Times, the climatemovement information network

66 million years ago we had an armagedon from outer space a big stone hit earth north of Mexico and more than 90% of all life on earth died, the end of all dinasours almost. This we mentioned for the collapse of the infrastructure of climate integrity which allready have happended, most likely is so bad, that armagedon, the end of the world as we know it, happens if we do not remove CO2 and or cool the world ocean by the strategy of our common world and climate defence. Stopping poluting by so called zero emmision does not help, today we pollute more and more as before, but if we sytopped completly the 12 billion ton CO2 Norwegian ouil production have added to the damage of mother natures infrastructures and much more, is still there and need to be removed. Decades with daily poluttion all around the world gives extreme amounts of workd to be done, but if one go together by the green world transformation of our common defence, we may accelerate world prosåperity development, produce more energy anbd fresh ewater than the world need for everyone to prospere and enjoiy festivals and education by courses and studies by around the world Universitas Library Imperial College (England and China have references to their imperial colleges, ours is by the revolution of knowledge by the library and by cosmic perspectives comming to the) global perspect of global warming related to the sun. fulfilling world economy and the development of civilization probably is possible, if it is not to late. you and the people of the world is to damage to act, react to the chalenge of time by our common defence or the world collapsesw before cooling of the world ocean gives us more time to remove the CO2 in the long run it must take. There is no time, most probably no room for error by not going together by the strategy of optimum economy focusing only on the greatest and truly common interest of all.
The Greatest News in
the World is by the greatest
common interest of one and all.
Global Bank combines the 2 currencies, the
green world transformation currency and the
currency of a minimum income to one and all by New Fundamental Economical World Order of World Constitution of Global Integrity, the freedom and independence of all by a safetynet of the nfrastructure of world peace for all. it is a great joy, if most people in the world accept receiving free money to be used on a free vegan meal every day, a free flying car and mobil home and clothes by vacuum cubes insulating and air between them gives flexibility, is the greatest. news in the world,, hopefullt saving the world. Global Voting by non-political
world democracy of The Global Voice of Conscience or
World Constitution of Global Integrity,you and all are
welcome to join by ordering Grestest News Newsletter.
Above poster and txt with link to this homepage if free and immidiate pressrelease.
Friends of the World promtes the greatest opportunity in world history by arranging celebrations and conferences to join in voting and verifying voting. If easy, no strain, be free to order the newsletter subscription, which id free for those part of the information network. join in fulfilling the development of world civilization, hopefully not to late by the collapse of green infrastructues.
So we have a story for you of both local and global importance, the strategy
for the green world trnsformation is established and structured in order to give people economic independence
without the shame of world poverty and that the collapse of the infrastructures of climate is not reperared acctually damaged more and more every day leading to manifestation of the collapse, it takes time to heat all the icea and the ocean,
which may come sooner than expected, it is not only a totakly unacceptable risk for vhildren and youth, the risk may end terrible next week. But cooling the ocean, reducing CO2 and produce aboundance of food for everyone is part of the infrastructure of world peace and global integrity as a safetynet for all against the shame making money dirty for all and the participation in terrorism against humanity. Join in fulfilling world economy and the development of world civilization, now, most people saying yes to receiving the opportunity is first step of information network, where the ntwork may give you income, the joy of sharing the greatest common interest of all, many aspects to be enjoyed, but most important because by joining in we may save the world by the one and only common world and climate defence founded by Rajan Anandam from Trondheim, Norway who generously have given you the opportunity. So here is why it is a news of local importance too, most people in your area or family we hope joins in as their new fundamental human rigth and duty, just as families, nations , international cooperation etc. includes duties, so the universally acceptable duty by the least needed to save the world is found, giving you a true opportunity to do yours, without being involved in anything but the common and greatest intersts of all in a way universally acceptable by World Constitution of Global Integrity.

Times by the challenge of times and all going on at the same time,
It is a great joy to present Times of Global Integrity as the newspaper for the global movement of climate change. We seek editors, participants in the information network including personal distribution, smart people to join the teams presentingthings on tv, internet, by movies, you tube etc. and in such a way that personal controll is systematic as desinformation is the role of newspaprs, magazines, UN; exp+ests, TV etc. these days. All of this homepage shows way.
Climate Movement Newspaper y newsletters by email costs 108 NOK, but those in the network also organising the distribution get it for free. Subscription fee is for 4 quaterly magazines around the year, + presentations of activities going on possible to join.
Organisation may apply for having their editor and network coordinator, government, universities and buisinesses, too, but basically by the people of the world and our common world and climate defence.
Buisness opprtunitu\y for thpose wanting to contribute regularry perhaps full time, exists but basically again voluntary free work by most people.
