Ministries of the government and 1008 stock companies, protecting the interests of owners and of course including World Constitution and non-political world democracy to be heard as advice, too, as Global Vice of Conscience. Those having earned money on damaging the world may by money loudry wash their investments and values by investing in climateships as we suggest that the oil fund in Norway is used to invest in climateships.
This advice with opportunity to tell to what degree and more concrete is a voting theme by World Constitution of Global Integrity Global Voice of conscience:
The yantra from India perhaps even the david star is made perfect by Anandam and disposed by
Universitas Library where he is president . It is used as logo, flag, as architecture rules, for meditation and understanding of the ungoing big bang and creation of our body The foundation protects the logo from abuse, but it is given as a gift to all the people in the world by World Peace Constitution Fund. Everyone who wants a copy may enjoy one for free and use it for religion or meditation, but it is not allowed to use it as wall paper or to represents anyones home, church or organisations.if used by one person on a private temple on the wall, it must be taken down after use, these are the balances of the ownership, property of the people of the world, The flag of global integrity as such likewise but rules may be developed.

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Oct 27, 2019, 11:52 AM |
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Re: 7 milliarder til klimatiltak, klimafondet er rede tiul å nytte alle, hele beløpet på beste vis |
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Hvordan nytte oljefondet til beste for folk i Norge, for Norge og for den grønne verdens transaformasjonen, se vedlegg og vi søker midler for borgervalg i Norge med tema for verdens sammvittighets stemme ved grunnloven for globalt intet politisk demokrati. Om 2 millioner pr borger i aksjekapital kan gi fri leilighet på skip og en flygende bil, er et godt spørsmål, vi søker midler til å beregne dette også, leilighet kan nyttes som kontor til sjøs og til utleie og flygende bil transport fra og til skipet. Leiligheter kan utleies også.
The constitution of World Peace and Global Integrity is a question of good health too, health of world society as health of persons is known to have a psykophysiologial constitution to as known by anciant Auyr Veda to cover the first 5 of 9 aspects of such a constitution, we there includes the above poster by this page about World Constitution of Global Integrity, we hope the people of the world have integrity to integrate in the whole world, because the world is collapsing hopefull just almost beyonf repair of the most important balances including climatechange and the environment, too, which is part of our health.
-så mailen tok også med litt av teksten rett over plakaten...
Så den grønne verdens transformasjon med Global Bank og garantert minsteinntekt til alle ved alles samspill med demokratisk kontroll av banken og kommunikasjonen og formidling av penger, bl.a. som referansebank for andre banker og alles bevegelser av penger og dokumenter eller avtaler, som global bevitnelse av alt. Grønn verdens transformasjon kan fjerne sort økonomi på både den ene og andre måten her altså. Vi konkurerer ikke med regjeringer, intet politisk, vi kun tilleger noe nytt i folks frihet og uavhengighets interesse.
ettersendt til samme over samme dag er følgende mail:
utvidelse av patentkrav og krav til settestatsråder ved patentstyre representasjon også og over 100 politianmeldte forhold av politisk forfølgelse hvor hver enkelt ikke er sak for Storting og regjering mens de fleste inngår i omfattende mafiakriminalitet som angår rikets sikkerhet og landssviker paragrafen i Grunnloven.
Vedlegg utvider flygende bil til å ha ufo småbåt som landingsplass og hurtigere transport over større avstander., hvor hver flygende kubisk ramme kan holde 3 m3 av drivstoff og disse kan flyes inn som bensinstasjon eller utbytting av bensintanken, her ved hydrogenbensin. Dere er heldige ideen er en milepæl i den industraliserte revolusjon og et fantisk giv for det norske samfunnet, nyt vår norske sukksess.
med følgende vedlegg: Jeg persoonlig sender disse mail og har avtale med stiftelsene om at jeg kan registrerere patenter, så vi sender rutinemessig inn forventning om registrering og har krevd setterepresentasjon for avklaringen, men i prinsippet er patentregistreringer ikke påkrevd og vi har lite ressuser til å følge opp, patenter er holdt utenfor demokratisk kontroll og revisjon og er derfor ingen lovlig referanse, kan det hevdes. Men om noen etablerer AS i vårt samsåpill kan patenter innhentes, men åndsverket er gitt i gave til verdens folk og doiisponert av våre stiftelser som klimafondet. Landets frenste ekspert på patenter sa på NTNU foredrag at registrering ikke er nødvendig, men det kan være praktisk. Jeg har politianmeldt utsagn som at patenter ikke kan registreres om de først er publisert, ettersom det intet har med å gjøre om ideen er en orginal nyskap patent man ved lov kar krav på å få registrert om man ønsker. vi her egen stiftelse for registrering av nye iddeer for integrert vekst såvel som gamle i eget bibliotek, da patenteiers interesser er ikke beskyttet av dagens praksis, heller truet, med utpressing og sabotering...Dette er min personlige hjemmeside, aksept for å gjentrykke stiftelsens verdier har jeg.

