1008 Bonds, green world transformation bonds
The green world transformation industrial revolution of integrated growth also by transforming bonds in stocks of a climateship stock company or several of the 1008 stock companies of a climate fund .ship. one bond 1 million NOK by a ship where each company should have independent business opportunties or by one of those, as 1008 bonds related to energy, to water production or to the new 3D building material where many companies is natural by the standardized rules of the climatefund, which should have 50% of the stocks on behalf of the world society by non political world democracy and codes of honor.

The following material for 3D printing tailor of cubes with vacuum inside partly bound together by "ballones" of air for flexibility and movement supported by the structure where distance may by held by rubber or materials as by strings, too, is an opportunity for buisness where 1008 Bonds costing one million Nok may be bougth with the intention of transforming them into stocks of stock companies to realize this both for military and other appplications, as vacuum cubes take the hit, less sharing of the stress with other cubes, even a good idea for tanks and planes or used as bricks in walls, tick walls so concrete may go inbetween cubes, isolated with vacuum, perhaps 8-9 layers of hexagon cubic frames... This is example of the 1008 good buisness opportunities we have in order to promote the green world transformation, fulfil world economy bby revolutionary fast economic growth needed to replace the damaging world economy with healthy integrated growth. Economic independence is part of the vission, som billionairs can nt relate to people as slaves, but they may enjoy growing in wealth 2-12 times as much as now. We do not want to replace governments and buisneses, just add somethin new, Nrew Fundamental Economical World Oreder, we are non political and there is free competetion for all to join in realiting this, so by a bond or perhaps 1008 costing 1 million NOK in Norway or negotiate for 1008 Bonds in USA or elsewhere, costing perhaps 1 million dollar,
There are another 1008 bonds worth 1 million NOK eac for sale by the origional pyramid architecture found, shown above, also by the same 108 first large climateships with this as a building for flying cubes to land on and form towers for wind, solar and updraft tower energy and water production to cool the world ocean and remove CO2 by green growth by billions of ton of water transported by the air by balloones.

These Bonds goes by producing the new nation by Bir Tawil and 108 large ships, floating islands and cities of the greenworld transformation industrial reveloution of the green world transformmation urgently needed and also by around the world cruises with congresses, festivals, schools and universities, parttime work for many perhaps and visiting ancient pyramids and places around the world for global network building and new stock companies locally everywhere around the world by global integrity infrastructure of world peace. Please, be free to order bonds or join in building the stock companies with voluntary free workk as risk, but paid by stocks if succsess is enjoyed. a must, most urgent and or common world and climate defence the only strategy possible allowing you to contribute, enjoy and more be a friend of the world, not a terrorist against humanity, an enemy of the people.
There are several areas of 1008 bonds, one is health ,another is energy, third water production nd so fort. *it is a great joy to suggest thow the origional pyramids looked, economic with stones in the corners allowing ligth into the rooms around the dome which may enjoy ligth from the top.
The pyramidshape have all the technology as hovercraft and 3 shipconstructions application and is adding wave energy and better dynamic for the wings in the sea: The balloon with sides of the cyve 28,8m lifts 12 ton +, but then in relationship to the larger cube it is about half the pillars, not 108 x 40m about 4000m but but 60x 28,8m 1728m.

Bonds costing 1 million NOK by groups of 1008, 1008 Bonds may be for green transformation into stocks of one climateship project or one focus of integrated growth as combination of wind, solar, wave and updraft tower energy production within one part of the world, as Europe, Africa by the Gold Nile project or India as examples. bonds may by the green world transformation also be transformed into Global Bank by the green currency. All steps start with an application for baying or negotiating as for extraordinary good profit potential by inititation of a project and according to risk doubling the invested money, even 12 times the investment if possible for a limmited time as say 3 years or... Such negotiations possible by larger sums and concrete projects. *If you can by all 1008 Bonds and establish your own climateship project is also possible.