Prince of England on TV says he agrees with Greta and that we are loosing on time, it is like the movie independence day, we all need to unit by our common world and climate defence to do what is allready to late, but hopefully possible to restore, infrastructure of climate damaged more and more every day, it is like in the movie, it is countdown to collapse the present discussion of 1-2 degrees celsius, it is not real, most probably the real ballance is 10 degrees celsius 0, but cooled by the ice and ocean, it takes time to heat those and as Norway owing to the sea, Golfstream it is 12 degrees hotter all year around, general for the whole world 10 degrees colder by more than 70% of worlds surface cooling. But most probably as we present UN and governments by their conference in Copenhagen, the problem is like this and explaining while since changes is comming faster than expected too. That means as known the deep sea is hotter, that the balance is come so far that maybe all ice may melt, sealevel raise 60 meters 0 in short time. So extreme weather and periods of extraordinary hot, usual to occure 10 degrees hotter in the sea, and one month with extreme weather by the pole ice, may give immidiate raise of sea level say 20m and then this heats more ice... This means collapse of world economy and probably many nations going to war against them killing their family and nation. Even Norway may be without food enough and stop of production.
The whole homepage is more like a minimum one needs to know to be updated and have good perspectives.
It is related to the climate library and the brainstorm for technological applications and the global voice of conscience almost 40 years old, in order also to protect the knowledge and information. A climateship as a global seat for Times, Times of Global Integrity for short is Times,:
23 September New York, Greta was visiting the UN climate conference and her citisism by the climatestreik backing was welcommed by UN Secretary in General as something rigth to do.
She is using the same word and arguments as our common world and climate defence the last decade and more and while our points of critisism as a duty to point out the problem, uses strong words as by Ibsen and An Enemy of the People and Jaws bby Spielberg. We have also raised the discusses about how youth is exploited in Norway by the organisation and seeks editors to discuss and organise the debate challenges by the climate library. We also see that she is rigth with critisism of her childhood anjd youth disturbed, as her future by statistic of mortality is distrubed related to the old sinners, too. Editors of these queston we seek to, and perhaps one at each age group. We give the opportunity to join in Global Student Society with project to build environmental friendly homes and a stock company working opportunity. Also here editors, thausends are needed by the challenge of times.
Times Norway discusses how partie and organisations are infiltrating the the streik movement and gives accept to selling oil by stating that they should just produce less or no more on a regular basis. It is a challenge for political parties, they may loose the support from people, and in Norway their children party organisation is going into the streik organisation, which is not good as they also kidnapp children to school by their organisation. We have suggested climatestreik for students, to take a semester free and weekly food streik, a healthy fast. For such student and children and youth in school, arranging climateships as world cruise school, of course by high society top standards by environmentally friendly and healthy organisations, as with daily yoga and training. But very important girls and boys should bbe in their own ships, no mixing, except for celebrations, if several ships are travelling together, visiting Lomdon, New York, Shang Hai, Delhi and so fort, onn ships festivals may be arranged for all by codes of honor of high society. We say this, as much lse could be said, because exploitation f the streik organisation may damage children and youth. outh organisers says they seeks responsible grown ups, but perhaps as teenagers have best health and allready in the thirties by statisics says media, helath is damaged extremly, perhaps teenagers too, are most responsible,- the point is, do not leave responsibility to others take responsibility s in the information netwerk and inspire others to to the same. So much from Times Norway, what is going on at the same time elsewhere, anyone there to become editors?
Year of the Climate Library of Integrated Growth, Year 17th (about 2012)of Our Golden Age of Enlightenment and the reference years of the Library of the Unity of Science is presented by our Golden Times annual magazine and inaguration Monday 21th of March Spring Eqionox Scandinavia.Universitas Year introducing the Science of Wholeness was inagurated January 1980 anf Universitas Year 17 represents the reference year periode known as the Golden Age of Enlightenment by the opportunities of the Science of Wholeness Enterprise and the growth of opportunities by the revolution of science.
we read on the homepage of the studentorganisation founded at NTNU:
picture from the homepage of Anand:
Universitas Year for the Library of the Unity of Science (1991)
- the concept now called Universitas Library and a later year som 5 years + ago
Universitas Year for the Climate Library of Integrated Growth, gives another aspect of updated concept formation. There are many special focus libraries as for health also,. By the way we published a weekly newspapers Global Times in the ninethies with often used theme, climate change is like cancer owing to smoking, the ocean may stop producing oxygen and we all needs to breath, climatechange history has prooved the warning being most real, so we pointed out that daying from cancer, not stopping smoking, removing the cause, is no health care, as we damage the world with CO2 as before. A week or 2 later doctors and politicians supported our approach including stop selling oil for Norway, but as parties have infiltrated the climatestrike movement in Norway, this may be something else than support, rather the mafia perhaps protecting their interest, trying to be those representing the value, they are not terrorist against humanity, so they sent their idea to UN in Chile or something, not mentioning that the idea have been part of the common world and climate defence for 2 decades. This is interesting because they try to add the authorithy of doctors as interesting, more important, but it is going outsides medical aothorithy, as most questions of climate change, everyone can see the simplle logiv, mastery of deductional reasoning is not the main point as most of the important large questions. Everyone can understand and see so, lets hope it is a support for the green world transfor ation needed, it is supporting sharing the challenge of time by Friends of the World and or our common defence.