kopier gjerne for å forstørr plakatene kladdet., kun

The green world transformation industrial revolution by climate ship of integrated growth by the the strategy to cool the world ocean to stop the manifestation of the collapse of the infrastructure of climate balances bymore than a 100 million new stock companies most by our own new nations , should be controlled by the democracy in order to ensure economic interests of the application of the technology is not creating new imbalances and to ensure the standards and codes of honor of business. A new nation may av a constitution like the Norwegian by 1814 without the parties disturbance of the balances together with World Constitution with respect for its decisions and with protection of the interests of stock holders by laws not possible to chnge, the 50% of the stocs the clkimate fund or other foundations by Anandam, by realization of the democracy, first priority when statstic of poverty and climate change or environmental imbalances are given combinations of integrated growth, removing the problems, may get complete control with profit by minimum free income for all and voting within each company by the at least 50% of the stocks. Universitas Library seeks coordinators able to give World Citizen of Global Integrity Consultations, peparing people for start voting by our Global Voice of Conscience, the aspect of advicing the world.
"We the people of the world" is the opening approach of the message by the constitution, the non political common world and climate defence adding the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity to the world is added , inspired by the constitution of USA and We are the World and we shall be grateful for you joining in voting and perhaps also networkbuilding and the actions needed to establish global integrity by the balances of mother nature and climate change imbalances. Of course, we are non political, not competing with national organisations of government anywhere, we just want to add something new, outside the maimn differences of opposite interests, by the common interests of one and all. We the people of the world is mot opposing the people of USA, loyalty to own people and country, nor that of the more important loyalty to own family, the interests of all people in the world is the same, comming to the common and universal interests of one and all.
We had several foundations well established before the 1008 mild foundation established by the ship project, now not a preliminary project as World Capital City is theme of the 7 years period of Universitas Week. We founded 1008 mild foundation by the new law of Norway saying foundation with less than 50 000 NOK in money, do not need registration, nor was thre need of external verification of economy, and most foundation since last "millenium" have had no money wconomy at ll. But all dispose the position to represents the collective values of the enterprise as flag or logo, books and introductions and so forth.
Universitas was the first foundation by 1980 and so also Peace Faculty of Comparative Research Study California, now united with one of the 1008 foundations as Scandinavian Climate Fund of Integrted Growth with the climate Library. Foundations existence is protected by the Constitution of Norway saying new laws dores not change their role and mild foundations values shuld be used for itheir own purpose only, as not to help administration of Norway by administration and or taxes. World Peace Fund was and is a foundation before the 1008, received a letter saying that taxes is not expected when action is accordance with purpose, but businessactivities outside, is taxed, before the 1008 foundation was established.There was supposed to be 1008 foundations by the ship, but the new project is only 108 foundations as the 108 Ministries of the city government of the floating island even with more than one ship in a Lichtenstein Venize new state or country, at least some of the 108 000 ships planned. These foundations are independent from the ship, but the ships ministries represent the foundations. The other 900 foundations may be represented by the Ministries as well, and when building values for the enterprise, also belonging to the foundations represented by the Ministry, as if patents or books are presented. About 200 of the foundations is related to World Peace Constitution Fund of Global Integrity with one for each country as adaptation to the national laws and the people of a nation is natural. Several foundations relates to the 4 areas of dedication of World Constitution, as the libraries, Times of Global Integrity, organisation and protection of the democracy, celebrations, the 7 themes of Universitas Week and one to ensure respect of natinal law giving and here floating countries of ours is important, to avoid any national corruption or law giving crissing the interrests of the people of the world. There are no planned 1008 stock companies and the 1008 foundations may be the disposer of the 50% of stocks y one company each and the 1008 foundations is among the 1200 first new nations as floating ships to be built. If you aspire to become President of such a foundation, the challenge is to raise funding and establish the principles for action, when building a new nation, perhaps with you as the Maharaja Minister position, king of the land by the Constitution of Norway planned copied without the parties.The funding to get president includes 100 000 NOK in Norway, not needed by the governments new law, foundations allready exist, but their standard, and probably more if an office and homepage etc. should be realized including a part time job salery for you and secretaries. We shall be grateful to hear from you accordingly.