In Norway one may say school is kidnapping of children to slavery, without being political or religious we mention:
What kills a nation, slavery was the answere from a wise man more than 5000 years ago according to the story from India, Mahabaratha. It is there interesting to assist parents with better education and we suggest climateships combining school, cruise around the world with festivals, congresses, part time work and health focus, may give best education by supporting the childs or students wish for study and giving cooperation for building his furture home and flying car with mobil home. According to wise men 5000 years ago marriage is supperior to becomming an enlightened yogi, but maybe owing to climate change and how material values protecting family life is gained a family may become the opposite of giving a supperior position even for billionairs. An enligthened yogi and munk probably is supperior to most familiy position today, as the environment allready have collapsed, protecting the childrens future... Suggested even to get less children, only from this perspectiv this is rigth as for what is best is stop spending money, the effect og spending money within present situation is bad, that is why Global Bank with a currency only possible to be used for integrated growth products is a generous offer to the world today, the green world transformation currency may be gained by baying 1008 bonds, giving funding to a climate ship with 1008 stock companies, for a start, and bonds may be used to bay stocks in any of the companies by that project. 100 000 larger ships is planned as a minimum needed for cooling world ocean, but each floating island may have several smaller ships as well travelling together. Global Bank is selling coins in pure gold or silver, possible to order, giving a coin of the green Dhanan currency, no including Times of Global Integrity by Universitas Library, Integritynet, a new internet by legal and decent organisation, not to be taken to represent economic or other interests, celebrations etc.

MGE, - the new first peace price, we welcomes application by our common peace and climate defence or friends of the world.

Greata did not get the Nobel Peace Price, a good price would be giving it both to Greta and my foundation, joint, after all we established the climate library years before her. We have established 2 prices most importabt for discriminating between rigth and wrong, Member of our Global Empire may be said to be the most important award, we welcome applications including dedication to fulfil world development, most important peace price because memers may safe the world from World War 3. The other Ibsen Award Price in perspective of An Enemy of the People and climate jaws, by Spielsberg's Jaws. It is a realy big news, the Nobel Peace Commitee is nominated to the list of Extraordinary big climate Jaws, as their ignore World War 3 more brutal than WW2 because to day the entre atmosphere is made a deadly gas chamber. and the manifestation of the collapse of the world, most pribably allready here may come anytime by the present knowledge, and most likely sooner than by decades by simple mastery of the art of deductonal reasoning, it is not even difficult, most people may see the risks of the disturbed balances of climate infrastructure. The commitee on the list of nominted, comes from the oil producing parliment of Norway and gives the price to uphold their own international politics and to uplift the idea that state emplyees, well paid should deserve the price in order to do their job. So by the running away from the climate challenge trying to say it is not important, they may deserve the price, even though they state more and more that the price is according to the Nobel intentions, upholding their own politics and positions in the world, they even intervue their candidates, so it may be real corruption, they may sell the price. Perhaps good Greta did not receive it, would be indication of her giving up integrity, not by her but bay the mentality of the commitee. We seeks editors of this nomination.
It is a great joy to introduce The Health Liberary of Comparative Research Study, one of the research and development libraries of Universitas Library, as together with The Scandinavian climate Library of Integrated Growth and the new Library of Business Opportunities of Integrated Growth assisting the world with something far better than the patentregistration organisation which frm point og view of Norway even may be seen as illegal leaving vallue definition to something outside the demovratic controll of the statepovers of Norway and the constitution of Norway stating that lasting limmitation of buisiness freedom is not allowed. ,Hoever, intellctual property shoud be respected and we welcome all buisnesses and all people with good ideas and aspirations to find cooperation to develop them into succsess in society and all youth and students to communicte interest in joining in building new businesses in tweams of 108 and 1008 as a start, part time perhaps in several new companies, by integrated growth. Combining the best from all contributers in order to take the world up to date where corrution and education leave society 10-20 years behind in time, relatede to what it culd have beeb integrating the best of knowledge. Someone would say this is the innovation library of sustainable development, but it is much better better, "integrated growth" is the new concept where old concept as ours unity of science, technology, sustainable development (one must not sustain oil industry),, innovation, etc.. is by the corruption of knowledge, education, technology and accept of taking a job, contributing and getting a position in the world in order to build the wealth needed to establish a family as well, by doing the rigth things, not by worku\ing for money, and climate change give a natural duty and natural approach to doing good.